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MUSHclient plugins

Home Page:http://www.gammon.com.au/forum/?bbtopic_id=108

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Plugins for use with MUSHclient.

For installation instructions see: http://www.gammon.com.au/plugins/

Name:     AFK_timer.xml
Date:     Sat 08 Oct 2005
Purpose:  Automatically sends "afk" after 5 minutes
Info at:  http://www.gammon.com.au/forum/bbshowpost.php?id=5964

Name:     ANSI_Log.xml
Date:     Fri 25 Jul 2003
Purpose:  Attempts to log in ANSI colours to the log file.
Info at:  http://www.gammon.com.au/forum/bbshowpost.php?id=3016

Name:     Add_NewLine_To_Prompt.xml
Date:     Sun 22 Oct 2006
Purpose:  Adds a "newline" character to MUD prompts
Info at:  http://www.gammon.com.au/forum/bbshowpost.php?id=7430

Name:     Auto_Say_Visualizer.xml
Date:     Thu 10 Jul 2008
Purpose:  Changes the colour of the command window when auto-say active.
Info at:  http://www.gammon.com.au/forum/bbshowpost.php?id=8766

Name:     Combat_Text.xml
Date:     Sun 08 Feb 2009
Purpose:  Shows combat messages in big letters in your output window.
Info at:  http://www.gammon.com.au/forum/bbshowpost.php?id=9225

Name:     Command_Throttler.xml
Date:     Thu 01 May 2008
Purpose:  Throttles (slows down) rate at which commands are sent to the MUD.
Info at:  http://www.gammon.com.au/forum/bbshowpost.php?id=8634

Name:     Convert_Packet_Debug.xml
Date:     Mon 20 Jul 2009 
Purpose:  Converts packet-debug output into format for debugging.
Info at:  http://www.gammon.com.au/forum/bbshowpost.php?id=9609

Name:     Current_Output_Window.xml
Date:     Sun 24 May 2009
Purpose:  Shows recent MUD output in a miniwindow.
Info at:  http://www.gammon.com.au/forum/bbshowpost.php?id=9454

Name:     Encrypted_Chat.xml
Date:     Fri 10 Dec 2004
Purpose:  Encrypts chat sessions.
Info at:  http://www.gammon.com.au/forum/bbshowpost.php?id=4998

Name:     Exits_Window.xml
Date:     Sat 07 Feb 2009
Purpose:  Shows current exits in a miniwindow.
Info at:  http://www.gammon.com.au/forum/bbshowpost.php?id=9222

Name:     Experience_Bar.xml
Date:     Sun 08 Feb 2009
Purpose:  Shows experience (amount needed to level) in a bar.
Info at:  http://www.gammon.com.au/forum/bbshowpost.php?id=9224

Name:     Experience_Bar_Telnet.xml
Date:     Wed 03 Feb 2010
Purpose:  Shows experience bar - data from telnet negotiation.
Info at:  http://www.gammon.com.au/forum/bbshowpost.php?id=10043&page=1

Name:     Grab.xml
Date:     Fri 15 Nov 2002
Purpose:  Grab MUSH attributes into command window, ready for editing.
Info at:  http://www.gammon.com.au/forum/bbshowpost.php?id=1997

Name:     Health_Bar_Miniwindow.xml
Date:     Tue 24 Feb 2009
Purpose:  Shows health / mana / movement in a miniwindow.
Info at:  http://www.gammon.com.au/forum/bbshowpost.php?id=9270

Name:     Health_Bar_Miniwindow_MM.xml
Date:     Sat 13 Feb 2010
Purpose:  Shows health / mana / movement in a window for Materia Magica MUD.
Info at:  http://www.gammon.com.au/forum/bbshowpost.php?id=9270

Name:     Health_Bar_Miniwindow_Telnet
Date:     Wed 03 Feb 2010
Purpose:  Shows health / mana / movement in a miniwindow - data from telnet info.
Info at:  http://www.gammon.com.au/forum/bbshowpost.php?id=10043&page=1

Name:     Level_Timer.xml
Date:     Mon 11 Aug 2003
Purpose:  Shows how long it took you to level.
Info at:  http://www.gammon.com.au/forum/bbshowpost.php?id=3102

Name:     Lua_Chat.xml
Date:     21 Dec 2005
Purpose:  Interface to Chat system, written in Lua.
Info at:  http://www.gammon.com.au/mushclient/chat.htm

Name:     MudDatabase.xml
Date:     Thu 07 Nov 2002
Purpose:  Demonstrates interfacing with a database.
Info at:  http://www.gammon.com.au/forum/bbshowpost.php?id=1958

Name:     NewActivity.xml
Date:     Sun 27 Oct 2002
Purpose:  Switch to next open world with new activity in it.
Info at:  http://www.gammon.com.au/forum/bbshowpost.php?id=1908

Name:     Omit_Blank_Lines.xml
Date:     Thu 10 Jul 2008
Purpose:  Omits completely blank lines from MUD output.
Info at:  http://www.gammon.com.au/forum/bbshowpost.php?id=8768

Name:     Play_Random_Sound.xml
Date:     Tue 24 Jun 2008 
Purpose:  Plays a sound chosen at random from a folder.
Info at:  http://www.gammon.com.au/forum/bbshowpost.php?id=8721

Name:     Plugin_Installer.xml
Date:     Thu 10 Jul 2008
Purpose:  Scans a folder and installs all plugins found in it.
Info at:  http://www.gammon.com.au/forum/bbshowpost.php?id=8767

Name:     Random_Socials.xml
Date:     Thu 03 May 2007
Purpose:  Occasionally does a randomly-chosen "social" command.
Info at:  http://www.gammon.com.au/forum/bbshowpost.php?id=7855

Name:     Reconnecter.xml
Date:     Mon 30 Sep 2002
Purpose:  Automatically reconnects you if you are disconnected.
Info at:  http://www.gammon.com.au/forum/bbshowpost.php?id=1802

Name:     sapi.xml
Date:     Sat 14 Apr 2007
Purpose:  Text to speech for screenreader Jaws.
Info at:  http://www.gammon.com.au/forum/bbshowpost.php?id=7767

Name:     Send_Input_To_Main_World.xml
Date:     Thu 10 Jul 2008
Purpose:  Sends commands typed in one world, to another one.
Info at:  http://www.gammon.com.au/forum/bbshowpost.php?id=8769

Name:     Slow_speedwalk.xml
Date:     Mon 24 Oct 2005
Purpose:  Does "slow" speedwalk - waits until you reach each room.
Info at:  http://www.gammon.com.au/forum/bbshowpost.php?id=6008

Name:     TTS_SystemAccess.xml
Date:     Sat 05 Dec 2009
Purpose:  Text to speech for screenreader System Access.
Info at:  http://www.gammon.com.au/forum/bbshowpost.php?id=9900

Name:     Thesaurus.xml
Date:     Fri 13 Oct 2006
Purpose:  Thesaurus interface (look up similar words)
Info at:  http://www.gammon.com.au/forum/bbshowpost.php?id=7412

Name:     Timer.xml
Date:     Thu 04 Mar 2004 
Purpose:  Shows how long you have been connected in the status bar.
Info at:  http://www.gammon.com.au/forum/bbshowpost.php?id=3888

Name:     Trace_To_Notepad.xml
Date:     Thu 05 Feb 2009
Purpose:  Redirects "trace" output to a notepad window.
Info at:  http://www.gammon.com.au/forum/bbshowpost.php?id=9217

Name:     Trace_Window.xml
Date:     Thu 05 Feb 2009
Purpose:  Redirects "trace" output to a miniwindow.
Info at:  http://www.gammon.com.au/forum/bbshowpost.php?id=9218

Name:     World_Activity_Bar.xml
Date:     Wed 18 Feb 2009
Purpose:  Shows activity in other worlds in a "button bar" (by number).
Info at:  http://www.gammon.com.au/forum/bbshowpost.php?id=9247

Name:     World_Name_Bar.xml
Date:     Fri 29 May 2009
Purpose:  Shows activity in other worlds in a window, listing by name.
Info at:  http://www.gammon.com.au/forum/bbshowpost.php?id=9462


Aardwolf plugins (aardwolf folder)

Name:     aardwolf/AFK_Detector.xml
Date:     Sun 13 Jul 2008
Purpose:  Detects if you are AFK for the benefit of other plugins.
Info at:  http://www.gammon.com.au/forum/bbshowpost.php?id=8779

Name:     aardwolf/Aardwolf_BigMap_Graphical.xml
Date:     Sun 26 Jul 2009
Purpose:  Shows the "big map" (zone map) in a miniwindow.
Info at:  07a562eee63e9577db747e32

Name:     aardwolf/Aardwolf_Campaign_Noter.xml
Date:     15 Jul 2008
Purpose:  Tracks your current campaign in a notepad window.
Info at:  http://www.gammon.com.au/forum/bbshowpost.php?id=8815

Name:     aardwolf/Aardwolf_Campaign_Noter_mw.xml
Date:     Sun 27 Jul 2008
Purpose:  Tracks your current campaign in a miniwindow.
Info at:  http://www.gammon.com.au/forum/bbshowpost.php?id=8815

Name:     aardwolf/Aardwolf_Chat_Hyperlinked.xml
Date:     Sun 30 Aug 2009
Purpose:  Chat plugin with hyperlinks.
Info at:  http://www.gammon.com.au/forum/bbshowpost.php?id=9713

Name:     aardwolf/Aardwolf_Consider_Miniwindow.xml
Date:     http://www.gammon.com.au/forum/bbshowpost.php?id=9681
Purpose:  Shows "consider all" output in a miniwindow.
Info at:  http://www.gammon.com.au/forum/bbshowpost.php?id=9681

Name:     aardwolf/Aardwolf_Exp_gain.xml
Date:     Sun 13 Jul 2008
Purpose:  Estimates time to level based on mob kill rate.
Info at:  http://www.gammon.com.au/forum/bbshowpost.php?id=8777

Name:     aardwolf/Aardwolf_Experience_Bar.xml
Date:     Wed 08 Jul 2009 
Purpose:  Shows experience (amount needed to level) in a bar.
Info at:  http://www.gammon.com.au/forum/bbshowpost.php?id=9576

Name:     aardwolf/Aardwolf_Health_Bar_Miniwindow.xml
Date:     Wed 08 Jul 2009
Purpose:  Shows health / mana / moves in a miniwindow.
Info at:  http://www.gammon.com.au/forum/bbshowpost.php?id=9575

Name:     aardwolf/Aardwolf_Help.xml
Date:     Sun 13 Jul 2008
Purpose:  Shows help output in separate notepad windows.
Info at:  aardwolf/Aardwolf_Help.xml

Name:     aardwolf/Aardwolf_Help_mw.xml
Date:     Mon 28 Jul 2008
Purpose:  Shows help output in separate miniwindows.
Info at:  aardwolf/Aardwolf_Help_mw.xml

Name:     aardwolf/Aardwolf_Helplist.xml
Date:     Thu 10 Jul 2008
Purpose:  Shows general information about the game in a separate world window.
Info at:  http://www.gammon.com.au/forum/bbshowpost.php?id=8770

Name:     aardwolf/Aardwolf_Map_mw.xml
Date:     Sun 27 Jul 2008
Purpose:  Shows minimap in a miniwindow.
Info at:  http://www.gammon.com.au/forum/bbshowpost.php?id=8816

Name:     aardwolf/Aardwolf_Quest_Tracker_mw.xml
Date:     Sun 27 Jul 2008
Purpose:  Shows current quest in a miniwindow.
Info at:  http://www.gammon.com.au/forum/bbshowpost.php?id=8814

Name:     aardwolf/Aardwolf_Scan.xml
Date:     Sat 10 Oct 2009
Purpose:  Does a "scan" showing results in a miniwindow.
Info at:  73766b7b4dfab1cd1ce9494d

Name:     aardwolf/Aardwolf_Spellups.xml
Date:     Sun 13 Jul 2008
Purpose:  Automatically does "spell-ups" (buffs).
Info at:  http://www.gammon.com.au/forum/bbshowpost.php?id=8780

Name:     aardwolf/Consider_info.xml
Date:     Wed 06 Aug 2008
Purpose:  Modifies "consider" output to estimate mob levels.
Info at:  http://www.gammon.com.au/forum/bbshowpost.php?id=8847

Name:     aardwolf/Copy_Colour_Output.xml
Date:     Mon 28 Jul 2008
Purpose:  Copies MUD output, adding colour codes back in.
Info at:  http://www.gammon.com.au/forum/bbshowpost.php?id=8821

Name:     aardwolf/Create_World_File.xml
Date:     Sun 13 Jul 2008
Purpose:  Creates a dummy world file - needed by some plugins.
Info at:  http://www.gammon.com.au/forum/bbshowpost.php?id=8782

Name:     aardwolf/Helplist_Miniwindow.xml
Date:     Wed 12 Aug 2009 
Purpose:  Shows general information about the game in a miniwindow.
Info at:  http://www.gammon.com.au/forum/bbshowpost.php?id=9664

Name:     aardwolf/Playing_Detector.xml
Date:     Sun 13 Jul 2008
Purpose:  Detects if you are playing - used by some other plugins.
Info at:  http://www.gammon.com.au/forum/bbshowpost.php?id=8778

Name:     aardwolf/Spellups.mcl
Date:     Sun 13 Jul 2008
Purpose:  Dummy world file used by spellups plugin.
Info at:  http://www.gammon.com.au/forum/bbshowpost.php?id=8780

Name:     aardwolf/Stats_Detector.xml
Date:     Sun 13 Jul 2008
Purpose:  Detects your stats, broadcasts to other plugins.
Info at:  http://www.gammon.com.au/forum/bbshowpost.php?id=8776

Name:     aardwolf/telnet_options.lua
Date:     Sun 13 Jul 2008
Purpose:  Helps with telnet negotiation.
Info at:  http://www.gammon.com.au/forum/bbshowpost.php?id=8775


MUSHclient plugins



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