yioneko / indentlines-decorator

Geek Repo:Geek Repo

Github PK Tool:Github PK Tool


This is a implementation of indent lines using decoration provider api of neovim to resolve several hard problems of the well knonwn plugin indent-blankline.nvim:

  • Work with horizontal scrolling.
  • Indent lines of folded lines now will be correctly drawn on open.
  • Completely sync with nvim window redrawing and never flicker.
  • On demand redraw, only lines needing redrawn will be rerendered. Performance might be better on large screen.
  • Incorporate idea from echasnovski/mini.indentscope to highlight cursor indent scope and not rely on treesitter which has bad perf on large file.

Special thanks to the mentioned plugins above.


  • This is a POC implementation and not well tested. Issues are generally expected.
  • I won't maintain this actively in the near future. To use it, just copy the single source file to dotfiles. And feel free to use idea or implementation here.


    get_opts = function(bufnr)
        if vim.bo[bufnr].buftype == "" then -- or any test logic you want
            return { enabled = true }



Language:Lua 100.0%