yeinsbalaguera / solid

Masterclass SOLID examples

Geek Repo:Geek Repo

Github PK Tool:Github PK Tool

SOLID principles

Open-Closed Principle

In this example you can use the computeArea() method to calculate shape's areas in the client code.

class Client
    public static function compute(Figure $figure)
        echo 'The area is ' . $figure->computeArea();

You can create a new class for any shape without modifying the related code. For instance, you can create the Circle class and the client should keep working.

class Circle extends Figure
    protected float $radio = 0;

    public function __construct(float $radio)
        $this->radio = $radio;

    public function computeArea(): float
        return pi() * pow($this->radio, 2);

Liskov Substitution Principle

In this example you can use the printContent() method to calculate shape's areas in the client code. You can also interchange the type by any subtype without affecting the client code.

class Client
    public static function printContent(Parser $parser): void
        echo $parser->output();

In this case, you can use any parser that extends the main Parser class.

$parser = new Parser([
    [1, 'Steave', 'Developer'],
    [2, 'Andreas', 'Tester'],

// subtype CSV
$csv = new CSVParser([
    [1, 'Steave', 'Developer'],
    [2, 'Andreas', 'Tester'],

// subtype MarkdownTable
$marrkdown = new MarkdownParser([
    [1, 'Steave', 'Developer'],
    [2, 'Andreas', 'Tester'],



Masterclass SOLID examples

License:MIT License


Language:PHP 100.0%