yidas / line-notify-sdk-php

LINE Notify SDK for PHP

Geek Repo:Geek Repo

Github PK Tool:Github PK Tool

LINE Notify SDK for PHP

LINE Notify SDK for PHP

Latest Stable Version License



Sample Codes Site for LINE Notify

As a quick start, use Auth client to create an authorize URL with callback redirectUrl for redirection:

$lineNotifyAuth = new \yidas\lineNotify\Auth([
    'clientId' => 'i5zOKhJ9hGyRYdCk281wJr',
    'clientSecret' => '************************',

$authUrl = $$lineNotifyAuth->getAuthUrl("http://localhost/redirectUrl.php");
// header("Location: {$authUrl}");

Next, use Auth client to get accessToken on callback URL (redirectUrl.php), then use Notify client to send notifications with accessToken:

// Get accessToekn by automatically obtaining callback code from query string
$accessToken = $lineNotifyAuth->getAccessToken();

// Send notification with accessToken (Concurrency supported)
$lineNotify = new \yidas\lineNotify\Notify($accessToken);
$result = $lineNotify->notify('Hello!');


This library requires the following:

Client for LINE Notify

Each LINE Notify service require authentication information for integration, as shown below:

  • Client ID
  • Client Secret

To get a LINE Notify Client:

  1. Register a new LINE Notify service from LINE Notify - Add service with redirectUrl setting.
  2. After registering, get your service's clientId/clientSecret from LINE Notify - Manage registered services (service provider) for integration.


Run Composer in your project:

composer require yidas/line-notify-sdk ~1.0.0

Then you could use SDK class after Composer is loaded on your PHP project:

require __DIR__ . '/vendor/autoload.php';

use yidas\lineNotify\Auth;
use yidas\lineNotify\Notify;


Before using any API methods, first you need to create a Client with configuration, then use the client to access LINE Notify API methods.

Auth Client

Create a LINE Notify Auth Client with API Authentication:

$lineNotifyAuth = new \yidas\lineNotify\Auth([
    'clientId' => 'Your LINE Notify service's client ID',
    'clientSecret' => 'Your LINE Notify service's client Secret',
    // 'debug' => true,
    // 'log' => true,
  • array $config:
Key Required Type Default Description
clientId Y string LINE Notify service's client ID
clientSecret Y string LINE Notify service's client Secret
debug N boolean false Debug mode: Throw error exception when API request or result fails
log N boolean false Log mode: Save all responses to each API request


Get LINE Notify OAuth authorize URL

public string getAuthUrl(string $redirectUrl=null, string $state='none', string $responseMode=null)


// Set redirectUrl to `/callback` from the same path of current URL
define('LINE_NOTIFY_REDIRECT_URL', \yidas\lineNotify\Auth::getWebPath() . "/callback");
$authUrl = $lineNotifyAuth->getAuthUrl(LINE_NOTIFY_REDIRECT_URL);


Get AccessToken with redirectUrl and callback's code

public string getAccessToken(string $redirectUri=false, string $code=false, boolean $stateForVerify=false)


$accessToken = $lineNotifyAuth->getAccessToken(LINE_NOTIFY_REDIRECT_URL, $_GET['code'], 'CSRF state for verifying');


Get code on callback redirect URL

static public string getCode(string $stateForVerify=false)


Get current web URL path

static public string getWebPath()

Notify Client

Create a LINE Notify Client with accessToekn setting:

$lineNotify = new \yidas\lineNotify\Notify('HkyggKbHymoS*****************sFuVfa0mlcBNPI', [
    // 'debug' => true,
    // 'log' => true,
  • string|array $accessTokens: Support single or multiple accessTokens for notification
  • array $config:
Key Required Type Default Description
debug N boolean false Debug mode: Throw error exception when API request or result fails
log N boolean false Log mode: Save all responses to each API request


Send notification concurrently based on accessToken(s)

public integer notify(string $message, array $options=[], string|array $accessTokens=false)

Return Values: Number of successful notifications


// Send single notification with one accessToken
$lineNotify = new \yidas\lineNotify\Notify('HkyggKbHymoS*****************sFuVfa0mlcBNPI');
$result = $lineNotify->notify('Hello!');

// Send notification for multiple accessTokens concurrently
$lineNotify = new \yidas\lineNotify\Notify(['GymoS****', 'Afa0****']);
$sccessNum = $lineNotify->notify('Hello everyone!');
Option Type Description
message string 1000 characters max
imageThumbnail HTTP/HTTPS URL Maximum size of 240×240px JPEG
imageFullsize HTTP/HTTPS URL Maximum size of 2048×2048px JPEG
imageFile string Local file path
stickerPackageId number Package ID. (Sticker List)
stickerId number Sticker ID.
notificationDisabled boolean Deault is false


$lineNotify = new \yidas\lineNotify\Notify(['HkyggKbHymoS*****************sFuVfa0mlcBNPI']);

// Send notification with image URL options
$successNum = $lineNotify->notify(false, [
    'message' => 'Image Notify',
// Send notification with image upload options
$successNum = $lineNotify->notify(false, [
    'message' => 'Image Notify',
    'imageFile' => '/tmp/filename.png',
// Send notification with sticker options
$successNum = $lineNotify->notify(false, [
    'message' => 'Sticker Notify',
    'stickerPackageId' => 1,
    'stickerId' => 100,

imageFile requires to be a file path of string type


Check accessToken connection status

public array status(string $accessToken)


$response = $lineNotify->status('HkyggKbHymoS*****************sFuVfa0mlcBNPI');
$statusCode = $response['status'];


Revoke accessToken on the connected service side

public  revoke(string $accessToken)


$result = $lineNotify->revoke('HkyggKbHymoS*****************sFuVfa0mlcBNPI');


Set AccessTokens for sending notification

public self setAccessTokens(array $accessTokens=[])


Add an AccessToken for sending notification

public self addAccessToken(string $accessToken)


Get last response's Rate Limit information

public array getRateLimit()

Shared Methods


Get response logs when log mode is enabled

public array getResponseLogs()


LINE Notify (EN)

LINE Notify API Document (EN)


LINE Notify SDK for PHP

License:MIT License


Language:PHP 100.0%