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  3. Learn Data Science and AI Online | DataCamp
  4. Coursera | Degrees, Certificates, & Free Online Courses
  5. Intro to Python Tutorial | Python Tutorial | python-course.eu
  6. Python Data Science Handbook | Python Data Science Handbook
  7. Jack Cui | 关注人工智能及互联网的个人网站
  8. 静觅丨崔庆才的个人站点
  9. Introduction - Python3网络爬虫开发实战
  10. Python Resources for working with Excel - Working with Excel Files in Python
  11. Python Tutor - Visualize Python, Java, C, C++, JavaScript, TypeScript, and Ruby code execution
  12. Pandas_Cheat_Sheet.pdf
  13. Welcome — Sphinx documentation
  14. Bash Script Beautifier (Python)
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  16. DB-Engines - Knowledge Base of Relational and NoSQL Database Management Systems
  17. NoSQL Databases List by Hosting Data - Updated 2020
  18. SQL Fiddle
  19. db<>fiddle
  20. Online Compiler and IDE >> C/C++, Java, PHP, Python, Perl and 70+ other compilers and interpreters - Ideone.com
  21. GDB online Debugger | Compiler - Code, Compile, Run, Debug online C, C++
  22. Repl.it - The collaborative browser based IDE
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  26. AMiner - AI赋能科技情报挖掘
  27. arXiv.org e-Print archive
  28. The latest in Machine Learning | Papers With Code
  29. Art of Problem Solving
  30. Index of /rfc
  31. Convert HTML to PDF - Pdfcrowd
  32. Convert curl commands to code
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  34. Online Tools
  35. tldr pages
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  37. SQL 格式化/压缩工具 | 菜鸟工具
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  41. Fiddler| Web Debugging Proxy and Troubleshooting Solutions
  42. 雷锋网_读懂智能&未来
  43. USTC Open Source Software Mirror
  44. JSON
  45. Stack Overflow - Where Developers Learn, Share, & Build Careers
  46. NSIS: Nullsoft Scriptable Install System download | SourceForge.net
  47. Pentaho from Hitachi Vantara download | SourceForge.net
  48. Documentation - Hitachi Vantara Lumada and Pentaho Documentation
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