yc-w-cn / tea-leaf-fortune-telling

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ANGEL: Spiritual guidance. Protection from harm. A bright light surrounds an angel as she hovers in a darkened sky. Her hair is wreathed with flowers and lilies cascade around her. In her right hand she holds a lighted candle. Lucky is the person who chooses this symbol. The angel means that you will be protected from harm during the time frame in which the angel card appears. The lighted candle indicates that you will be shown the way through spiritual guidance, and the garland of lilies shows spiritual love and understanding. ANT: Work, achievement, success. An industrious ant carries a leaf as large as itself. It looks neither left nor right, completely absorbed in its task of carrying the leaf as quickly as possible to its nest. The ant signifies that you will have achievements and success but you will have to work hard for them. If you are not prepared to exert the necessary effort then achievements and success will not be forthcoming. APPLE: Temptation will test you. An apple hangs ripe and sweet from the bough of a tree, tempting passersby to pick it. Wrapped around the bough, all but hidden by the leaves, is a snake guarding the apple. This symbol forewarns the querist to beware. You will be tempted to do something against your better judgment or something you know is wrong. You think that no one will know or find out. The snake is a warning that this will not be the case. ARCHWAY: New opportunities, possibilities, and paths opening up. Climbing roses twine around an archway set in an old brick wall. A path invites you through the archway to admire the beautiful garden that lies beyond it. This symbol indicates that there are new opportunities awaiting you. However, you must not be afraid to take a new direction and pass through the archway, as this is the only way the opportunities will be revealed. ARROW: You are on the right path regarding some aspect of your life. An arrow flies upward through the air toward a distant target. The sun is shining and the sky is cloudless. The arrow indicates that you are on the right path regarding some aspect of your life, but it does not specify which one. As there are many different aspects to a person's life, you will have to decide exactly what the card means. (Check connecting cards to see if they reveal which aspect it is.) AXE: Forces working against you. A hand brandishes a deadly axe, its blade sharp and shining. It is impossible to tell if the hand holding the axe belongs to a man or a woman or when and where the axe will strike. The axe is a warning to be very careful as there is danger in the air and there is no telling from which direction it will come. (Check connecting cards to see if they reveal the nature of the danger.) BAG: Something important, such as a new job or a raise. A soft leather bag sits atop a table. The bag is obviously full but it is tightly closed with a drawstring so it is impossible to see what it holds. The table symbol represents hard work and the contents of the bag represent your reward, which could be in the form of financial gain, increased power, or advancement. BARREL: You feel something is lacking in your life; perhaps love, money, or goals. An empty barrel lies discarded on the ground under a tree. Dead leaves from the tree cover the ground around the barrel. The empty barrel indicates that you are dissatisfied with some aspect of your life. This could be something you are in denial about as you cannot or do not want to change your life at the moment. It is important that you examine the various aspects of your life and take steps to improve the area you consider lacking. (Check connecting cards to see if they reveal which aspect.) BASKET: Recognition. Reward for merit. A straw basket is set down on a kitchen table. It is filled with fruit, bread, and flowers; all riches harvested from the good earth and human labor. The kitchen table represents your hard work and the basket heaped with plenty signifies that your efforts will be recognized and rewarded. BAT: Take care- enemies are working against you. A bat flies out of its cave under the cover of darkness, hunting for prey. The querist should beware. The bat is warning you to take extra care in what you say and do. Enemies are hiding in the dark, ready to strike at the first opportunity. BEAR: Danger, especially in money matters. A bear unexpectedly looms out of the forest, his terrifying roar shattering the peace of the surrounding countryside. The bear forewarns you of danger and that you should be especially prudent in money matters wherever possible. However, sometimes the loss of money will be beyond your control such as urgent plumbing repairs for your home, or your car suddenly breaking down and needing costly repairs or some other unforeseen expense of this nature. BEETLE: Good fortune. The largest of beetles, the Goliath beetle, advances along a sun-drenched, golden path. The markings of the beetle seem to match the pattern of the cob-blestones. This symbol indicates that good fortune will smile upon you during the time frame in which the beetle appears. (Check connecting cards to see if the good fortune is general or related to something specific.) BELL: Announcement. A bell tolls high up in an old stone tower, alerting the people below to gather round to hear some news. The bell indicates that you will soon hear news that will affect your life. However, the symbol does not indicate whether the news will be positive or negative. (Check connecting cards to see if they reveal the nature of the announcement.) BIRD-FLYING: News is on the way. A bird is in full flight against a backdrop of the world. The bird is traveling quickly, seemingly covering the world with a few beats of his wings. This symbol indicates that the querist will soon be receiving news, or a package, or a letter. However, the symbol does not indicate whether the news will be good or bad. (Check connecting cards to see if they reveal the nature of the news.) BIRD-PERCHED: wating tor that, package, letter. A bird is perched on a budding tre that is just beginning to blossom. The bird's legs firmly grip the branch, and its head is cocked to one side showing it is waiting or looking for something. This symbol indicates that the querist is waiting for news, or a package, or a letter, but it does not indicate whether the news will be good or bad. BOAT: Money or property through an inheritance, win-nings, or windfall. A boat is sailing through calm waters. The sun shines down on it from an unbroken blue sky. All is serene and tranquil. This symbol indicates that the querist will receive property, money, or goods through an inheritance, windfall or winnings. BOOT: Increase your efforts if you want to achieve your goals. A sturdy leather boot stands waiting for someone to wear it. The boot is boldly patterned and there is no telling whether it belongs to a man or a woman. The boot is warning you that although you might have lofty goals, it will take much more effort on your part before they are achieved. BOUQUET: Compliments from an admirer. An elegant vase holds a beautiful bouquet of flowers. This card signifies that the querist will receive compliments from an admirer. Although the compliments could very well be of a romantic nature, the querist should not automatically think of that as the only possibility. This symbol means compliments from any source. They could include compliments from a boss for a job well done; a parent complimenting a child, or compliments from a friend. BOW: You are highly thought of. A red satin bow adorns someone's hair. This card signifies that you are highly thought of and admired, but the card does not reveal whether the admirer is male or female. (Check connecting cards to see if they reveal more information.) BOWL: Plenty of material things. A beautifully patterned bowl is filled with every type of luscious, ripe fruit. This symbol indicates that you will enjoy plenty of material things. However, you should pay heed not to place too much value on material things, for like fruit, which can soon rot and has to be thrown away, material possessions can soon lose their luster and appeal. BOX: You will receive a gift. An exquisitely ornate, lacquered box stands in front of you. It is securely locked in order to keep its contents a mystery. This symbol indicates that you will soon receive a gift but does not reveal what the gift will be or who it is from. This symbol can also mean that you will receive a spiritual gift. (Check connecting cards to see if they reveal more information.) BREAD: Period of prosperity and abundance. A freshly baked loaf of bread sits on a kitchen table next to a sack of flour. The sack of flour is so full it spills its contents onto the table. The kitchen table represents your hard work, and the loaf of bread and sack of flour represent the fruit of your labors. This symbol indicates that you will enjoy a period of prosperity and plenty, which will be centered around the home. BRIDGE: Successfully overcoming a problem. A bridge spans a ravine between two high cliffs. A bubbling stream rushes in the canyon below. The sun is shining and the sky is a cloudless blue. The bridge signifies that a problem that has been bothering you will be successfully overcome. BROKEN BRIDGE: Unsuccessful outcome to a prob-lem. A raging river swirls around the columns of a broken bridge. The sky is gray and filled with storm clouds. Rain falls heavily on the broken bridge. This card denotes that there will be an unsuccessful outcome to a problem that has been troubling you. (Check connecting cards to see if they indicate an alternative solution to the problem.) BROKEN BRIDGE: Unsuccessful outcome to a prob. lem. A raging river swirls around the columns of a broken bridge. The sky is gray and filled with storm clouds. Rain falls heavily on the broken bridge. This card denotes that there will be an unsuccessful outcome to a problem that has been troubling you. (Check connecting cards to see if they indicate an alternative solution to the problem.) BROKEN RING: Parting of the ways in either romance or business. A badly tarnished golden ring lies broken in three pieces on top of a heap of dead flowers and leaves. This card signifies there will soon be a parting of the ways in either romance or business for the querist. The dead flowers and leaves symbolize the death of dreams and hopes associated with the relationship. The broken ring symbolizes the breaking of the bonds that once encircled the people involved. BROKEN WISHBONE: Wish will not be granted. A large, broken wishbone looms before the querist. This symbol brings unpleasant news as it indicates that a wish very dear to the querist's heart will not be granted. BROOM: New home. New attitude. A broom stands beside a pile of dead leaves. A pretty cottage surrounded by flowers can be seen in the background. This card represents a sweeping out of the old and going forward with the new. For the querist it can mean a new home, a new position at work, or a new mental attitude toward the things around you. BULL: Do not back down from opposition. Show strength and fortitude. A bull stands beneath a tree. Its head is low-ered, showing it is ready to charge. The bull represents a situation or person that you must not back down from. It will require all of your strength and fortitude to face this person or situation, but it is imperative that you do not back down. (Check connecting cards to see if they reveal information about the person or situation.) BUTTERFLY: A change for the better. A magnificently colored butterfly rests momentarily on a flower. The sun is shining and the sky is blue. The butterfly flies from blossom to blossom, no longer a lowly caterpillar crawling around. It has emerged from its chrysalis to live a dazzling life of exquisite beauty. This symbol indicates that you will soon experience a change for the better. But is it really for the better? It may seem so at the time but it will be up to you to decide at a later time. CAMEL: Persevere and you will overcome problems. A camel, burdened with a heavy load, slowly trudges across the hot desert sand with no relief from the burning sun. However, the camel keeps its head up high and carries on, determined to reach the oasis and the rest that awaits it there. The camel indicates that you may feel laden with problems, but if you persevere in the face of adversity, the problems will be overcome. CANDLE: You will be shown the way. A lighted candle glows in the darkness. A garland of lilies surrounds it. The lilies represent spiritual love, while the lighted candle assures you that you will be shown the way. (Check connecting cards to see if they reveal further information.) CANE: Pay attention to your health. A weary traveler rests beneath a tree, which is shedding leaves. The traveler holds his cane in front of him as if attempting to rise. This card reminds you to pay attention to your health. It could be that you are attempting to do too much or that you have taken on too much responsibility. The card advises you to slow down. CARRIAGE: A journey, either physical or mental. A closed carriage travels along a country road. Flowers and trees border the road. It is impossible to see the occupants of the carriage. This symbol indicates you will take a journey either physically or mentally. If the journey is on a mental plane then you will view things differently at the end of it. CARROT: Opportunity or windfall. A freshly picked carrot lies in a field of carrots, with the sun glinting off the green leafy tops. Lucky is the querist who chooses this card. It represents an opportunity or windfall that will be given to you with little or no effort on your part. CASKET: Someone going out of your life or the end of a situation. A closed casket lies in an open grave. Flowers surround the grave but the top of the casket is bare. The casket indicates that an ending will occur within the time frame indicated. It could mean that someone prominent in your life will no longer be there or the end of a romantic relationship. It could also mean the end of a business relationship or situation. CAT: A two-faced friend. A seemingly benign cat sits on the stone floor enjoying the late afternoon sun. An image of a snarling cat ready to pounce on its prey appears over the shoulder of the benign cat, revealing its true nature. This card is a warning to be careful of the people you regard as friends. One of these people is two-faced and cannot be trusted. CATERPILLAR: Things will not always be this way. A change is coming. A caterpillar is eating on a young, green, leafy plant. It will spend its days eating and resting, preparing for the day when it will become a beautiful butterfly. This symbol indicates that a great change will take place in the querist's life, and once it does, things will never be the same. However, the symbol does not indicate whether it is a change for the better or worse. (Check connecting cards to see if they reveal the nature of the change.) CHAIN: Chain of events that will affect your life. A chain, thick and strong, stretches across the world, binding people and events together. This symbol indicates that a chain of events will affect your life, directly or indirectly. empty chair sits in an empty room. This symbol indi-cmpty chair sits in an empty is leaving your life. An cates that someone significant will be leaving (or has just left) your life. It does not indicate if the person is male or female or whether it will be for the better or worse. (Check connecting cards to see if they reveal this information.) CHAIR-FILLED: Someone new is entering your life. A person sits on a chair in front of the querist. It is impossible to tell whether it is a man or a woman because of the angle. The back of the chair is decorated with irises meaning that this person has an important message for the querist. This symbol signifies that someone new will enter (or has just entered) your life but does not indicate whether it will be a man or a woman or whether it will be for the better or worse. (Check connecting cards to see if they reveal this information.) CLAW: Be careful-do not take risks. A large claw, suspended from a sky that is filled with thunder clouds, appears in front of the querist. This card is a warning for you to take extra care during the time frame indicated and under no circumstances should you take any kind of risk. appears in front of the querist. This card is a warning you to take extra care during the time frame indicated under no circumstances should you take any kind of CLOUDS: Temporary problems. Black thunder cl fill the sky, but the sun peeks out from behind one c clouds. This symbol is a positive one as it shows you your problems are just temporary and the sun will be shining again. CLUB: Someone will try to make you do something against your will. A large, vicious club is silhouetted against a sky filled with thunder clouds. This symbol is a warning that someone will try to persuade you to do something against your better judgment. In extreme cases, you could be either coerced or blackmailed into doing something against your will. COBWEB: Protected from negative forces beyond your control. A cobweb is spun between two beautiful flowers. The morning sun shines brightly, reflecting some drops of dew caught on the web. Lucky is the querist who selects this card, for you are protected against negative energy forces beyond your control for the duration of the time frame in which the card appears. COINS: Money will be coming to you. Giant golden coins appear to be falling from a cloudless sky onto a bed of flow-ers. Good fortune is in store for the querist who chooses this card as it signifies that money will be forthcoming. CRACKED CUP: Dissatisfaction with life. A broken cup lies on a narrow country road where someone has thrown it away. Spilled liquid is on the ground around it. The narrow country road signifies life, and the discarded cracked cup indicates that you are dissatisfied with some aspect of your life. CRIB: Birth or conception of a child or enterprise. A newborn baby lies in a beautiful wicker crib. The crib is decorated with lace and garlanded with flowers. This card signifies the birth or conception of a child for the querist or someone close to the querist. The card can also represent the start of an enterprise or undertaking for the querist or someone close to the querist. CUP: You should accept valid criticism. A cup sits on a kitchen table. In the background is a teapot. The teapot represents friendship. This card advises the querist not to become upset when someone offers you valid criticism. The card also advises you to accept constructive criticism and, whenever possible, make use of it. se cittructive criticism AGGER: Fear, worries, tense situations. A hand hold-1g a dagger appears from a cloud filled sky. Rain lashes cross the dagger. There is no telling when or where the agger will strike. This card forewarns the querist of a eriod filled with fears and worries and tense situations. Check connecting cards to see if they reveal the nature of the tense situations.) DARK MAN: Dealings or relationship with a man with dark complexion or hair. A man with dark hair and dark complexion is shown. His face is inscrutable. You will have dealings or a relationship with a man with dark complexion or hair. However, the symbol does not indicate whether the man is a friend or foe, or whether the relationship will be of a romantic, business, or social nature. (Check connecting cards to see if they reveal the nature of this man.) DARK WOMAN: Dealings or relationship with a woman with dark complexion or hair. A woman with dark hair and dark complexion is shown. Her face is inscrutable. You will have dealings or a relationship with a woman with dark complexion or hair. However, the symbol does not indicate whether the woman is a friend or foe, or whether the relationship will be of a romantic, business, or social nature. (Check connecting cards to see if they reveal the nature of this woman.) DESK: Pay attention to your work. A beautifully carved, ornate desk signifies the querist's career. However, the top of the desk is strewn with unfinished work. This symbol is a warning to you to pay more attention to your work or you may be called upon to pay a high price for neglecting it. DIAMOND: You will be receiving or giving a precious gift. A large, multi-faceted diamond glitters brilliantly. It is surrounded by roses and lilies. Roses indicate romance while lilies denote spiritual love. The diamond symbol represents how precious the gift is, but it is not the cost of the gift that is important as it could cost very little or nothing at all. The gift is precious because of what it means to the giver or the receiver. DOG: Protection from a powerful friend. A powerfully built dog stands guard, ready to take action against any enemies. This card signifies that the querist is protected by a powerful friend. The powerful friend could be a relative, business partner or social acquaintance. The powerful friend could also be someone you have dealings with for legal or financial matters. DOGS: Getting together with friends. Two dogs are shown having fun together. This card indicates that you will be getting together with friends to have a good time. The friends could be either male or female. DOG-BARKING: Advice from a friend. A dog is bark-ing, an earnest expression on its face, trying to attract the attention of the querist. The querist should pay heed. This card signifies that a friend or relative will give you some advice. It is important that you pay attention to what the person has to say and do not dismiss it as being of no consequence. DOG-CLOSE UP: Pleasure with a close friend. This card shows a dog with a playful expression on its face. This symbol indicates that you will have pleasure with a close friend or relative. It does not indicate whether the friend is male or female. DOG—FAR AWAY: A distant friend is thinking of you. A dog stands against a distant background with wistful expression on its face. This symbol indicates that a friend or relative who lives some distance from you is thinking of you. It can also mean that a friend or relative who has become spiritually distant is thinking of you and would like to reach out and bridge the gap. DOLPHIN: Financial gain, usually coming from something you did in the past. A dolphin leaps out of the sea in a graceful arc. The sun glistens off the dolphin as it somersaults. This card signifies that there is financial gain coming to the querist. The financial gain will usually emanate from something you did in the past such as the buying of property or an investment or from a project started some time ago. DOLPHIN: Financial gain, usually coming from something you did in the past. A dolphin leaps out of the sea in a graceful arc. The sun glistens off the dolphin as it somersaults. This card signifies that there is financial gain coming to the querist. The financial gain will usually emanate from something you did in the past such as the buying of property or an investment or from a project started some time ago. DOOR: Opportunities are waiting for you. A heavy, ornate door is set deep in a brick wall. This symbol indicates that there are opportunities waiting. However, these opportunities will not present themselves without you taking the first step. You must not be afraid to open the door and go through it to see what lies on the other side. DRAGON: Beware of self-delusion. A fire-breathing dragon, all puffed up with its own self-importance, appears in front of the querist. However, the dragon looks a little nonsensical, more like a caricature of a dragon than the real thing. This symbol indicates that you should beware of deluding yourself with regard to certain situations. You should face the truth, however painful, and act accordingly. EAGLE: Triumph over troubles, obstacles. The king of birds is unafraid to face a challenge or confront its ene-mies. This card indicates that the spirit of the eagle is guiding you and that you will ultimately triumph over the troubles and obstacles you are now facing. EAR: Good news. The ear signifies that the querist will soon hear good news. It also instructs the querist to let go of negative attitudes and look on the bright side of things rather than the dark side. EGG: Success assured with good plans and hard work. A golden egg lies in a nest on the fork of a tree branch. The egg denotes that success is assured but only if you plan properly and work hard. Just as an egg can topple from the nest and break, so can success evade you without the proper planning and work. ELEPHANT: A long journey, either physical or mental, will leave you wiser at the end. A wise, old elephant rests by a watering hole. This symbol indicates that you will take either a long physical or spiritual journey from where you are at the moment. Information that you are given or find out on this journey will alter your view of life forever. EYE: Psychic ability-trust your intuition. An eye, all seeing and all knowing, stares back at the querist. This card tells you that you have psychic ability and should trust your intuition. You should also be advised that the times you go against your intuition are the times when you will make your biggest mistakes. FAIR MAN: Dealings or relationship with a man with blonde, gray, or white hair. A fair man with a fair complexion is shown. His face is inscrutable. You will have dealings or a relationship with a man with a fair complexion and blond, gray or white hair. However, the symbol does not indicate whether the man is a friend or foe, or whether the relationship will be of a romantic, business, or social nature.(Check connecting cards to see what they reveal.) FAIR WOMAN: Dealings or relationship with a woman with blonde, gray, or white hair. A fair woman with a fair complexion is shown. Her face is inscrutable. You will have dealings or a relationship with a woman with fair complexion and blonde, gray, or white hair. However, the symbol does not indicate whether the woman is a friend or foe, or whether the relationship will be of a romantic, business, or social nature. (Check connecting cards to see what they reveal about the woman.) FAN: Romance, celebration, party. An exquisitely painted fan is fully extended, showing all of its beautiful design. This symbol is a festive one indicating that you will soon have something to celebrate, or will be having fun at a party. It is also a romance card and could indicate that you are now, or about to become, romantically involved with someone. FEATHER: Someone you know is undependable and insincere. A feather, blown by the wind, comes to rest on the ground next to some dying lilies. The feather, tossed by the wind, represents the changeable nature of man, and the dying lilies signify the loss of spiritual love. This card forewarns you to be careful about whom you trust. Someone you know will turn out to be undependable or insincere. FINGER: Warning you of a problem either now or in the near future. A hand rises in front of the querist. The right finger is extended in a warning. This card indicates that a problem faces (or will soon face) the querist that must be dealt with. The problem could have to do with health, finances or relationships. (Check connecting cards to see if they reveal nature of the warning.) FIRE: Strong emotion. Passionate love or hate. A fire rages out of control beneath a cloud-filled sky. You are warned that either passionate love or hate can become all-consuming if it is allowed to rage out of control. You should try to keep your feelings in check to avoid this from happening. FIRECRACKER: Excitement. A firecracker explodes in a brilliant shower of colors above the querist. This card denotes that exciting situations or events are in store for the querist. FLAG: Do not be tempted to lower your standards. A flag flies at the top of a mast, proud and majestic, a symbol of integrity and honor. You will find yourself in a situation where you will be tempted to lower your high standards. This symbol is a warning that you should not resort to expedient means, but to always live by the high standards that have served you in the past. FLOWERS: Happiness. A songbird rests on the branch of a tree covered with newly-bloomed white flowers. The songbird is young and carefree. This card indicates a period of carefie happiness for the querist during the time frame shown. FLUTE: Disappointment in a friend or lover. A silent flute lies next to a vase of dying roses. The beauty of the flowers and music has passed. This card indicates that the querist will be bitterly disappointed in a trusted friend or lover. FLY: A period of ill health. Depression. A fly drinks from a glass of stale, spilled wine. Pieces of moldy bread and cheese lie around the glass. This card is a warning that you could face a period of ill health either physically or mentally. It could be that you are not paying sufficient attention to your health. This symbol cautions you to re-evaluate your lifestyle. FOREST: Muddled, unclear thinking. A forest, thick and dark, blocks the querist's path. No path is shown through the dense foliage. You wonder how you will ever get through. This symbol indicates that you are trying to muddle through some problem or situation without really thinking it out or planning ahead. FOUR-LEAF CLOVER: Great, good fortune. A four-leaf clover turns its fresh green face toward the querist. Rare indeed is a four-leaf clover and lucky is the querist who finds one. Great, good fortune will be yours during the time frame indicated. FOX: Shrewdness and resourcefulness, especially in business. A red fox, partially hidden by bushes, scans the country-side. The fox is a cunning, daring hunter knowing when to take chances and when to lie low. This symbol indicates that the querist will be inspired with the shrewdness and resourcefulness of the fox during the time frame shown. FRYING PAN: Trouble, accusations. A frying pan is set low on a hot fire. The fire is so hot that the meat cooking in the pan spits, hisses, and burns. This card forewarns of trouble ahead. You should take extra care to guard yourself against any accusations that could be leveled at you. FUNNEL: Period of frustration. Lessons to be learned. A funnel, heaped with grain, stands in the neck of a large, stone bottle. It will take a long time to fill the bottle as only a small amount can go through the funnel at any one time. The farmer has many bottles to fill and is impatient with the amount of time it is taking. This symbol indicates that you will go through a period where you will be frustrated because events move slowly, but at the end of this period you will find you have learned a valuable lesson which you would not have learned had events moved faster. GAVEL: Involvement with the law. A gavel rests in the hand of a judge. This symbol indicates that the querist will have some involvement with the law during the time frame indicated. (Check connecting cards to see if the nature of this involvement is revealed.) GOLDFISH: Increase in material wealth or spiritual growth. An exquisite goldfish swims in clear, blue water tinted gold by the sun. Its long fins and tail undulate slowly as it swims around the pond. This card signifies that the querist will either have an increase in material wealth or will experience spiritual growth during the time frame indicated. GONG: An exciting event. A man, stripped to the waist, beats a heavy, brass striker against a large, ornate gong. Something noteworthy is about to happen. This symbol foretells of an exciting event in store for you. (Check connecting cards to see if they reveal the nature of the event.) GRAPES: Time to go out and have fun. A large bunch of succulent, ripe purple grapes hang from a vine, just waiting to be picked. This symbol advises you that you need a break from everyday routine. It is time to go out and have some fun. GRASSHOPPER: Situations in the balance that require careful handling. A grasshopper rests on a stalk of grass that looks too frail to carry its weight, but the grasshopper is perfectly balanced until it moves. When it does move, it will have to move with great care or risk falling off. This symbol advises the querist that there are situations in the balance that require extremely delicate handling. It also advises the querist to seek professional advice wherever possible before attempting to resolve these issues. HAMMOCK: Taking a vacation, physically or mentally. A hammock is slung between two flowering trees. The sun shines from a cloudless blue sky. This symbol indicates that you will be taking a vacation, either physically or mentally, away from the pressures and stress of everyday life. HAND: In need of help, assistance, and guidance. An outstretched hand is raised to the sky. It is impossible to tell whether the hand belongs to a male or female. This symbol signifies that you need help in some aspect of your life. Unfortunately, the symbol does not reveal if help will be given. (Check connecting cards to see if they reveal more information.) HANDSHAKE: A meeting with a stranger could be important. Two hands clasp together in a handshake. One hand is outstretched from the sky while the other hand is outstretched from the earth. This card signifies that during the given time frame you will meet a stranger who could prove to be very important in your life. However, the card does not indicate whether the meeting is for the better or worse. HARP: Great happiness. Angelic fingers pluck at a golden harp. A mythical fish adorns the harp listening to the celestial music. Lucky is the querist who picks this card. You will know great happiness; the kind of inner happiness that comes from spiritual love and contentment with life and fellow man. HAT: You will be playing a different role. A hat is silhouetted against the sun rising over the ocean. The ocean represents the cradle of all creation, while the sunrise indicates new starts and fresh ideas. The hat signifies that you will be soon playing a different role in your life. (Check connecting cards to see if they reveal any further information.) HAYSTACK: Karma—you will reap what you have sown. A newly-stacked haystack sits in a field of freshly mown hay. The sky is blue but dotted with a few white clouds that could turn into thunderclouds. The haystack represents the karma that you will reap. If you have sown good karma in the past, then good is what you will reap. If the karma was bad, then bad karma will return to haunt you. HEART: Love, deep affection, and caring. A beautiful heart is encircled with newly-bloomed red roses. This card of caring indicates that you will either feel love or deep affection for someone or that someone will have feelings of love or deep affection for you. HILLS: Obstacles to overcome. A series of hills rise in front of the querist. None of them are impossible to climb; they just make the terrain harder to traverse. These hills indicate problems that you will have to face. None of the problems are insurmountable, but they will make your life's journey more difficult. However, just as it is easier to see the surrounding landscape from the top of a hill so, too, will you find it easier to view your life after solving these problems. HORSE: Short journey. A prancing horse beckons you to mount it. This card signifies that you will take a short journey during the time frame indicated. However, the card does not indicate whether the journey is for business or pleasure. (Check connecting cards to see if they reveal the nature of the journey.) HORSESHOE: Good luck. A gleaming horseshoe appears before the querist. Flowers tumble from the sky around it. Fortunate indeed is the querist who chooses this card as it indicates that good luck will shower down on you during the time frame shown. INKPOT: Problems to be resolved. An overturned inkpot lies on a desk. A quill pen lies beside it in a pool of spilled ink. This card indicates that there are problems you are not willing to face. The card advises you to resolve these problems (or begin resolving them) during the time frame indicated. JUG: Lighthearted, carefree time. A pewter jug adorned with flowers and grapes invites you to drink the refreshing liquid it holds. This symbol indicates that there is a light-hearted, carefree time ahead for you. KANGAROO: Unsettled times. Need to plan ahead. A kangaroo hops around, jumping from one direction to another with no apparent plan in mind. This card is warning you to stop trying to run in too many directions at once as it is depleting you mentally, physically, and finan-cially. You should take the time to make sound plans for the future, then follow them. KEY: Successful outcome to your problems. An ornate key gleams in the brilliant sun. Lucky is the querist who chooses this card as it signifies that there will be a successful outcome to the problems you are now facing. KEY: Successful outcome to your problems. An ornate key gleams in the brilliant sun. Lucky is the querist who chooses this card as it signifies that there will be a successful outcome to the problems you are now facing. KITE: Vacation. A brightly-colored kite in the shape of a goldfish flies high in a cloudless sky. The goldfish symbolizes an increase in material wealth or spiritual growth. This card signifies that you will take a vacation. The card does not specify what kind of vacation; it could be a vacation to an island paradise or a break from the chores of everyday life. It could also mean a mental vacation in which you relax from the pressures that surround you. KNOT: Unsuccessful plans. A piece of heavy rope lies tangled and knotted on the ground. This card signifies that plans laid out by the querist will be unsuccessful. This card shows that you are climbing toward success in some aspect of your life, but the clouds symbolize temporary problems that you will have to overcome first. LEG: Stepping into a new experience. A leg is firmly planted on the ground. Even though the leg is well formed and muscular, there is no way of telling if the leg belongs to a man or a woman. This card indicates that you will be stepping into a new experience during the time frame shown. (Check connecting cards to see if they elaborate further on what the experience will be.) LIGHTNING: Control your anger or you will be sorry. A bolt of lightning thunders down from a storm-filled sky. This card warns you not to let your anger get out of con-trol. If you lash out in a moment of anger, you will have many hours of regret. LILY: Spiritual love. A beautiful white lily fills the querist's heart and mind with spiritual love, divine and pure. Now is the time for you to share this love with your fellow man. LION: Time to act. A lion, lord of the jungle, king of the beasts, strides purposefully through the savannah, prepared to meet and vanquish whatever crosses its path. It fears no one, man or beast. Follow the lion's example, and overcome indecision. It is time to act or face the consequences for being tentative. LOBSTER: Financial pinch. A lobster waits for an unwary victim, ready to attack with its incredibly strong claws. This card advises you to be especially responsible in dealing with your finances during the time frame shown. Failure to do so could result in a severe financial pinch. MAN: Dealings or relationship with a man. A man is shown. His face is inscrutable. This card indicates that you will have important dealings or a relationship with a man during the time frame indicated. However, the symbol does not indicate whether the man is a friend or foe, or whether the relationship will be of a romantic, business, or social nature. (Check connecting cards to see if they reveal the nature of the man.) MICE: Discord among friends or family. Three mice are shown going in different directions. Mice are a symbol of poverty, and in this instance represent poverty of kindness and understanding. This card denotes discord among you and your friends or family. You should examine carefully the reasons behind the disagreements and try to see things through the other person's eyes. This is a time to be dip-lomatic. If you are not, you may find yourself spiritually poorer due to a lack of understanding. MONEY PATH: A path with money is waiting for you to find it. A curving path filled with gold coins lies hidden somewhere. It gives no clue as to its whereabouts; it is up to you to find it. This card advises you that there is a path filled with money just waiting for you to discover it. Unfor-tunately, the path will never show itself; you must find a way to access it, or the golden coins on the path will always elude you. MOON: Changes in your life. A full moon lights up the night sky. Just as the full moon changes into the new moon, so must you be prepared for changes in your life. However, this symbol does not indicate whether the changes will be beneficial or detrimental. (Check connecting cards to see if they reveal any further information.) MOUNTAIN: Major challenge to overcome. A mountain, bleak and forbidding, rises directly in the querist's path. It offers no easy way around it or over it. There are suggestions of possible routes on the mountainside, but no single one is clearly the right one. This symbol indicates there is a major challenge you must face and deal with. It would be futile to try to avoid it or go around it. As no single way to deal with the problem has been indicated, you must be very careful of the path you choose, making sure it is the right one. MOUNTAIN ROAD: You are on the road to success. A narrow road snakes around a forbidding mountain. It is full of tight corners and hazardous curves which must be navigated with the utmost care. This symbol indicates that you are on the road to success, but success is only assured if you follow the road extremely carefully at all times. You cannot veer off in different directions and still expect to succeed. MULE: Someone is extremely stubborn and unwilling to change. A man is tugging at a mule that is facing in the opposite direction. The mule refuses to turn around and follow the man. A battle of wills has developed in which neither the man nor the mule is willing to give way. This card signifies that you are being stubborn and rigid in your views or someone you know is stubborn and unwilling to change. NEEDLE & THREAD: A sincere wish will be granted. A silken thread slots through the eye of a small needle. It is important that the needle is threaded because only then will a wish be granted. This symbol indicates that a truly sincere wish, dear to the querist's heart, will be granted. NEST: An emotionally secure, loving family is important to you. A nest full of eggs sits securely in the fork of a tree. The nest is hidden from view by the leaves on the tree making it safe from predators who would steal the eggs. This card signifies that it is important for you to be part of a supportive, loving family. OLDER MAN: Dealings or relationship with an older man. An older man is shown. This card indicates that you will have important dealings or a relationship with an older man during the time frame indicated. However, the symbol does not indicate whether the older man is a friend or foe, or whether the relationship will be of a romantic, financial, or social nature. (Check connecting cards to see if they reveal the nature of the older man.) OLDER WOMAN: Dealings or relationship with an older woman. An older woman is shown. This card indicates that you will have important dealings or a relationship with an older woman during the time frame indicated. However, the symbol does not indicate whether the older woman is a friend or foe, or whether the relationship will be of a romantic, financial, or social nature. (Check connecting cards to see if they reveal the nature of the older woman.) OWL: Good advice from a wise person. An owl sits on a tree branch, silhouetted against a full moon. Its wise eyes observe everything that is happening around it. This card advises you to take note of some good advice that will be given to you by someone you respect and who is well-informed. This advice can only help you. PAIL: Time to get out of a situation. A pail has tipped over and lies in a puddle of spilled water on the stone floor. This card signifies that it is time for you to bail out of a situation you are in. The situation could be a romantic involvement, or a business or financial situation. This symbol also indicates that there could be legal implica-tions. (Check connecting cards to see if they reveal more about the situation.) PARROT: Someone will gossip about all your secrets. A gaudy parrot is perched on a tree branch, squawking loudly for everyone to hear. This symbol is warning you to guard your tongue, otherwise someone else will be gossiping about things you would rather keep secret. PEACOCK: Beware of great pride. A vain peacock struts along, his tail feathers spread out, displayed for all the world to see. This card not only forewarns you against self-aggrandizement but also against glorifying your accom-plishments. You should also beware of others who puff themselves up with self-importance. PIG: Beware of greed. A pig, round and fat, pokes its nose out of the underbrush as it looks for more food to become even fatter. This card advises the querist not to become too greedy. The card also forewarns you to beware of other people who could harm you with their greed. PIN: New job/career. A silver pin lies on a purple velvet cushion. The head and stem of the pin are beautifully decorated. This symbol has two meanings. One is that you will soon have a new job or career. The other meaning is that the job or career you already have will soon take a new direction. PINEAPPLE: Reconciliation. A ripe, juicy pineapple stands on a kitchen table. This card represents the two meanings of reconciliation. On the one hand, the pineapple indicates that you will be reconciled with family, friends, or loved ones after a separation or argument. On the other hand, the pineapple represents that you will become reconciled to accepting a disagreeable situation in your life as something that cannot be changed at the moment. PURSE: Pay attention to your finances. A leather purse lies open, spilling gold coins onto a table. This card is warning you to pay attention to your finances. It could be that you are spending too much money unwisely, or that you should be checking your investments more carefully. QUILL: Get back to the basics. A sturdy quill lies neglected on a desk. This symbol is a warning for you to pay more attention to the basics you built your life upon. They are the foundation of your life and will stand you in good stead when flights of fancy have turned sour. RABBIT: Too much concern with sexual matters. A buck rabbit waits in a field for the unwary doe to cross its path. The buck has sex on its mind and is oblivious to other things happening around it. This card advises the querist not to be so preoccupied with sexual matters. Moderation in all things is a good axiom to live by. RAINBOW: The most difficult part of a situation is over. A glorious rainbow stretches from one end of a cloudless sky to the other. This symbol signifies that you have dealt with the most difficult part of a situation and that things will be much easier in the future. (Check connecting cards to see if they reveal more about the situation.) RAM: A stubborn, aggressive person. A ram appears with its massive horns curling around its head. The ram is guarding its territory, prepared to do battle with anyone or anything that gets in its way. This card indicates that either the querist is being stubborn and aggressive, or that the querist will have dealings with a person who is stubborn and aggres-sive. Either way, the querist should take care and consider diplomacy as the best course of action. RAT: Someone working against you behind your back. A sharp-eyed rat peers from its hiding place in the grass. It observes everything the querist does and looks for a chance to use it to its own advantage. This card is a warning that someone is working against you behind your back. It also advises you to be careful in what you do and say as it could be used against you. Do not accuse anyone of being the rat unless you are absolutely sure, otherwise this accusation could come back to haunt you. RING: A marriage will take place either romantic or busi-ness. A shining golden ring is surrounded with lilies and roses indicating both spiritual and romantic love. This symbol signifies that you (or someone close to you) will soon enter into a marriage. The marriage could either be a romantic union between two lovers, or a business union for financial gain. (Check connecting cards to see if they reveal more information.) ROOSTER: An arrogant, boastful person you should not cross. A rooster crows in the first light of the morning, awakening the farmer and his family. The cock is puffed up with its own sense of importance. It preens its brightly colored feathers and crows again. This symbol indicates that you will have dealings with an arrogant, boastful person and advises you to play the diplomat and not cross this person or you will regret it. ROSE: Romance is in the air. An exquisite red rose opens its petals to the sky. The rose is a vision of beauty for all mankind to enjoy. This card signifies that there is romance in the air around you and that you should open yourself up to the romance and enjoy it. SCALES: Keep your life in balance. A pair of perfectly balanced scales serves as a warning that your life is out of balance. If you wish to experience true satisfaction in your life then you must analyze your lifestyle and do whatever is necessary to restore a proper balance. SCISSORS: Disappointment in some affair. A pair of open scissors lie discarded on a table. The heavily carved silver handles are badly tarnished from lack of use and care. This card signifies that you will be disappointed in some affair. However, the card does not reveal whether it will be in business or a matter of the heart. (Check connecting cards to see what they reveal.) SEAHORSE: Family matters. A seahorse floats in calm, warm waters. Even though this seahorse is male, it carries eggs from the female in its abdominal pouch where they will remain until they hatch. This card signifies that you will feel weighted down by family matters during the time frame shown. (Check connecting cards to see if they reveal the nature of the family matters.) SHARK: Take care or there will be a loss of material wealth. A shark prowls the deep sea looking for victims. This symbol cautions you to pay extreme care to your finances. It will take great skill on your part to navigate the financial waters without incurring monetary loss or falling prey to a shark. SHIELD: You need to defend yourself. A shield appears in front of the querist. The shield has withstood the onslaught of many battles and now stands ready to do battle on behalf of the querist. This symbol signifies that you will need to defend yourself during the time frame shown. It also advises you to graciously accept any help that is offered. SKULL: Hidden secrets can harm you. A nightmarish skull leers tauntingly at the querist. The skull knows secrets the querist does not want revealed. This symbol advises you to take care. Secrets may be revealed that could be very harmful to you. (Check connecting cards to see if they indicate the nature of the secrets or who will reveal them.) SPEAR: Heartache over what you no longer have. A spear lies deeply embedded in a heart. Blood seeps from the wound. This symbol indicates that you will suffer great heartache pining over what you have lost or no longer have. It could be a love affair, a business opportunity, or a financial opportunity. (Check connecting cards to see if they reveal more information.) STAFF: You will be taken care of in difficult times. A gnarled and worn staff is within reach. The staff is worn from its constant use by an unseen shepherd in taking care of his flock, guarding them from danger. This card signifies that the unseen shepherd will be watching over you and will guide you through difficult and dangerous times. STAR: Guaranteed success. A brilliant star glows in the heavens, outshining all others around it. Lucky is the querist who chooses this card, for you are guaranteed success in some endeavor. It could be an affair of the heart, a business opportunity, or a financial situation. (Check connecting cards to see if they reveal the nature of the success.) STORK: News of a birth or a new business opportunity. A stork is perched on a new nest it is building. The stork takes great care as it inserts each stick into the nest, making sure it is in just the right place to make the nest as stable and secure as possible. This card signifies that you will have news of a birth or a new business opportunity. If the news does not involve you personally, then it will involve someone close to you. SUN: Happiness and well-being. A golden sun shines down from a cloudless sky. Lucky is the querist who chooses this card as the sun will be shining on you, filling you with happiness and a sense of well-being. SUNRISE: New creative ideas. New ventures. A fresh start. A golden sun rises up. It seems as though it is rising from the ocean, the cradle of all creation. The sun illuminates the world, bringing fresh new light to it. This card shows that you will be filled with creative, new ideas. New ventures and fresh starts are also indicated. TABLE: Hard work ahead. An ornately carved table stands in front of the querist. A great deal of time and hard work went into the making of that table. This card indicates that there is much hard work ahead of you in some aspect of your life. This is not a time for you to relax and take it easy. TANKARD: Celebration, fun, enjoyment. A silver tankard awaits the querist. All the querist has to do is pick it up and join in the fun. This symbol indicates that it is time for you to enjoy yourself. The symbol also indicates that there could be a good cause for celebration. TARGET: A goal-oriented person. An arrow pierces the bullseye of a target. This symbol indicates either that you are a goal-oriented person who has definite objectives you wish to attain, or that you will have dealings with a person who is goal-oriented and who has certain targets in mind. TEAPOT: Deep friendship with someone of the same sex. A teapot, decorated with fruit and flowers, is filled to the brim with hot tea. A swirl of steam escapes from the teapot's spout. The teapot indicates sharing and giving. This card signifies that you either enjoy or will enjoy a deep friendship with someone of the same sex. TEARDROPS: Great personal sorrow. Large teardrops fall from a sorrowful eye. It is impossible to tell if the eye belongs to a man or a woman. Unlucky is the querist who chooses this card for it signifies great personal sorrow. The eye also indicates that perhaps the sorrow could have been avoided if only you had trusted your intuition. TENT: Temporary situation. A tent is pitched in the desert as night falls. By tomorrow morning it will be gone. This card indicates that certain situations you are now experiencing are only temporary and that they will soon pass. These situations could be good or bad for you but the card does not reveal this, only that they are temporary situations which will soon pass. THRONE: Position of authority. A magnificently carved, gilded throne rests on a pedestal high above the ground. The only way the querist can reach it is by ascending a set of stairs. This card denotes that you are now occupying or soon will be occupying a position of authority. TIGER: Doing something risky. Taking a chance. A hand, which signifies the querist, fondles a tiger in an effort to become its friend. The tiger is of two minds. Even though it likes being fondled, it is still contemplating attacking the querist. The querist who chooses this card should beware. It denotes that you are either involved in something risky or are contemplating taking a chance in some affair that could be risky. TORCH: Spiritual development, enlightenment, aware-ness, and understanding. A torch blazes against the night sky, illuminating everything and making it clear. So will everything become clear to the querist. You will experience great enlightenment, spiritual awareness, and understanding. TORTOISE; Slowly but surely getting ahead. A tortoise slowly wends it way across the grass to its nest. There are many obstacles to be crossed and, to the onlooker, it appears as if the tortoise will never get there. However, the tortoise finds a way around all of the obstacles and finally reaches its goal. This card advises you against becoming discouraged when you do not quickly reach a goal. Even though it may seem to you that you are not making prog-ress, the opposite is true. TOWER: Solid foundation. Success with effort. A magnificent tower rises up in front of the querist. This tower is built on a solid foundation and will last when others have fallen. This card advises you that success rarely comes without great effort and should always be built on a solid foundation. Success that appears overnight generally departs the same way. TREE: Affairs with your family. A tree stands proud and strong; its roots solidly embedded in the ground. Its branches are strong and intertwined and covered with leaves. This symbol denotes that you will be involved in affairs with your family. However, the card does not reveal the nature of the affairs. TULIP: Great passion. A beautiful tulip appears in front of the querist. Its petals are tinged with various shades of red and yellow. This symbol indicates that you will feel great passion during the time frame shown. It could be passionate love, passionate hate, or a passionate zeal for some cause. (Check connecting cards to see if they reveal more information.) TURKEY: Someone is behaving stupidly. A turkey struts across the farmyard unaware that it is regarded as a stupid animal. This card signifies that either the querist is behaving stupidly or someone the querist has dealings with is behaving foolishly. Either way, it is the querist who will be affected by the stupidity. UNICORN: Use your intuition to make beneficial changes. A beautiful white unicorn with a shining golden horn in the middle of its forehead prances in front of the querist. This symbol advises you to put your psychic powers to work. All of us are psychic to some degree, but if you do not use your psychic powers they fall to waste. This card urges you to follow your intuition in making changes that will prove beneficial. "V": Victory in some endeavor. A large "V" stands victorious in front of the querist. This card signifies that you will find yourself victorious in some endeavor. The victory will be especially gratifying to you as you will have overcome all the obstacles placed in your path. (Check connecting cards to see if they reveal the nature of the endeavor.) VALLEY: Deep personal strength and peace that assure success. A lush green valley opens in front of the querist. A red sun shines down on the valley from a cloudless sky. A stream flows through the valley indicating that your soul will be nourished with the strength, peace and introspection that you need to assure success. VASE: Secret admirer. An intricately ornamented vase contains many different patterns worked into one design; not all of them immediately apparent. This card advises you that you have a secret admirer, a person whose identity is not easily discernible. You will have to give a great deal of thought before you can correctly identify who the admirer is. (Check connecting cards to see if they reveal any information about the admirer's identity.) VINE: Seek out information that will help you. A green vine grows in tangled circles. Its leaves are green and full and it is just beginning to blossom. This card indicates that there is information that would be of great help to you, but you must seek it out. This information will not be revealed to you without great effort on your part. VULTURE: Depression, anxiety. Worry that someone is against you. A vulture stands on a craggy ledge surveying the scene below, waiting for an animal to die so that it may scavenge on the carcass. This card indicates that you may be going through a period of anxiety or depression, or you could be worried that people are waiting for you to make a misstep so that they can glory in your misfortune. WALL: Misunderstanding, A wall, tall and forbidding, cuts the landscape in two. There is no visible way around the wall. You will either have to scale the wall or breach it if you want to get to the other side. This card shows that there is a misunderstanding between you and another person or persons. It will be up to you to take the first steps toward reconciliation. WEDGE: Someone is trying to come between you and a friend or something you want. A large wedge appears before the querist. It is thick and heavy at one end, yet narrow and penetrating at the other. This symbol indicates that there are disturbing forces at work in your life. Someone is intent on coming between you and a friend or something that you want. The something you want could be an intangible such as happiness or peace of mind. WEEPING WILLOW: Family sorrow. A weeping willow mourns. Its leaves reach the ground and its branches seem overcome by the weight of them. This card signifies that there will be a time of family sorrow for the querist. The sorrow could be over family members but it could also be over a number of other matters pertaining to the family such as business, financial, legal, or medical. WELL: Family wishes come true. An old stone well lies hidden deep in the forest. It is rarely found and only by those truly in need. Lucky is the querist who chooses this card. It signifies that something you wish for will come true, but on one condition. It will only come true if what you wish for will be of benefit to the entire family. WHALE: Great worry over nothing. A whale surfaces from the ocean, scaring the querist with its size and fierce looks, The whale, however, pays no attention to the querist and swims calmly away. This card shows that you will be faced with certain situations that will cause you a great deal of anxiety. As time passes, however, the situations will disappear and you will realize that the anxious times were over conjectured fears. WHEEL: Indecisiveness. Allowing your life to ramble aim-lessly. Like this wheel, your life has no set course, nor is it attached to anything. This card warns you that it is time to take charge of your life and give it direction and pur-pose. This could apply to one aspect of your life or it could apply to all aspects of your life. WINDCHIMES: Peace and harmony. A set of wind-chimes sways in a gentle breeze, chiming melodiously. Even though it is night and leaves are falling from the tree on which it hangs, the chimes signal peace. So, too, will you find peace and harmony amid discord. WISHBONE: A wish is granted. A large wishbone appears in front of the querist. Lucky is the querist who chooses this card. It signifies that a wish very dear to your heart will be granted. WOMAN: Dealings or relationship with a woman. A woman is shown. Her face is inscrutable. This card indicates that you will have important dealings or a relationship with a woman during the time frame indicated. However, the symbol does not indicate whether the woman is a friend or foe, or whether the relationship will be of a romantic, business, or social nature. (Check connecting cards to see if they reveal the nature of the woman.) WREATH: Sorrow over a loss. A wreath of lilies and white and red roses hangs against a cloudy sky. A purple ribbon adorns the wreath. This card signifies that you will suffer great sorrow over a loss. It could be the loss of a relative or friend or the loss of a business situation. It could also be a loss in a financial or legal matter. YOKE: Feeling tied down, or frustrated. A heavy, large yoke, worn and weathered from years of use appears in front of the querist. This card signifies that you feel tied down and frustrated in some aspect of your life and wish to break free. Do not rely on someone else to set you free. Unfortunately, no one can give you the freedom you desire but yourself. (Check connecting cards to see if they reveal which aspect.) YOUNGER MAN: Dealings or relationship with a younger man. A younger man is shown. His face is inscru-table. This card indicates that you will have important dealings or a relationship with a younger man during the time frame indicated. However, the symbol does not indicate whether the younger man is a friend or foe, or whether the relationship will be of a romantic, business, or social nature. YOUNGER WOMAN: Dealings or relationship with a younger woman. A younger woman is shown. Her face is inscrutable. This card indicates that you will have important dealings or a relationship with a younger woman during the time frame indicated. However, the symbol does not indicate whether the younger woman is a friend or foe, or whether the relationship will be of a romantic, business, or social nature.




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