ycq091044 / ManyDG

ICLR 2023 paper - ManyDG - Dataset processing and mode codes

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ICLR'23 ManyDG Paper

  • ManyDG: Many-domain Generalization for Healthcare Applications
  • Data, Processing Scripts, Baselines and Model Codes

15-minute explanation video is provided in [YouTube] https://www.youtube.com/watch?v=xKOSiauQtwc

1. Folder Tree

  • data/
    • drugrec/
    • Seizure/
    • sleep/
      • this is the data folder for the processed sample-based Sleep-EDF cassette portion.
      • sleep_edf_process.py: the processing file for sleep-edf (using multiprocess package for parallel programming)
      • for downloading the Sleep-EDF data, please refere to https://www.physionet.org/content/sleep-edfx/1.0.0/
    • hospitalization/
      • this is the folder for the processed eICU data
      • eICU_process_step1.py: the first processing step of eICU data
      • eICU_process_step2.py: the second processing step of eICU data
      • for downloading eICU data, please refer to https://eicu-crd.mit.edu/
    • idxFile/
      • this folder stores the code mapping of different event types in eICU dataset. They will be generated from eICU_process_step1.py and eICU_process_step2.py. They are used to assign feature dimensions for hospitalization prediction task
  • log/, pre-trained/
    • this two folders stores the automatically generated running logs and pre-trained models
  • model.py
    • this file contains all the backbone and Base models for running the experiments
  • run_drugrec/
    • model_drugrec.py: This file inherit the Base model and other model utility functions from model.py and support the drug recommendaton task
    • run_drugrec.py: This is the entry of drug recommendation task, specifiying the data loader and other initialization steps.
    • utils_drugrec.py: This file provides the data split and loading files.
  • run_hospitalization/
    • model_hospitalization.py: This file inherit the Base model and other model utility functions from model.py and support the hospitalization prediction task
    • run_hospitalization.py: This is the entry of hospitalization prediction task, specifiying the data loader and other initialization steps.
    • utils_hospitalization.py: This file provides the data split and loading files.
  • run_seizure/
    • model_seizure.py: This file inherit the Base model and other model utility functions from model.py and support the seizure detection task
    • run_seizure.py: This is the entry of seizure detection task, specifiying the data loader and other initialization steps.
    • utils_seizure.py: This file provides the data split and loading files.
  • run_sleep/
    • model_sleep.py: This file inherit the Base model and other model utility functions from model.py and support the sleep staging task
    • run_sleep.py: This is the entry of sleep stagin task, specifiying the data loader and other initialization steps.
    • utils_sleep.py: This file provides the data split and loading files.

2. How to run the code

cd ./ManyDG
# obtain the Seizure data first
python run_seizure/run_seizure.py --model [MODEL] --cuda [WHICH GPU] --N_vote [DEFAULT 5] --N_pat [N_OF_PAT] --epochs [EPOCHS]
  • for sleep staging
cd ./ManyDG
python data/sleep/sleep_edf_process.py
python run_sleep/run_sleep.py --model [MODEL] --cuda [WHICH GPU] --N_pat [N_OF_PAT] --epochs [EPOCHS]
  • for drug recommendation
cd ./ManyDG
python data/drugrec/data_processing.py
python run_drugrec/run_drugrec.py --model [MODEL] --cuda [WHICH GPU] --N_pat [N_OF_PAT] --epochs [EPOCHS]
  • for hospitalization prediction
cd ./ManyDG
python eICU_process_step1.py
python eICU_process_step2.py
python run_hospitalization/run_hospitalization.py --model [MODEL] --cuda [WHICH GPU] --N_pat [N_OF_PAT] --epochs [EPOCHS]

3. Citation

    title = {ManyDG: Many-domain Generalization for Healthcare Applications},
    author = {Yang, Chaoqi and Westover, M. Brandon and Sun, Jimeng},
    booktitle = {The 11th International Conference on Learning Representations, {ICLR} 2023},
    year = {2023}