ybrs / putio-ftp-connector

transfer your files from putio using your ftp client

Geek Repo:Geek Repo

Github PK Tool:Github PK Tool

this is a proof of concept ftp server that proxies ftp clients requests to putio http, or in other words an ftp interface to put.io.

its alpha, and works for me. for screenshots or some more details i wrote a blog post http://splitjoin.com/2011/01/27/putio-ftp-connector/

uses pyftpdlib, code is modified from https://github.com/tomatohater/faetus/blob/master/bin/faetus-server . 


 for *nix users: 
   i. install python 2.6.6 (haven't tested in other versions)
  ii. just download everything in a folder, and run 
     python putio-ftp-connector.py

 iii. from your favorite ftp client login to localhost port 2121 with your putio apikey as your username and apisecret as your password.
 for windows users:

   i. install python 2.6.6 ( http://www.python.org/download/releases/2.6.6/ ) - i don't know if other versions will work or not. 
  ii. download everything to one folder. double click putio-ftp-connector.py . (when you run connector it will say something like Serving FTP on, is your local ip address)
      if you see an ipv6 kind adress or can't see an ip address when it starts edit config.py  and enter your ipadress there.

 iii. download filezilla from http://filezilla-project.org/download.php?type=client and enter your local ip address to server and enter 2121 to port. use your putio apikey as username and apisecret as password.
  iv. hit connect, if everything goes well you will see your files.

whats new:
  - tested, fixed some problems with some clients, now it works with windows explorer, ie8, firefox, chrome, smartftp, filezilla, ncftp, webdrive, ftpdrive and probably most other clients.
  - works on windows
  - added resume support
  - no more config edits, api key and secret works as username, password
  - removed some unnecessary dependencies, some garbage output.
  - added rename, create dir, move, delete operations.

  - no file uploads - putio api doesn't have an upload method yet.
  - tons of debug output.



transfer your files from putio using your ftp client


Language:Python 99.0%Language:Perl 1.0%