yiransheng / comment-thread-prototype


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Generic Comment Thread


A very basic react + redux app, bootstrapped with create-react-app.

Demo Link

Some Shortcuts Taken

Due to time limit, quite a few corners were cut :)

  • Lack of propTypes on all components
    • During rapid prototyping, I find myself re-organizing component structure, renaming variables quite a lot, having to put correct propTypes (and defaultProps) in place gets a bit distracting
  • CSS modules (or css-in-js type solution)
    • Entire app is styled by a single global index.css, which is the default setup from create-react-app
    • This app does not include many components, and I did not want to spent a lot of time tweaking webpack configuration to wire up css modules
  • Testing
    • Unfortunately did not have enough time within three hours to add unit tests (will add some though)
  • Handling deep nesting
    • No special logic / system was setup to deal with deeply nested threads
    • I had an idea for an implementation similar to reddit, that is if a chain of comments gets too deep, instead of rendering the branches in the tree, simply put a "permlink" for the rest of the thread starting at current comment
      • To accomplish this, I would setup react-router and pass down threadId (either comment or top level post) through route params
      • Compared to the current state, top-level is is stored on rootReducer as a constant
      • Of course, with this approach, it's also necessary to implement 404 routes for non-existent ids
  • Optimization
    • Added reselect but did not got a chance to use it
    • Did not do any shouldComponentUpdate

That Said... Other things might be interesting

Seperating UI States and Domain Entities

My reducer is composed of two main keys: ui and entities.

entities stores a normalized version of all posts (just one) and comments (staring from 0). In real-world apps, it's usually preferred to split entities into seperate sub-trees by "kind" or "type". I did not do this, to simplify connect logic. entities are kept "clean" and free of presentational states, ready to be send / retrieved from server-side.

ui is modeld as a tagged union type, something can be roughly expressed as:

Data UIState = Idle | AddingComment { parentId:: String, body:: String, user:: String }

The ideas behind this particular approach are two-folds:

  • Many UI states can be naturally modeled as a state-machine
  • If this is a typed language, following the guideline of "making illegal state unrepresentable"
    • app starts as Idle
    • AddingComment variant is activates when user clicked "reply" button, and starts typing
    • When user clicks Submit or cancel, transition the state back to Idle (I did not implement cancel UI, but should be easy enough to do so)

On top of that, the ui reducer is also structured to take advantage of the data representation. When ui state is Idle, reducer only handles ADD_COMMENT type action (triggered by clicking "reply" button). Even if for some reason, an UPDATE_COMMENT or EDIT_COMMENT or SUBMIT_COMMENT action gets dispatched, the reducer will simply ignore it. Similarly, when a new comment is being edited (AddingComment), no ADD_COMENT action type is accepted.

I find this approach easier to reason about, as there's good guarantee that only one state is active at a time. In addition, this model can easily be extended with additional states / variants, for instances, SubmitingCommentToServer.




Language:JavaScript 93.2%Language:CSS 4.4%Language:HTML 2.3%