yhjor / dotfiles

The dotfiles to kickstart the development settings for your workstation

Geek Repo:Geek Repo

Github PK Tool:Github PK Tool

Speed up your dots

Designed for simplicity and productivity to aggregate all the necessary configurations under version control


source setup.sh

What's inside?

  • Command alias (dots/.alias)
  • Git alias (dots/.gitconfig)
  • Vim's preferences (dots/.vimrc)
  • Optimized OSX settings (setup/osx.sh)
    • Set a blazingly fast keyboard repeat rate
    • Avoid automatically rearrange Spaces based on most recent use
    • Disable auto-correct, smart quotes, smart dashes
    • Disable the warning when changing a file extension
    • Allow text selection in Quick Look
    • Minimize windows into their application’s icon
  • Trasform your terminal (setup/terminal.sh)
    • Zsh: The empowered shell by the developer communities
    • oh-my-zsh: The most prominent plugins for Zsh
    • fzf: An extremely fast file finder, written in Go
    • z: Jump around directories with ease
    • zsh-completions: Auto complete for Zsh
    • zsh-autosuggestions: Fish-like autosuggestions for Zsh
    • zsh-syntax-highlighting: Fish shell like syntax highlighting for Zsh
    • pure: Pretty, minimal and fast Zsh prompt
  • Equip your weapons (setup/tools.sh)
    • ccat: Colorizing cat
    • exa: Replacement for 'ls' written in Rust
    • diff-so-fancy: Make your diff's human readable instead of machine readable
    • public-ip-cli: Get your public IP address with the command public-ip
    • internal-ip-cli: Get your internal IP address with the command internal-ip
    • speed-test: Test your internet connection speed and ping using speedtest.net from the CLI
    • tree: Show the folder structure like a tree
    • git-recall: An interactive way to peruse your git history from the terminal


Take a look inside setup.sh and ./dots



The dotfiles to kickstart the development settings for your workstation


Language:Shell 100.0%