yetzt / odr

open data repository spec draft

Geek Repo:Geek Repo

Github PK Tool:Github PK Tool

Open Data Repository

Open Data Repository specifies a git repository structure to store open data. This is version 0.0.1 of the specification.

The intent of this spec is to make open data accessible, portable and easily usable with software. This is achieved with machine readable metadata, univied access via git and strict license requirements.


The data, license and metadata must be contained in a git repository and provided via git.


The data format should comply with the Open Format Definition


The repository must contain a file with the full license text. This file must be named LICENSE for a plain text formatted license or for a markdown formatted license. The license must be an Open Definition Approved License


The repository must contain a file with a description of the data and it's format. This file must be named and it's contents must be markdown formatted text.


The repository must contain a file with meta information on the data. This file must be named opendata.json and contain valid JSON formatted data.

The format is based on npm's package.json.



You must give your data repository a name. It must be a string and match /^[a-z0-9][a-z0-9\-]{0,213}$/.

"name": "example"


You must version your data with a semver compatible version number.

The PATCH version number part must be incremented for added data with the same format. The MINOR version number part must be incremented for added data extending the format whilst maintaining backward compatibility. The MAJOR version number must be incremented if the data format changes breaking backward compatibility.

"version": "1.0.0"


You should provide a brief description of your data.

"descriptions": "Measurements of Foos in a Bar"


Additionally to providing a license file you must specify the used license or licenses within this field. This license must be an Open Definition Approved License.

This must be an SPDX license expression syntax version 2.0 string or an object containing type and url properties.

Valid SPDX license strings are:

  • CC0-1.0 Creative Commons CCZero
  • PDDL-1.0 Open Data Commons Public Domain Dedication and Licence
  • CC-BY-4.0 Creative Commons Attribution 2.0
  • CC-BY-SA-4.0 Creative Commons Attribution Share Alike 4.0
  • ODbL-1.0 Open Data Commons Open Database License
  • CC-BY-1.0 Creative Commons Attribution 1.0
  • CC-BY-2.0 Creative Commons Attribution 2.0
  • CC-BY-2.5 Creative Commons Attribution 2.5
  • CC-BY-3.0 Creative Commons Attribution 3.0
  • CC-BY-SA-1.0 Creative Commons Attribution Share Alike 1.0
  • CC-BY-SA-2.0 Creative Commons Attribution Share Alike 2.0
  • CC-BY-SA-2.5 Creative Commons Attribution Share Alike 2.5
  • CC-BY-SA-3.0 Creative Commons Attribution Share Alike 3.0
  • GFDL-1.1 GNU Free Documentation License v1.1
  • GFDL-1.2 GNU Free Documentation License v1.2
  • GFDL-1.3 GNU Free Documentation License v1.3
  • MirOS MirOS Licence

For Open Definition Approved Licenses not listed in the SPDX License List, most notably the Open Data Commons Attribution License (ODC-BY), please complain at SPDX and use the object notation

"license": { 
	"type": "ODC-By-1.0", 
	"url": ""

or the SPDX SEE LICENSE IN expression.

"license": "SEE LICENSE IN"


An array of files with data in them.

"files": [


An array of contributors. Every contributor is an object with name and optionally url and/or email properties or a string name <email> (url).

"contributors": [
	"Example <> ("
"contributors": [
		"name": "Example",
		"email": "",
		"url": ""


The repository where your data lives. Only git is supported right now.

"repository": { 
	"type" : "git",
	"url" : ""


An array of keywords to describe your data

"keywords": [
	"geodata", "example"


Your data's homepage

"homepage": ""


You may specify an url and/or email address, where people can report issues with your data.

	"url" : "",
	"email" : ""


You must specify the Open Data Repository Spec Version.

"engines": { 
	"odr": "0.0.1" 


	"name": "some-data",
	"version": "0.0.1",
	"description": "some example data",
	"license": "ODbL-1.0",
	"files": [
	"contributors": [{
		"name": "yetzt"
	"repository": {
		"type": "git",
		"url": ""
	"keywords": ["key","words"],
	"homepage": "",
	"bugs": "",
	"engines": { "odr": "0.0.1" }


open data repository spec draft