yenchenlin / CD-fused-types-problems

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All of the results of the ipython notebook are based on this branch, please clone it and type sudo make in the root directory to build scikit-learn.


In the ipython notebook, I use modified ElasticNet to fit both np.float64 and np.float32 data.

  • np.float64 data

    CD algorithm will converge at iter: 2, and note that dual_norm_XtA: 0.00402187116681.

  • np.float32 data

    CD algorithm will not converge until it meets its max_iter constraint, note that at iter: 2, dual_norm_XtA: 0.00414848327637.

In linear_model/cd_fast.pyx, we use if gap < tol to see whether CD algorithms has converged. However, value of gap depends on const. (See here)

And since const = alpha / dual_norm_XtA, the difference of dual_norm_XtA between np.float32 and np.float64 data determines whether the algorithm is going to converge or not.

And the reason why there's a difference of dual_norm_XtA between two data types is here, which seems like a precision issues.

Fitted Model difference

  • np.float64 data
coef:  [ -2.42662584e-03  -3.23405311e-04  -2.26606091e-03  -4.09731711e-05
   2.36815579e-04  -2.35184599e-03  -1.97140276e-03   2.65987106e-03
  -2.05523620e-04   2.88947000e-03  -8.23956996e-04   1.03828381e-04
   2.16878424e-03   2.52007819e-04   1.82614790e-03  -1.02433215e-05
  -1.02040495e-03   3.78821835e-04  -7.05928649e-04   1.93929478e-03
  -7.95339808e-04   9.60219426e-05  -2.87422712e-03   3.48095138e-03
  -1.07043123e-03   2.42939601e-03   2.65698850e-03   2.30838855e-03
   1.72572969e-03   7.57900144e-04  -2.70316734e-04   9.47966394e-05
  -2.88102505e-03  -1.05059763e-03  -2.82111843e-04  -8.93081088e-05
  -1.34651727e-03  -2.10912355e-03  -5.36561619e-04  -1.78705391e-03]
dual_gap_:  0.493813246525
eps_:  3.34005184625
n_iter:  3
  • np.float32 data (After max_iter=1000)
coef:  [ -2.42662686e-03  -3.23392800e-04  -2.26604822e-03  -4.09707827e-05
   2.36821521e-04  -2.35185120e-03  -1.97140570e-03   2.65986728e-03
  -2.05539080e-04   2.88946461e-03  -8.23946088e-04   1.03828628e-04
   2.16877926e-03   2.52002385e-04   1.82614138e-03  -1.02523700e-05
  -1.02041254e-03   3.78820696e-04  -7.05922081e-04   1.93929370e-03
  -7.95341504e-04   9.60322286e-05  -2.87423586e-03   3.48094734e-03
  -1.07042806e-03   2.42940127e-03   2.65700766e-03   2.30839103e-03
   1.72573759e-03   7.57896807e-04  -2.70330143e-04   9.47993176e-05
  -2.88102520e-03  -1.05059391e-03  -2.82124878e-04  -8.93148390e-05
  -1.34651491e-03  -2.10913876e-03  -5.36567240e-04  -1.78705074e-03]
dual_gap_:  33.1898269653
eps_:  3.34005188942
n_iter:  1000

We can see that the dual_gap_ of ElasticNet when fitting np.float32 data is much larger than eps_, which makes it can't meet the convergence condition if gap < tol.

Note: dual_gap_ = gap, eps_ = tol.



Language:Jupyter Notebook 100.0%