yevh / awesome-rust-security

Curated list of awesome projects and resources related to Rust and computer security

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Awesome Rust Security

Curated list of awesome projects and resources related to Rust and computer security

Table of Contents


Web and Cloud Security


  • sn0int - OSINT framework and package manager
  • sniffglue - secure multithreaded packet sniffer
  • badtouch - scriptable network authentication cracker
  • rshijack - TCP connection hijacker
  • feroxbuster - fast, simple and recursive content discovery tool
  • rustbuster - web fuzzer and content discovery tool
  • rustscan - The Modern Port Scanner
  • kepler - NIST-based CVE lookup store and API powered by Rust.
  • phaser - Automated attack surface mapper and vulnerability scanner
  • pdfrip - Fast PDF password cracking utility equipped with commonly encountered password format builders and dictionary attacks.
  • chromepass - Chromepass - Hacking Chrome Saved Passwords

Authorization & Authentication Frameworks

  • biscuit - delegated, decentralized, capabilities based authorization token
  • - PASETO Rust implementation
  • - WebAuthn implementation in Rust
  • aliri - JWT authenticaiton and OAuth2 scope authorization implementations for many web frameworks
  • OpenSK - open-source implementation for security keys written in Rust
  • dacquiri - Attributed based access control (ABAC) framework with compile-time enforcement

Cloud and Infrastructure

  • firecracker - secure and fast microVMs for serverless computing
  • boringtun - CloudFlare's Rust implementation of WireGuard
  • innernet - private network based on WireGuard
  • vaultwarden - unofficial BitWarden implementation in Rust

Software Supply Chain

Secure Frameworks

Vulnerability Assessment

Static Code Auditing

  • RustSec - organization supporting vulnerability disclosure for Rust packages, audit Cargo.lock files for dependencies
  • cargo-geiger - detect usage of unsafe Rust
  • siderophile - find ideal fuzz targets in a Rust codebase
  • cargo-crev - cryptographically verifiable code review for cargo
  • arch-audit - audit installed Arch packages for vulnerabilities
  • ripgrep - recursively search directories with regexes
  • weggli - fast and robust semantic search tool for C and C++ codebases
  • noseyparker - command-line program that finds secrets and sensitive information in textual data and Git history.


  • rust-fuzz - organization implementing cargo plugins for AFL, libFuzzer, and honggfuzz
  • LibAFL - slot fuzzers together in Rust
  • - structure-aware, in-process, coverage-guided, evolutionary fuzzing engine for Rust functions.
  • onefuzz - self-hosted Fuzzing-As-A-Service platform
  • lain - fuzzer framework implemented in Rust
  • fzero - fast grammar-based fuzz generator implementation
  • nautilus - grammar-based feedback fuzzer from RUB's Systems Security Lab
  • sidefuzz - fuzzer for side-channel vulnerabilities
  • arbitrary - trait for generating structured input from raw bytes, helpful for structure-aware fuzzing
  • rust-san - sanitizers for Rust code
  • lidiffuzz - memory allocator drop-in to test for uninitialized memory reads
  • rewind - Snapshot-based coverage-guided Windows kernel fuzzer
  • hyperpom - AArch64 fuzzer based on the Apple Silicon hypervisor
  • icicle-emu - Fuzzing-specific multi-architecture emulation framework

Binary Analysis & Reversing

  • goblin - binary parsing crate for Rust
  • - Rust bindings to the Unicorn framework
  • cargo-call-stack - whole program stack analysis
  • xori - disassembly library for PE32, 32+ and shellcode
  • rd - record/replay debugger implemented in Rust
  • binsec - Swiss Army Knife for Binary (In)Security
  • radeco - Radare2-based decompiler and symbol executor
  • falcon - Binary Analysis Framework in Rust
  • mesos - binary coverage tool without modification for Windows
  • guerilla - monkey patching Rust functions
  • ropr - blazing fast™ multithreaded ROP Gadget finder
  • pwninit - automate starting binary exploit challenges
  • binaryninja-rs - Binary Ninja API support for Rust

Property-Based Testing

  • quickcheck - property-based testing for Rust
  • proptest - Hypothesis-like property testing for Rust
  • bughunt-rust - example of using fuzzing QuickCheck models for bughunting
  • mutagen - mutation testing framework for Rust

Symbolic Execution

  • seer - symbolic execution engine for Rust
  • haybale - LLVM IR-based symbolic execution engine from the USCD System Security Lab

Formal Verification

  • MIRAI - abstract interpreter for Rust's MIR from Facebook
  • electrolysis - formal verification of Rust programs with the Lean theorem prover

Offensive Security and Red Teaming

Command-and-Control Frameworks

  • tetanus - Mythic agent written in Rust

Defense Evasion

Packing, Obfuscation, Encryption, Anti-analysis

  • debugoff - Linux anti-debugging and anti-analysis rust library
  • goldberg - procedural macro library for obfuscating Rust code.
  • obfstr - string obfuscation for Rust
  • oxide - PoC packer written in Rust.
  • Linux.Fe2O3 - Simple ELF prepender virus / in-memory loader written in Rust

Threat Detection and Forensics

  • yara-rust - Rust bindings to YARA
  • BONOMEN - hunt for malware critical process impersonation
  • confine - sandbox for threat detection
  • redbpf - crate for writing BPF/eBPF modules
  • cernan - telemetry aggregation and shipping
  • chainsaw - Windows Event Log Hunting
  • foniod - Data first monitoring agent using (e)BPF, built on RedBPF
  • zerotect - attack/exploit Detector that utilizes Polymorphism and Diversity
  • hayabusa - Sigma-based threat hunting and fast forensics timeline generator for Windows event logs written in Rust.
  • medusa - fast and secure multi protocol honeypot.
  • elegant-bouncer - experimental tool for detection of the FORCEDENTRY (CVE-2021-30860)
  • cargo-sandbox - sandboxed cargo



  • secrets - secure storage for cryptographic secrets in Rust
  • mundane - BoringSSL-backed cryptography library
  • rust-threshold-secret-sharing - Rust implementation of threshold-based secret sharing
  • molasses - Rust implementation of the MLS group messaging protocol
  • rust-security-framework - Rust bindings to the macOS Security.framework
  • microkv - minimal and secure key-value storage for Rust
  • swanky - suite of rust libraries for secure multi-party computation
  • tandem - maliciously secure two-party computation engine which is embeddable and accessible


  • sniffnet - Application to comfortably monitor your Internet traffic 🕵️‍♂️
  • ripasso - password manager written in Rust
  • sekey - TouchID / Secure Enclave for SSH authentication
  • Mullvad VPN Client - Mullvad VPN app written in Rust
  • fakio - lightweight secure tunnel proxy.
  • firecracker - Secure and fast microVMs for serverless computing.





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Curated list of awesome projects and resources related to Rust and computer security

License:MIT License


Language:Rust 100.0%