yioneko / vtsls

LSP wrapper for typescript extension of vscode

Geek Repo:Geek Repo

Github PK Tool:Github PK Tool


This is an LSP wrapper around TypeScript extension bundled with VSCode. All features and performance are nearly the same.

Unlike other similar projects, this is implemented by filling VSCode APIs and applying minimal patches onto the extension to make it possible to keep up with the upstream updates and drastically reduce the burden of maintenance.

Notice: Though the server is suitable for regular use scenarios at the current stage, there is no absolute guarantee for its robustness as the behavior of the wrapped VSCode extension doesn't always keep 100% clear to me. Users can view this server as a best-effort product but possbily not as reliable as other functionally identical alternatives.


Install by npm install -g @vtsls/language-server, then run vtsls --stdio. Requires node >= 16.

TypeScript version

Similar to VSCode, the server is bundled with the latest TypeScript and the bundled version is used by default. To switch to the workspace version, use command typescript.selectTypeScriptVersion or set configuration option vtsls.autoUseWorkspaceTsdk to true. To ignore the bundled version set configuration option vtsls.typescript.globalTsdk to the alternative path.

LSP Features

See available server capabilities. Here are also references from VSCode.

Code Lens

The code lens command editor.action.showReferences should be executed by client, relevant LSP issue here. Command arguments:

[uri: DocumentUri, codeLensStart: Position, locations: Location[]]


Some other commands are undocumented because either it is private for server or not tested.

command: (arguments => result)

  • typescript.openTsServerLog

  • typescript.restartTsServer

  • typescript.reloadProjects

  • javascript.reloadProjects

  • typescript.selectTypeScriptVersion

  • typescript.goToSourceDefinition: [DocumentUri, Position] => Location[]

  • typescript.findAllFileReferences: [DocumentUri] => Location[]

  • typescript.goToProjectConfig: [DocumentUri] => null

  • javascript.goToProjectConfig: [DocumentUri] => null

  • _typescript.configurePlugin: [pluginName: string, config: any] => any

  • typescript.tsserverRequest: [RequestType, args: any, config: any] => any

    See CommandTypes for available tsserver commands.

  • typescript.organizeImports: [filePath: string] => any

  • typescript.sortImports: [filePath: string] => any

  • javascript.sortImports: [filePath: string] => any

  • typescript.removeUnusedImports: [filePath: string] => any

  • javascript.removeUnusedImports: [filePath: string] => any

Code Actions

Same as VSCode. The list below may be outdated.

Source Actions

  • source.organizeImports
  • source.sortImports
  • source.removeUnusedImports
  • source.fixAll.ts
  • source.removeUnused.ts
  • source.addMissingImports.ts


  • refactor.extract.function
  • refactor.extract.constant
  • refactor.extract.type
  • refactor.extract.interface
  • refactor.move.newFile
  • refactor.move.file
  • refactor.rewrite.import
  • refactor.rewrite.export
  • refactor.rewrite.arrow.braces
  • refactor.rewrite.property.generateAccessors

Inline refactor action can carry an additional editor.action.rename command for immediate renaming of new extracted symbol. The command should be executed on the client side. Command arguments:

[uri: DocumentUri, position: Position][]
Move to file refactor

This action is disabled by default because its correct functioning requires special handling on the client side. Set vtsls.enableMoveToFileCodeAction to true to let the server expose this code action with a _typescript.moveToFileRefactoring command. Command arguments:

[action: any, uri: DocumentUri, range: Range]

On the client side, the client should firstly ask user to select a target move file, and append the path of file to the command arguments:

[action: any, uri: DocumentUri, range: Range, targetFile: string]

Then send the workspace/executeCommand request to server with the original command while the command arguments is modified as above.

Update paths on rename

Require client to send workspace/didRenameFiles notification on rename of file/folder.


Almost the same as the original VSCode extension, with a few additional settings excluded for this server (prefixed with vtsls.).

See the configuration schema here.


Please see Known issues first.

Server stuck or crashed on large repo

If any typescript plugins have been activated, try to disable all of them first. The plugins could be specified in either tsconfig.json or vtsls.tsserver.globalPlugins setting.

Set typescript.tsserver.maxTsServerMemory to a higher value, such as 8192. The memory usage of tsserver increases in propotion to the scale of project it handles. To prevent tsserver from quickly exhausting the host RAM and making everything unusable, there is a default setting typescript.tsserver.maxTsServerMemory which is passed as --max-old-space-size to the tsserver node process. VSCode defaults the limit to 3072 (3GB), which may be insufficient for some really large projects. In such cases, frequent GC might be triggered, and tsserver could become stuck or crash due to memory allocation failures.

Bad performance of completion

tsserver could throw out plenty of completion entries, most of them are globally accessible variables, modules or namespaces. Some LSP clients have poor performance for fuzzy matching or filtering, and cause noticeable delay of completion.

Instead of switching client, some server configuration options could also make partial optimizations:

  • vtsls.experimental.completion.enableServerSideFuzzyMatch: before returning all the completion candidates from tsserver, the server will do fuzzy matching and filter out entries with no match. This can reduce the number of invalid entries in the response.
  • vtsls.experimental.completion.entriesLimit: set the maximum number of completion entries to return.
  • typescript.preferences.includePackageJsonAutoImports = 'off'
  • typescript.preferences.autoImportFileExcludePatterns

TypeScript plugin not activated

If the plugin is specified in project package.json and installed locally:

  • Ensure the plugin is also specified in compilerOptions.plugins field of tsconfig.json.
  • Switch to workspace version of tsserver by command typescript.selectTypeScriptVersion or config option vtsls.autoUseWorkspaceTsdk.
  • Alternatively, set typescript.tsserver.pluginPaths = ["./node_modules"] to tell the bundled tsserver to search plugins in project local node_modules folder.

Or if the plugin resides elsewhere, typically when you want to test a plugin without locally installing it to your package or modifying tsconfig.json: use config option vtsls.tsserver.globalPlugins. An example for styled-components support:

    "name": "@styled/typescript-styled-plugin",
    "location": "/usr/local/lib/node_modules",
    "enableForWorkspaceTypeScriptVersions": true,


  • Set typescript.tsserver.log in configuration
  • Execute command typescript.openTsServerLog

Editor Integration

Neovim | nvim-lspconfig nvim-vtsls

Not Planned

Some not editor-agnostic features in VSCode:

  • Read TypeScript plugin from VSCode extensions
  • Running in browser, the server only targets on Node environment
  • Copilot integration namely AI code actions in VSCode

Plus any features not supported in VSCode.



git submodule update --init
pnpm install
pnpm build # or pnpm build:watch

The server executable is at packages/server/bin. To test it globally, run cd packages/server && sudo npm install -g ., then vtsls should be available in $PATH.

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LSP wrapper for typescript extension of vscode



Language:TypeScript 93.9%Language:JavaScript 6.1%