ygbr / ESPHap

ESP32/ESP8266 Arduino library for native Apple Homekit Accessory Protocol (HAP)

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ESPHap - Arduino HomeKit ESP32/ESP8266

This is a library for easily & efficiently integrating arduino projects based on ESP32/ESP8266 with Apple Home Kit by native protocols and without any additional bridges

At this moment ESP32 supported and tested well. ESP8266 is ported as well and under the testing stage. There are some minor bugs and especially in the pairing process. Not all of them finished smooth. Hovewer it can be maximum 3 attempts (in my experience) and after that everything working fine. I'd say that after pairing (once operation) devices works well and stable

Library allows to setup up to the 16 different accessories on the same ESP32/ESP8266 board

Many thanks to maximkulkin for providing fine libraries for native integration, this project uses this as well.

Many thanks to Mixiaoxiao to give a hint for ESP8266 to stop watchdog and some functions with lower memory usage

Short Build instruction

  1. Prepare Arduino enviropment to works with ESP32 and/or ESP8266.

  2. Install this libary (EspHap) from the library manager or clone sources to the Arduino library folder named EspHap.

  3. Extract the content of the wolfSSL_3_13_0.rar to the Arduino Libraries folder named "wolfssl"

  4. Open any sketch from the examples and compile it. Detailed instruction how to upload and pair with Apple can used from the Sonoff example or there

wolfssl manual preparation

This section is describes more technical details for professional users if they have already wolfssl installed. wolfssl requires some preparation before usage...

For ESP32

ESP32 works well with wolfssl versions 4.2.0 and 3.13.0 Full instruction how to prepare, can be found there

For simplify a process you can use wolfSSL_3_13_0.rar or wolfssl.rar archive , which already prepared. You just need to extract this content into Arduino Libraries folder named "wolfssl"

If you are going to prepare this manually, please reuse/check settings.h and user_settings.h from the attached archives You need copy/replace this files in wolfssl components.

For ESP8266

ESP8266 works only with version 3.13.0.

For preparation you should extract a content of wolfSSL_3_13_0.rar to the Arduino libraries folder named "wolfssl" . Those version of wolfssl is slightly changed to work with ESP8266 and ONLY this sources must be used.

ESPHAP library was tested in the following enviropment:

ESP32 board library version 1.0.4

ESP8266 board library version 2.6.3

Arduino version 1.8.12

Getting help

Simple example

Examples folder contains very simple examples EspHapLed (for ESP32) and EspHapLed8266 (for ESP8266) how to handle Led status

Before compile you need:

  1. Change your Wifi setting by the editing following lines:
const char* ssid     = "your ssid";
const char* password = "pwd to ssid";
  1. Change your GPIO, where Led is connected
const int led_gpio = 4;

. At this example QR is not generated, so please use manual pairing by enetering password 11111111

More detail instruction can be found there

Those examples can be used to handle other device like relays, which supports two statuses ON/OFF.

Sonoff example

Example folders contains 3 sketches for the Sonoff devices.

As mentioned ESP8266 in the process of testing (Sonoff is esp8265 ) But example already works quite fine. Small problem detected during the pairing. But after that works well

Please have a look instructions

Advanced Led example (simple switch and dimmable)

Example folders contains sketch for Advanced Led and Advanced dimmable led This is sketch compatible with both ESP32 & ESP8266, handles Led Switching ON/OFF , LED brightness and contains advanced features:

  • Built-in web site

  • Built in web file manager

  • OTA

  • Setup/pairing via QR Code (to access QR code you need enter http:// ipaddress /setup.html)

This is basic demonstration of powerfull IOT device, which contains such feathures

Thermostat example

Example folders contains sketch for Thermostat DHT, Universal Thermostat which shows on Apple Home two icons Temperathure and Humidity. There is universal sketch applicable for ESP32 and ESP8266 and using DHT sensor, BME28 or Dallas, as well any other hardware can be easily implemented Hovewer any sensor can be used with simple code changes... Those sketch as well includes advanced feathures: Web File Manager, OTA, Simple web site. For the Universal Thermostat it's example how to send historical data to thingSpeak

Build instruction the same as for sketches avove.

Switch example

Example folders contains sketch for Switch, which shows on Apple simple Switch icon. There is universal sketch applicable for ESP32 and ESP8266 and any relay can be used to manage external devices.

Those sketch as well includes advanced feathures: Web File Manager, OTA, Simple web site.

Build instruction the same as for sketches above.

RGB Strip (WS2812) & Motion example

Example folders contains sketch for RGB & Motion devices, which shows on Apple Home two icons: RGB Bulb and Motion Sensor. There is universal sketch applicable for ESP32 and ESP8266 and using WS2812 Led strip. Those sketch as well includes advanced feathures: Web File Manager, OTA, Simple web site and allows to demonstrate two direction for the Apple Home Kit. Means when RGB (Brightness , Color ,State ) is changed from the built-in web site, Apple Home Kit refreshes the RGB bulb state. For the motion sensor can be used anyone, skecth simples reads HIGH value for the predefined GPIO. For instance HC-SR501 can be used. As well for RGB can be used any strip, the question is how to proceed with Brightness and Color values received from the Apple.

Those combination potentially has good demonstration for Apple Home Automation, based on the Motion state RGB can be switched ON/OFF...

Build instruction the same as for sketches avove.

Button example

Example folders contains sketch for Button, which shows on Apple simple Button icon. There is universal sketch applicable for ESP32 and ESP8266 (Testing in progress on ESP8266) and any Button scenarios on Appllle can be used to manage automation.

Those sketch as well includes advanced feathures: Web File Manager, OTA, Simple web site.

Build instruction the same as for sketches avove.

Air Quality sensor example

Example folders contains sketch for Air Quality sensor, which shows on Apple Air quality Sensor icon. Sketch is designed with usage for MQ135 sensor. There is universal sketch applicable for ESP32 and ESP8266. Main advantage that build-in web site shows history trends of PPM level of dioxide.
Code is contains comments and one of the important thing for this sketch is calibration based on your real sensor, for this purpose following line should be changed

const float factor=14.0;//to be calibrated with your MQ135

Those sketch as well includes advanced feathures:

  • Web File Manager
  • OTA
  • Built-in web site
  • Sending data to ThingSpeak

Build instruction the same as for sketches avove.

FAN servicer example

Example folders contains sketch for FAN, which shows on Apple FAN icon. You are able to control FAN characteristic such as

  • ON/OFF

  • Speed

  • Direction

Those sketch as well includes advanced feathures:

  • Web File Manager
  • OTA
  • Built-in web site

Build instruction the same as for sketches avove.

Library API and how to build your own sketch

  1. Prepare include section
#ifdef ESP32
#include <SPIFFS.h>
#ifdef ESP8266
#include <ESP8266WiFi.h>

#include <ESP8266mDNS.h>
#include "coredecls.h"
extern "C"{
#include "homeintegration.h"
#ifdef ESP8266
#include "homekitintegrationcpp.h"
#include <hapfilestorage\hapfilestorage.hpp>
  1. In the setup you have to do following, instead of other

Small adujstment for the ESP8266

 #ifdef ESP8266 

Initialize file storage to keep pairing information (you can put any file name as you want)


Hovewer you can hahdle your function how to keep your pairing information examples EspHapLed (for ESP32) and EspHapLed8266 (for ESP8266) contains code to show custom implementation

Set base accessory type, means you will have at least one accessory and you need define a type


full list of availbale accessories you can find in the types.h , see enum homekit_accessory_category_t

Set base information HostName, Manufacture, Serial number, Model,Firmware version , like this


Than you need a setup all accessories and their services and characteristic. Do not forgot that you already have one base accessory, therefore first we need a setup it. For instance for the lighBulb

  hapservice= hap_add_lightbulb_service("Led",led_callback,(void*)&led_gpio);

"Led" is the name of accessory

led_callback is callback function called from the apple when changes

(void*)&led_gpio is callback parameter

After that we can add more accessories like this

hapservice_motion= hap_add_motion_service_as_accessory(homekit_accessory_category_security_system,"Motion",motion_callback,NULL);

Full list of services and their characteristic can be found in the characteristic.h . Header is well documented and descibes services types and their characteristic) The list of Api to add services and accessories can be found there homeintegration.h. It's quite transparent based on the function names

When accessories, services and characteristic is defined we need to finally call


That is all for setup

  1. Implement callback and notify function

Every callback has the same signature and parameters

  • characteristic

  • value

  • context (callback parameters)

This function is called when accessories state is changed from the Apple. You can manage your devices there, based on the value. Please check which type (bool, int, float ) must be used for different characteristic

void led_callback(homekit_characteristic_t *ch, homekit_value_t value, void *context) {
  digitalWrite(led_gpio, value.bool_value?HIGH:LOW);

optionally implement notify function, which is neccessary to inform Apple about device state changes . This is must for accessories like termostat , for instance for the LightBulb we can notify about power state On/Off , which is bool value true/false

void notify_hap(){
homekit_characteristic_t * ch= homekit_service_characteristic_by_type(hapservice, HOMEKIT_CHARACTERISTIC_ON);
HAP_NOTIFY_CHANGES(bool, ch, <new bool value>, 0)

To get characteristic , API function homekit_service_characteristic_by_type should be used. First parameter is pointer to the hapservice (from the setup), second is characteristic type

  1. Loop function In the loop we have to add only one lines and only for ESP8266
#ifdef ESP8266

Advanced feathures

  • Built in web server

Since version 1.0.2, library contains submodule for built in web server. To use it you need

Include header

#include <hapweb\hap_webserver.hpp>


set_indexhml(FPSTR(INDEX_HTML));  // optional if you want to have your own root page

in the setup function

set_indexhml(FPSTR(INDEX_HTML)); allows to define your root page content , see example Advanced Led

  • Setup by QR Code

If you use built in web server, by default it provides access to setup/pairing page/image by QR code, you just need enter http:///setup.html ,see example Advanced Led

Versions history


  • First success version works both with ESP32 and ESP8266


  • Minor bug fixes and more examples


  • implement submodule for file storage of pairing data hapfilestorage.hpp which allows to reuse basic function for store pairing data on SPIFFs file system.

  • implement submodules for internal web server hapweb. Now Web server can be easily setup and handle file browser and your own portal for device. Plus handling of OTA.

  • implement submodules for pairing by QR code hapqr.hpp.Together with web server you can got on your browser QR image, which can be easily scan for pairing purpose. To access QR code you need enter http:// ip address / setup.html .


  • small bug fixes

  • new examples

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ESP32/ESP8266 Arduino library for native Apple Homekit Accessory Protocol (HAP)

License:MIT License


Language:C 85.4%Language:C++ 14.6%