yetisno / Rasplex-with-openvpn-server-brctl-quagga

Make your Rasplex with advance network function(brctl, openvpn-server, zebra, ripd, etc.)

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Rasplex-with-openvpn-server-brctl-quagga(zebra, ripd ...)

Note! This is for Raspberry Pi 2 (it's tested on Rasplex 0.7.1)

copy files to / directory, and will get brctl, openvpn(server), zebra, ripd function.

the / is readonly, you must follow steps below:

  1. copy /flash/SYSTEM to your computer and name it SYSTEM.old.
  2. unsquashfs SYSTEM.old to target folder.
  3. patch file into target folder. (not replace, it's add.)
  4. mksquashfs target to SYSTEM.
  5. copy SYSTEM to Rasplex and place it to /storage/.update/SYSTEM.
  6. go Rasplex shell and enter follow script.
# calculate md5 of SYSTEM and write to /storage/.update/SYSTEM.md5
md5sum /storage/.update/SYSTEM > /storage/.update/SYSTEM.md5;
# copy kernel image to /storage/.update/KERNEL
cp /flash/kernel.img /storage/.update/KERNEL;
# calculate md5 of KERNEL and write to /storage/.update/KERNEL.md5
md5sum /storage/.update/KERNEL > /storage/.update/KERNEL.md5;
# reboot for update image

after reboot, you will get a Rasplex with advance network function.



Make your Rasplex with advance network function(brctl, openvpn-server, zebra, ripd, etc.)


Language:C 56.7%Language:Perl 24.2%Language:Perl 6 10.7%Language:C++ 7.5%Language:Objective-C 1.0%