yichingwu / ansible-role-multi-redis

Ansible Role - Multi Redis Deployment on RHEL / CentOS

Home Page:https://galaxy.ansible.com/davidalger/multi_redis

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Ansible Role: Multi-Redis

Build Status

Installs multiple instances of Redis 5 from IUS Community Project RPMs on RHEL / CentOS 7 and from AppStreams on RHEL / CentOS 8. Where archived verions of redis are required (such as Redis 3.0, 3.1 or 3.2), the ius-archive repository may be enabled to facilitate installing older versions on EL 7 (versions older than 5.0 are not supported on EL 8)

Currently this role installs redis pre-configured with defaults tuned for Magento. Some of these defaults may be different if this role is used to deploy redis in a non-Magento environment. See defaults/main.yml for details.



Role Variables

redis_version: 5

On EL 7 any redis version supported by IUS RPMs may be specified: 30, 32, etc. For EL 8 only newer versions such as '5' (and later, once they are released as additional module streams) are supported.

See defaults/main.yml for complete list of variables available to customize the redis services.


  • davidalger.repo_ius
  • davidalger.selinux

Example Playbook

  • Production triple-redis deployment:

      - { role: redis, tags: redis, redis_instance: { name: obj, port: 6379 }}
      - { role: redis, tags: redis, redis_instance: { name: fpc, port: 6381 }}
      - { role: redis, tags: redis, redis_instance: { name: ses, port: 6380, save: yes }}
  • Stage triple-redis deployment:

      - { role: redis, tags: redis, redis_instance: { name: stage-obj, port: 6389 }}
      - { role: redis, tags: redis, redis_instance: { name: stage-fpc, port: 6391 }}
      - { role: redis, tags: redis, redis_instance: { name: stage-ses, port: 6390, save: yes }}
  • Customized Instance Configs

    Override defaults and supply maxmemory-policy in the instance config instead of the base config:

      # Key/value hash of settings for /etc/redis-{{ redis_instance.name }}.conf
        - maxmemory-policy: "volatile-lru"
      # Key/value hash of settings for /etc/redis-base.conf
        - daemonize: "yes"
        - timeout: "0"
        - loglevel: "notice"
        - databases: "2"
        - rdbcompression: "no"
        - dbfilename: "dump.rdb"
        - appendonly: "no"
        - appendfsync: "everysec"
        - no-appendfsync-on-rewrite: "no"
        - slowlog-log-slower-than: "10000"
        - slowlog-max-len: "1024"
        - list-max-ziplist-entries: "512"
        - list-max-ziplist-value: "64"
        - set-max-intset-entries: "512"
        - zset-max-ziplist-entries: "128"
        - zset-max-ziplist-value: "64"
        - activerehashing: "yes"
        - slave-serve-stale-data: "yes"
        - auto-aof-rewrite-percentage: "100"
        - auto-aof-rewrite-min-size: "64mb"
        - tcp-backlog: "511"
        - tcp-keepalive: "0"
        - repl-disable-tcp-nodelay: "no"

    Then when calling the role, specify the instance config value per role where it needs to be different

      - { role: redis, tags: redis, redis_instance: { name: obj, port: 6379 }, redis_maxmemory: 8gb, redis_instance_config: [{maxmemory-policy: allkeys-lru}] }
      - { role: redis, tags: redis, redis_instance: { name: fpc, port: 6381 }, redis_maxmemory: 8gb, redis_instance_config: [{maxmemory-policy: allkeys-lru}] }
      - { role: redis, tags: redis, redis_instance: { name: ses, port: 6380, save: yes }, redis_maxmemory: 8gb}


This work is licensed under the MIT license. See LICENSE file for details.

Author Information

This role was created in 2017 by David Alger with contributions from Matt Johnson.


Ansible Role - Multi Redis Deployment on RHEL / CentOS


License:MIT License