yiransheng / hn-activities-in-bq

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Github PK Tool:Github PK Tool

HN Frontpage Activity Monitoring with Webtask.io and Google BigQuery

What is this

This project consists of three components:

  • webtask cron job script (built using rollup.js) ./src
    • Every hour (or determined by other CRON configurations) the script takes two 15-seconds-apart snapshots of Hacker News frontpage statistics (top 25 stories and their rank, story point and comment count)
    • Streaming results to a BigQuery table for later batch analysis
  • Awebtask endpoint to serve last 24 hours worth of data from BigQuery ./serve
  • Some visualization and analysis using Jupyter and python BigQuery client ./analyze

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  1. Create a GCP service account, with BigQuery access, download a JSON key for the account

  2. Create an empty BigQuery table with the scheme specified in ./src/bq-schema.json

  3. Create webtask secrets file with the following content:

    gcloud=<content of json key>
    projectId=<gcp project id>
    datasetId=<bigquery dataset id>
    tableId=<bigquery table id>
  4. Set ENV variable WT_SECRECTS_FILE to the path of above file

  5. run ./deploy.sh

Running Jupyter Notebook

Configure the following environment variables:

export BQ_PRIVATE_KEY="/path/to/json_key";
export BQ_PROJECT_ID=<project id>
export BQ_DATASET_ID=<dataset id>
export BQ_TABLE_ID=<table id>

Start jupyter server:

jupyter notebook ./analyze

hnstats_collect: a webtask CRON job

To generate webtask script, run:

npm run build

This will bundle all source code in ./src and necessary library dependencies into a single javascript file as dist/index.js, in addition babel is used to transpile ES6+ code to ES5 and common js module format. Certain dependencies are skipped if they are provided by webtask run time. Such as request, stream, axios and crypto. For a detailed list refer to rollup.config.js.

To schedule a cron job running the following after webtask cli is installed:

# run every 30 minitues
wt cron 30m ./dist/index.js --name "hnstats_collect" --secrets-file <path to secrets file>

Code Overview

The core logic of data fetching is defined in src/main.js as an async function fetchStats. It fetches top 25 stories (filtering out type=job entries) using HackerNews api. Then the script waits 15 seconds (initial plan was wait 1-5 minutes, unfortunately this will cause webtask runtime timeout error). Afterwards the stats of the same 25 stories are refetched, with deltas in rank, story points and comment count computed. Finally the two set of entries are merged and pushed to BigQuery.

Challenges in Implementation

The most difficult part was to get dist/index.js fit under webtask's file size limit (12280 bytes). I had a misconception about webtask, I thought any external npm dependencies has to be inlined and bundled into a single file if they are not provided by webtask.

Official BigQuery client @google-cloud/bigquery has an enormous file size when bundled making it infeasible to use. I had to create a custom BigQuery client implementation (supporting only a single api I needed table.insertAll). Underlying authorization process (OAuth handshake and requesting correct google cloud scopes) is handled by google-service-account npm package - which depends on gtoken.

Unfortunately, when inlined, gtoken is still to big for webtask's taste - due to one of its dependencies google-p12-pem. To support full google clould api auth, gtoken needs to work with legacy p12 key. However, for my use case (using Google Service Account JSON key), this functionality is not needed. I finally solved this problem by using rollup-plugin-alias, and alias the google-p12-pem package to an empty module.

Overall this was a "frustratingly fun" process, hinting at some tradeoffs a "serverless" architecture like webtask tends to face.

hnstats_serve: a webtask endpoint

Note: I have not got this part working yet, webtask currently reports the following error even though said dependency was configured correctly in ./serve/package.json:

Error: ENOENT: no such file or directory, symlink '/data/_verquire/@google-cloud/bigquery/0.9.6/node_modules/@google-cloud/bigquery' -> '/data/io/f5a1dce3d96843738a4593cde3f2bf92/node_modules/@google-cloud/bigquery



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