ycte / PingServer

The homework of CNNS in XMU. Server to process ping requests over UDP and PingClient to send 10 ping requests to the server.

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🚀After you went through the socket programing which tastes bitter and astringent,you will find it interesting. As the saying goes,

"The Only Easy Day Was Yesterday." - Navy Seal


Tips Computer Network and Network Assignment 2

The homework of CNNS in XMU. Server to process ping requests over UDP and PingClient to send 10 ping requests to the server.


  1. PingServer
javac PingServer

java PingServer port passwd [-delay delay] [-loss loss]
  1. PingClient
javac PingClient

java PingClient host port passwd

💻Client principle

  1. 定时器:Timer 与 TimerTask 配合修改变量调控 Ping 操作。
变量 waiting[0] sendFlag[i](第 i 秒时为 true,其他 false)
功能 程序主功能的开关 控制第 i 次 Ping 操作在第 i 秒执行
  1. Ping:send、setTimeOut、receive


  1. 因为不了解 Java 的线程同步,在处理 Timer 的 TimerTask 的同时,利用了 print() 的中断来保证 receive() 的正确运行,虽暂未发现明显漏洞。

  2. Client 在处理中文回复时低概率出现部分汉字的编码问题。


The homework of CNNS in XMU. Server to process ping requests over UDP and PingClient to send 10 ping requests to the server.


Language:Java 100.0%