yildizmy / import-data-using-apache-commons-csv

Spring Boot application for importing csv file into MySQL db using Apache Commons CSV

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Import data into MySQL using Apache Commons CSV

Project used for importing csv file into MySQL database using Apache Commons CSV.


Spring Boot provides some properties with which we can add the exception message, exception class, or even a stack trace as part of the response payload:


Using these Spring Boot server properties in our application.properties we can alter the error response to some extent.

Note that we’ve set the property include-stacktracee to on_trace_param which means that only if we include the trace param in the URL (?trace=true), we’ll get a stack trace in the response payload:

We might want to keep the value of include-stacktrace flag to never, at least in production, as it might reveal the internal workings of our application.

Getting Started


  • Spring Web
  • Spring Boot
  • Spring Data JPA
  • Apache Commons CSV
  • MySQL Database


  • Run the following command in the project root for creating MySQL database in Docker
docker-compose up -d

To set container name as mysql instead of the folder name where docker-compose.yml file is located, use the following command:

docker-compose -f docker-compose.yml -p "mysql" up

  • Database connection url:

API Endpoints

All URIs are relative to http://localhost:8080/api/v1

Class Method HTTP request Description
EmployeeController importFile POST /employees/import Import list of employees file
EmployeeController findByEmail GET /employees/{email} Get employee by email
EmployeeController findAll GET /employees Get all employees
EmployeeController deleteAll DELETE /employees Delete all employees


Apache Commons CSV User Guide
Hibernate ORM 5.6.10.Final User Guide
Hibernate Natural Ids with @NaturalId
The best way to map a @NaturalId business key with JPA and Hibernate
How to Use Hibernate Natural IDs in Spring Boot


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Version History






Spring Boot application for importing csv file into MySQL db using Apache Commons CSV


Language:Java 100.0%