yieme / QubesTricks

Qubes Tricks, Scripts, and Tips

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My respository of scripts, tricks, and tips regarding Qubes-OS.

After spending a few lazy years newf#$!ng LinuxMint, and then a few more as an impotent GUI-only user of Qubes, I decided enough was enough. I even shelled out (too much) cash on a Monero pump to buy a shiny new Purism 15v4, and set out to better understand the OS and improve my security, from the "BIOS" up (Coreboot actually).

Fast forward 9 months, I'm now being considered for entry into the elite cadre of "Qubes Power Users", a prestigous organization which I just made up. Well, at any rate, I did learn a few things that I think are useful, specficially regarding the Pursim Laptop 15v4; as well as writing some pretty sweet scripts, particularly for those who smartly run i3 Window Manager.

If you're a newb, read the docs, starting with 'Optimal_Qubes_Setup'
If you're a script kiddie like me, install i3 immediately. Steal my shit
If you're a pro, cruel tutelage please.


Qubes Tricks, Scripts, and Tips


Language:Shell 100.0%