yebyen / taking-bartholo

Taking Bartholomew for a spin

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Github PK Tool:Github PK Tool

Bartholomew Helm Test

This repository is built from the template for creating new Bartholomew websites.

Why would anyone want to deploy Bartholomew this way? (Honestly, why wouldn't we want to deploy Bartholomew this way?! πŸ˜‚)


I have added:

  • a Dockerfile for Buildx (it is platform-independent)
  • some GitHub Actions scripts and workflows
    • for downloading the latest release of Spin,
    • publishing the blog content to OCI, with an "immutable" tag
    • publishing a Spin shim that knows "what tag"
  • a tiny Helm chart (based on the Helmet library chart)
    • and a workflow to publish the Helm chart as OCI.

In the CI environment, (hopefully) everything is cached which can be cached. There is no need for a hosted runner IMHO, because this build returns so fast.

In the Buildx image, multi-arch support we adapted for our build allows to address multiple platforms with a single image tag. This simplifies downstream deployment significantly, as our deployer need not make separate manifests or patches, or even be aware of whether multiple architectures are in use at all.


Spin itself is a Rust application that compiles for specific host platforms.

Some workflow has been copied and adapted from the FluxCD project, Flux GitHub Action that selects a latest release of Spin with the GitHub API, downloads a binary for your chosen architecture, (GitHub runners are all amd64, so that's the default, but if you've got your own runners, arch: arm64 can also be used).

Bundling Static Content with OCI

Bartholomew and the static content server both are Wasm modules that we hosted with the content; this is an OK decision even if they don't change as often as the content, because they are small-ish. We should be second-guessing this idea because it isn't sound, but it's OK for the demo (as it won't be solved today!)

In the Bindle model there can be even greater savings for large websites, since the whole OCI artifact need not be downloaded again for every changed file; but right now it isn't clear how well Bindle works with Kubernetes, and our site is small so I'd posit that potential savings is all firmly imaginary for us today.

GitHub pays for it now (thanks!), so we maybe don't need to care about this.

I went ahead and used OCI based on that, and because Spin has recently added support for OCI, that has parallels with Flux's OCI artifact push feature, it made good sense also to put this in a Helm chart, (and that's also with OCI!)

Only binaries for the currently used platform are downloaded from a multi-arch image manifest on any given node. There is some waste re-downloading the Wasm binary every time an OCI pull is done, but you just can't sweat small stuff.


Build and release with a warm cache takes ~40-50s from "push" to "publish", even with multi-arch (2x architectures) – this means I can iterate very fast!

It's a bit slower when the cache needs to be freshed. I used a multi-stage Dockerfile and probably could do better trimming out unneeded dependencies.

We're cheating just a bit to achieve this: the multi-arch rootfs doesn't actually hold any site content that changes. It's just a shim and a pointer to the actual content, which gets published in an OCI image. This is much faster!

Only one file changes: /env.vars – with BUILD_ID that we source and export before Cold start is unfortunately slow because we download those two Wasm modules every time, that each weighs a positive integer number of MB.

Why is Cold Start?

We really need these processes to share memory; if we wanted to see the promise of Wasm on Kubernetes then we need to prevent those Wasm modules from being downloaded again and again, even though they didn't change. But it's just 10MB. (What are you, serving blog from a phone, on a mobile data plan or something?)

This is exactly what OCI is for!

The content doesn't care what platform it's on. This is also what Wasm is for! Spin shows us here just what Wasm can do. Sharing memory between sandboxed pods, on the other hand, is evidently not exactly what Kubernetes was made to do. That's why Cold Start is the way it is here, and that's why this is hard.

You should not have trusted me, nobody at Fermyon asked for any of this πŸ˜‚

How scale rly?

I think these scale issues are addressed better right now at the Hippo Factory, where Spin is actually made to run and perform at its best.

That cold start issue is the problem I think I understand Bindle as having been created to solve, and we could likely show better performance here as well by implementing a Bindle server on our Kubernetes too.

But this is already quite complicated and I've accomplished my own goals.

If you want to improve your cold starts, you're probably gonna wanna check out Fermyon Cloud (or Hippo Factory, the Open Source version of Fermyon Cloud!)


Everything is driven by tagging.

You tag a Docker image, which knows its own BUILD_ID that corresponds with an OCI content image (spin registry push) and that's what Spin runs. All of this happens in CI, on every branch and tag pushed.

There is no need to install Docker for local development at all, but you need to enable GitHub Actions on your own fork to push new Docker images to

The Makefile has some provisions for testing locally, and now also releasing.

You can type make to build an image locally, but it will not work without the corresponding OCI artifact that is made from the consolidated.yaml workflow.

Follow the Release Guide below, (it should be OK to tl;dr at this point!)

Release Guide

Check the current version in spin.toml, and the Chart version in Chart.yaml

Decide what you want as the next

  • TAG (appVersion), and
  • SEMVER (Chart version)

Then, plug in your values and run these commands in sequence:

make version-set TAG=0.1.1-dev
make chart-vers-set SEMVER=0.2.1
make release

Taking into account the meaning of MAJOR and MINOR for communicating changes that are "breaking" or "feature", the values.yaml is usually considered a Helm Chart's "API" otherwise known as the public interface.

Helmet supports (hopefully) everything we need, so there isn't much to do when it comes to Helm templating. You'll find we got away with a one-line chart, thanks to the Helmet chart library we've used as a dependency.

Guidelines for Versioning Helm Charts

Any changes to a Chart's default values other than tag are usually at least considered as MINOR rather than PATCH level updates, (but this is at your discretion as the publisher.)

Always increment both appVersion and the Chart version whenever you release a new image, as Helm chart versions are made immutably for Helm, to facilitate easy declarative rollback in any pipeline or Kubernetes deployment environment.

Helm charts are basically templates, and values.yaml is versioned as part of the template. This by itself is not especially conducive to rapidly iterating.

For a declarative solution that allows you to override values, that does not burden the deployer with managing always releasing a new chart or incrementing a version by hand each time, please try out Flux's Helm Controller if you aren't using it already!

Automated Iterative Development

With Image Update Automation and a few webhook receivers, this can be made to work very smoothly (if you have any stamina left after publishing Helm chart.)

TODO: write this guide.


The .github/workflows all request packages: write permission. They will push packages (Docker, OCI, and Helm) when you push a tag to eg. 0.1.2 or chart-1.0.3.

If you don't want to push a new chart, you can always override image.tag in the chart values.yaml.

Testing Locally

Remember to run spin up before you commit and push your changes, so you don't have to commit twice!

Spin is made for local development, you don't need a new pod every time to test your changes – Spin is the server, and it runs anywhere.

Measure twice, cut once... Helm releases and pod sandboxes don't grow on trees!

Directory Structure:

Refer to fermyon/bartholomew-site-template for the recommended site structure.

A snapshot of the current tree is in tree.txt at the repository root.

Besides the original template content, this repo also includes some updated top-level configuration, GitHub action/ and .github/workflows, ci-scripts/, charts/bart/, and some other files we created whilst following the Fermyon developer guide: Bartholomew Quickstart.


You are expected to fork this repo, enable GitHub Actions workflows on your fork, then start pushing commits and you should near immediately see the results, pushing Packages.

This is a multi-arch Spin shim Docker image, that can run anywhere!

(Yes, even on Kubernetes and even with an unmodified containerd. To avoid writing a whole Docker file, we could follow kwasm-operator, but that requires privileged access to nodes that we wish to avoid.)

Installation of Spin

To use Bartholomew, you will need to install Spin. Once you have Wagi installed, you can continue setting up Bartholomew.

To start your website, run the following command from this directory:

$ spin up
spin up
Serving HTTP on address
Available Routes:
  bartholomew: (wildcard)
  fileserver: (wildcard)

Now you can point your web browser to http://localhost:3000/ and see your new Bartholomew site.

Deploy with Flux

For more notes about how this Helm chart can be deployed on Kubernetes with an automated workflow, see the limnocentral test cluster on kingdon-ci/fleet-infra. This is all WIP.

Or look in that same repo for fleet-infra/examples/wasm where I'll leave the results of my experimentation, once this experiment has actually landed!

(Reminder, this is WIP. Catch me doing stupid things and you may copy them.)

About the License

This repository uses CC0. To the greatest extent possible, you are free to use this content however you want. You may relicense the code in this repository to your own satisfaction, including proprietary licenses.


Taking Bartholomew for a spin

License:Creative Commons Zero v1.0 Universal


Language:Handlebars 52.0%Language:Makefile 24.4%Language:Dockerfile 14.8%Language:Shell 8.8%