yevgenykuz / simple-soap-client

Simple, lightweight SOAP client in Java

Geek Repo:Geek Repo

Github PK Tool:Github PK Tool

Simple SOAP client

Simple, lightweight SOAP client implemented in Java.

Maven Central CI Test coverage CodeQL

1   Features

  • Send SOAP requests - Sends a SOAP request XML and returns the response as string
  • Basic XML utilities - Basic XML parsing included to parse the response and extract values
  • Simple and lightweight - No dependencies needed, uses Java's HttpURLConnection to handle HTTP, and org.w3c.dom, org.xml.sax and javax.xml packages to handle XML parsing

2   Usage

// Create a client for a specific SOAP operation
SimpleSoapClient client = new SimpleSoapClientImpl("", "",

// Send a request XML file (the service you wish to use should provide a service description where you can get
// a template XML, and fill the parameters you need), and get the response XML as string:
String response = client.sendSoapRequest(new File("src/test/resources/requestExample.xml"));

// Use the provided XmlUtilities to parse the response string and get the text value of a field
String textContent = XmlUtilities.getTextContentOfXmlElement(XmlUtilities.xmlStringToDocument(response),

3   Building

Use maven to build the project locally.

4   Meta

4.1   Authors


4.2   License

MIT License

4.3   Release instructions

To publish artifacts to central maven repository via Sonatype OSSRH, do the following:

  • Create a maven master password:
mvn --encrypt-master-password
# Enter password to encrypt when prompted
# Save encrypted password in /.m2/settings-security.xml:
  • Configure maven to publish when the ossrh-release profile is used:
# Encrypt passwords for OSSRH website and for your GPG key:
mvn --encrypt-password
# Enter password to encrypt when prompted, encrypted password will be printed to stdout
# Get public GPG key:
gpg --list-keys --keyid-format LONG
# Copy the key ID from: "pub   rsa4096/<GPG_KEY_ID>"
# Add configuration in /.m2/settings.xml:
<?xml version="1.0" encoding="UTF-8"?>
<settings xmlns=""
  • Remove -SNAPSHOT from version, commit and tag, and deploy with mvn -Possrh-release deploy.
  • Bump version and add -SNAPSHOT, commit and push.
  • Create a new release in github with the latest tag.


Simple, lightweight SOAP client in Java

License:MIT License


Language:Java 100.0%