ychang49265 / YooJin-Chang_resume

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YooJin Chang

Phone: (201) 742-3966 | Location: Fort Lee, NJ
Email | LinkedIn | GitHub


As an empathetic and driven engineer, I thrive in the area of making technology enjoyable and accessible to all. Experienced in developing full-stack applications with a focus on React/Redux, Node.js/Express, SQL and NoSQL.

Technical Skills

Proficient: JavaScript (ES6+), React (Router, Hooks, Context API), WebRTC, Node.js, Express, HTML, CSS/SaSS/Tailwind, Git/Github, NoSQL (MongoDB/Mongoose), Postman, Web Protocols, WebSockets, OOP, REST API, Redux, Webpack.

Knowledgeable: SQL (Postgres/MySQL), testing (Jest/SuperTest), authentication (OAuth, Bcrypt, JWT), TypeScript, AWS.


RTConnect - WebRTC, Websockets, React, Typescript, Node.js, Express, AWS, CSS, Sass, Tailwind

  • Collaborated with a team of engineers to develop a React component library that allows developers to rapidly implement real-time video calls between two peers, expediting the process of setting up WebRTC, and decreasing the barrier of entry for those unfamiliar with the technology. View GitHub
  • Led the team in creating and designing the landing page for the product. Designed and developed primary UI components and optimized styling protocols with the use of higher order React components, Styled components, and a defined style guide in order to maintain overall code quality and cleanliness. View Website | GitHub for Landing Page
  • Incorporated React Router to create a cohesive user experience, displaying multiple client views on a single page application, and creating intuitive routes using navigational components all while minimizing calls to the server to dynamically and conditionally render various page views.
  • Engineered a persistent bi-directional messaging pattern using Websockets to create an interactive communication session between the peer's browser and server in order to connect reliably.
  • Configured AWS (S3) for their scalable and flexible cloud storage to securely manage RTConnect’s data and to deploy a companion website with global edge caching on HTTPS for improved access and speed.

NoteTube - React, TypeScript, Express, PostgreSQL API, CRUD

  • Created an application that enables timestamped note-taking for youtube video content. Used React to build reusable, modular frontend components with React Hooks to define, hold, and update state, enforcing one-way data flow from parent components to child components while maintaining minimal re-renders. View GitHub
  • Implemented TypeScript to improve efficiency and to reduce errors by preventing unintentional type coercion, ensuring the data passed from the database to the cache are consistent data types.
  • Constructed Node.js/Express server to efficiently handle asynchronous HTTP/API requests to various endpoints using the middleware design pattern, using routers and controllers to modularize requests with reliable debugging.

ConnectI/On - JavaScript, React, CSS, Sass, API, OAuth, SQL

  • Created a Social Events Finder application customized for users seeking events near one's location. View GitHub
  • Utilized SQL, a relational database used to store user data, user-created events, and chat messages. Utilized join tables to easily and efficiently combine data to be used in different views.
  • Applied user authentication with JWTs to serve pages via user-facing authentication securely with minimal user effort

EasyMed - React, Node.js, Express, MongoDB, React Hooks, CSS, Sass, CRUD, API

  • Leveraged mongoDB’s scalability and enforced uniqueness in the user collection to prevent data redundancy, utilizing models to group data into human readable and flexible documents to simplify data storage.
  • Incorporated Test Driven Development using Jest to create an intuitive codebase with automated testing support.


Software Engineering Immersive Bootcamp, December 2021 - August 2022
Prep course and full-time immersive software engineering bootcamp with a focus on JavaScript and programming fundamentals.

Bachelors of Science, School of Nursing, Graduated 2015
New York University
Major in Nursing

Work Experience

ICU Registered Nurse, October 2015 - December 2021
Keck USC Hospital, New York Presbyterian Hospital

  • Provided care for highly acute patients specialized in life-sustaining treatments before and after neurosurgery. Typical clinical scenarios include strokes, seizures, cerebral aneurysms, cerebral hemorrhages, brain tumors, and COVID-19.
  • Collaborated with physicians to ensure timely progress of care, perform in-depth physical assessments, provided extensive education for patients, and utilized critical thinking to advocate for necessary treatment or testing.

Public Talks

Flux Architecture, Redux, Zustand, Recoil - State Management Alternatives | Single Sprout Software Engineering Series


Awards: New York Korean Nurses Association Scholarship Recipient, The National Council of Jewish Women Scholarship Recipient, NYU Founder’s Day Award Recipient
