ybgirgin3 / Rest-API-with-Flask

Example of making Rest API in Python3 with Flask

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Flask Api Example for Beginners

This piece of Python code just a example of how to make an rest api with python using flask module in minutes

Install and activate virtualenv (highly recommended)

  • Install pip first


~$ sudo apt-get install pip3

then install virtualenv using pip3

recommended style of installation

~$ pip3 install virtualenv --user

not recommended style of installation

~$ sudo pip3 install virtualenv

WARNING: Installing python libs with 'sudo' can change your current libraries versions and can corrupt your installed apps or scripts on your distrubition which written in python. So to be safe I recommend you to install libs locally with using '--user'

now let's create our virtualenv, you can add your python interpreter in your command. Mine is python3.6

~$ virtualenv -p /usr/bin/python3.6 venv

after all of it done activate your virtualenv with this command;

~$ source venv/bin/activate

andd... after all your work done you can deactivate your virtualenv with 'deactivate' command

~$ deactivate

- While your virtualenv works follow the module installation

Modules Installation

  • We use flask, flask_restful, sqlalchemy in making this app and it's not a built-in function so we need to install it with pip
~$ pip3 install flask, flask_restful, sqlalchemy

Running App

  • for python3
~$ python3 app.py

and hit enter after that our terminal responds us like this;

 * Serving Flask app "app" (lazy loading)
 * Environment: production
   WARNING: This is a development server. Do not use it in a production deployment.
   Use a production WSGI server instead.
 * Debug mode: on
 * Running on (Press CTRL+C to quit)
 * Restarting with stat
 * Debugger is active!
 * Debugger PIN: 292-676-818

opening in your browser will make your app visible for you in browser.

You can see if your api works or not by entering values like /kafesler, /kafesler/mavi_kafesler, /kafesler/mavi_kafesler/order, /kafesler/mavi_kafesler/adet after your localhost's name.


This app based on a scenario, so you may need to change a value or some values from app file or database file


Example of making Rest API in Python3 with Flask


Language:Python 100.0%