yippiekaiyay / hn-client

Geek Repo:Geek Repo

Github PK Tool:Github PK Tool

Build a Hacker News Client

We expect you to spend 1 to 2 hours writing a single page app using only Vanilla JavaScript. We are including Babel in this project, so es6 is ok. Please do not add any new dependencies.

Hacker News looks like: https://news.ycombinator.com/

If you aren't familiar with Hacker News, spend a few minutes to see how it works.

Running this app:

Install node:


Open your terminal and:

cd hn-client
npm install
npm start

The files you add or edit are in the src directory.

Then open your browser to http://localhost:3000


The Hacker News API is defined here https://github.com/HackerNews/API.



  1. There should be a header with the hacker news icon
  2. The Hacker News icon should link back to the landing page
  3. This header should be displayed on all pages
  4. Use the browser history API to link to internal pages

Landing Page:

  1. The landing page should display a list of current top stories
  2. Each list item should display the link to the story, comments
  3. When you click the title of the story, it should link and direct you to the story page
  4. When you click the comments link, it should link you to an in app page displaying all of the comments
  5. Have a button at the bottom of the landing page to load more stories

Comments Page:

  1. A comments page should list all of the comments for a story
  2. Comments should be able to be collapsable - a parent comment can collapse it's children
  3. Each comment should display its body text

Style points:

Avoiding UI libraries (e.g. Bootstrap), use your creativity to make the layout pop! Bonus points for using Flexbox.



Language:JavaScript 56.6%Language:CSS 39.4%Language:HTML 4.1%