yichen928 / Multivariate_Shapley_Interactions

Official code implementation for the paper "Interpreting Multivariate Shapley Interactions in DNNs" (AAAI 2021)

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Interpreting Multivariate Shapley Interactions in DNNs

Official code implementation for the paper "Interpreting Multivariate Shapley Interactions in DNNs" (AAAI 2021) paper.


The code was tested with python 3.6, Tensorflow 1.14.0, keras 2.3.1, CUDA 10.1 and Ubuntu 16.04.


  1. Clone the repository:

    git clone https://github.com/yichen928/Multivariate_Shapley_Interactions.git
  2. Install Tensorflow and keras:

    pip install tensorflow-gpu==1.14.0 keras==2.3.1
  3. Install other necessary packages:

    pip install numpy matplotlib scipy six

Data & Model Preparation

Download the pre-processed SST-2 and CoLA dataset as well as the pre-trained BERT, ELMo and CNN models here.

Make sure to put the files in the following structure:

|	|--GLUE_data
|	|	|--SST-2
|	|	|--CoLA
|	|--models
|	|	|--uncased_L-12_H-768_A-12
|	|	|--Elmo
|	|--elmo
|	|	|--elmo_data.py
|	|	|--tf_module


The demonstration quantifies the significance of interaction among words on a certain sentence in either SST-2 or CoLA dataset. It could also show the partitions of coalition with maximal or minimal interaction.

python compute_interaction_bert.py --task_name $cola or sst-2$ --sentence_idx $id of sentence in the val set$  --seg_start $beginning position of the selected coalition in the sentence$ --seg_end $end position of the selected coalition in the sentence$ 

python compute_interaction_bert.py --task_name sst-2 --sentence_idx 171  --seg_start 2 --seg_end 5

Toy Tasks

We evaluate the accuracy of estimated partition on three toy datasets: Add-Multiple Dataset, AND-OR Dataset, and Exponential Dataset.

  • Add-Multiple Dataset
  • AND-OR Dataset
  • Exponential Dataset

Add-Multiple Dataset

In the Add-Multiple dataset, each sample consists of addition operations and multiplication operations e.g. $y=f(x)=x_1+x_2×x_3+x_4×x_5+x_6+x_7$.

Dataset Generation

We generate this toy dataset automatically. Please run the following command:

cd toy_dataset/generators
python generator.py --task multiple_add --size $number of samples in the dataset$ --min_len $minimal length of each sample$ --max_len $maximal length of each sample$

cd toy_dataset/generators
python generator.py --task multiple_add --size 1000 --min_len 8 --max_len 12 


Run our method to estimate the partition and evaluate the accuracy:

python compute_interaction_toy.py --data_path toy_dataset/datasets/toy_dataset_multiple_add.json

AND-OR Dataset

In the AND-OR dataset, each sample only contains AND operations and OR operations e.g. $y=f(x)=x_1|x_2&x_3|x_4&x_5|x_6|x_7$.

Dataset Generation

We generate this toy dataset automatically. Please run the following command:

cd toy_dataset/generators
python generator.py --task and_or --size $number of samples in the dataset$ --min_len $minimal length of each sample$ --max_len $maximal length of each sample$

cd toy_dataset/generators
python generator.py --task and_or --size 1000 --min_len 8 --max_len 12 


Run our method to estimate the partition and evaluate the accuracy:

python compute_interaction_toy.py --data_path toy_dataset/datasets/toy_dataset_and_or.json

Exponential Dataset

In the Exponential dataset, each sample contains exponential operations and addition operations e.g. $y=f(x)=x_1^{x_2}+x_3^{x_4}+x_5+x_6$.

Dataset Generation

We generate this toy dataset automatically. Please run the following command:

cd toy_dataset/generators
python exp_generator.py --size $number of samples in the dataset$ --min_len $minimal length of each sample$ --max_len $maximal length of each sample$

cd toy_dataset/generators
python exp_generator.py --size 1000 --min_len 8 --max_len 12 


Run our method to estimate the partition and evaluate the accuracy:

python compute_interaction_toy.py --data_path toy_dataset/datasets/toy_dataset_exp.json

Experiments on NLP Tasks

Evaluation of the accuracy of $T([A])$

We compared the extracted significance of interactions $T([A])$ estimated by our proposed method with the accurate significance of interactions derived from Shapley value.

We conduct this experiment with multiple different models:

  • BERT model
  • ELMo model
  • LSTM model
  • CNN model
  • Transformer model
cd accuracy_evaluation

# BERT model
python compute_interaction_diff_bert.py

# ELMo model
python compute_interaction_diff_elmo.py

Please refer to accuracy_evaluation/draw_figure.py to visualize the results like our paper.

Stability of $T([A])$

We also measured the stability of $T([A])$, when we computed $T([A])$ multiple times with different sampled sets of $g$ and $S$.

  • BERT model
  • ELMo model
  • LSTM model
  • CNN model
  • Transformer model
cd instability

# ELMo model
cd elmo_interaction
python interaction_elmo.py  
# estimate T([A]) multiple times and save the result
python compute_interaction_instability_elmo.py
# calculate the instability with the saved T([A])

# CNN model
cd cnn_interaction
python interaction_cnn.py  
# estimate T([A]) multiple times and save the result
python compute_interaction_instability_cnn.py
# calculate the instability with the saved T([A])

You can refer to our code instability/instability_figure.py to draw a figure to visualize the stability of estimation.

Interactions w.r.t. the intermediate-layer feature

We could also compute the significance of interactions among a set of input words w.r.t. the computation of an intermediate layer feature.

We carry out this experiment on two datasets: SST-2 and CoLA.

cd intermediate_layers
python compute_interaction_bert_intermed.py --task_name $cola or sst-2$

You can refer to our code intermediate_layers/draw_figure.py to visualize the significance of interaction in the intermediate layers .


If you found our paper or code useful for your research, please cite the following paper:

@inproceedings{zhang2020Interpreting ,
      title={Interpreting Multivariate Shapley Interactions in DNNs}, 
      author={Zhang, Hao and Xie, Yichen and Zheng, Longjie and Zhang, Die and Zhang, Quanshi},
      booktitle = {The AAAI Conference on Artificial Intelligence (AAAI)}


Official code implementation for the paper "Interpreting Multivariate Shapley Interactions in DNNs" (AAAI 2021)


Language:Python 100.0%