yildizserhat / movie-app

Geek Repo:Geek Repo

Github PK Tool:Github PK Tool

Movie Application

The application should indicate whether a movie won a “Best Picture” Oscar, given a movie’s title based on this API and the CSV file that contains winners from 1927 until 2010. It should also allow users to give a rating to movies and provide a list of 10 top-rated movies ordered by box office value.

API Reference

User must be register to use the other endpoints.

  GET /login
Parameter Type Description
email string Required.

Indicate whether the movie wins Best Picture or not.

  GET /v1/movies/best-picture/{title}
Parameter Type Description
title string Required.

User can rate any movie.

  GET /v1/movie-rating/{title}/{rate}
Parameter Type Description
title string Required.
rate double Required.

Get top ten rated movies by user

  GET /v1/movie-rating/top-ten-rated-movies



Tech Stack

Technologies: Java 17, Spring Boot, MySQL database, Docker, TestContainer, Junit, Mockito, Integration Test, Feign Client, Spring Security



Language:Java 99.8%Language:Dockerfile 0.2%