yberreby / TextShower

A lightweight JavaScript text slider.

Geek Repo:Geek Repo

Github PK Tool:Github PK Tool


This is a (very) old project I wrote in middle school (2013). Not maintained.

I was very excited to release an open-source package at the time :).


release 1.0.3

Simple and customisable jQuery plugin that allows you to fold / unfold text on click, with animations and custom behavior.

TextShower is probably the simplest flexible solution to create text sliders. It is written in CoffeeScript. You can either create sliders with a plug'n'play solution or customize settings page-to-page, and developers can add custom code at marked points in the code.

It is not a slideshow with arrows and images but a text slider.

Requirements: jQuery 1.8+ (Recommended: 1.10.2)


Why TextShower?

You may wonder, "why would I use TextShower? There are surely lots of jQuery plugins doing the same thing." And you are probably right. But wait a minute, how do they work? Most of them use the .toggle() jQuery method and a custom CSS file. That's all very well but, what if the user has an old browser or disabled JavaScript with a plugin like NoScript? Well, you'll end with that: Frozen toggler

What is the problem? Everything seems in place, but if you try to click the box, nothing happens. If an user doesn't have JavaScript or if his browser doesn't work with your version of jQuery, he can't read the text inside the text slider. Don't trust me, disable JavaScript, go to the demo page of Symple Shortcodes and try to use the toggles or the accordion.

With TextShower, this problem doesn't exist. Even if the user cannot execute the script, they will be able to read the content inside the toggle box as if you didn't use a plugin. I added a CSS transition fallback to the code to support more browsers. And if you were worried about the load time of the script, know that TextShower is only 6KB minified.

TextShower is also super simple to customize: you can replace the dynamic "+" with a dynamic down or up triangle, you can change the easing of the slide animation, you can set page-specific settings, you can modify the CSS of the boxes directly inside the .js, without having to worry about compatibility with your other styles, and more. Read the rest of this page to discover what TextShower can do.

How to use

There are two ways to use TextShower. One is for those who don't care about animation settings and just want to get the work done, and one is for those who want a fully-customized behavior. Let's start with the simplest.

The simple solution

Firstly, ensure jQuery is embedded in your page. If it is not, go to Google Hosted Libraries and include it.

Then add the following code to your page:

<div class="TextShower-box"> 
	<strong class="TextShower-title">Headlines of the text</strong> 
	<p class="TextShower-text">Text you want to be showed after click</p>

And embed TextShower just before closing the body tag (after jQuery):

<script src="http://yberreby.github.io/javascripts/TextShower.min.js"></script>

…and you're done.

You can also add the "TextShower-open" class to your box element to have it open on page load:

<div class="TextShower-box TextShower-open"> 
	<strong class="TextShower-title">Headlines of the text</strong> 
	<p class="TextShower-text">This text will be shown as soon as the page is loaded but can be hidden by clicking the title of the box</p>

The less simple one

You are not satisfied? You want to have another timing? Another transition? Well, you can.

Do everything like in the "Simple solution", excepted the embed. Don't load the script from GitHub servers. Instead, download TextShower.js or TextShower.min.js (the latter is the lighter), upload it on your FTP server then embed it as previously, but with your own path:

<script src="/path/to/TextShower.min.js"></script>

Now, open the .js file on your FTP with a text editor and edit these lines (at the beginning):

heightDelay = '0.5s'
marginDelay = '0.55s'
heightTiming = 'easeIn'
marginTiming = 'ease'
modifyTitle = true
CSSTransitions = true

Simply replace the default values by what you want, save and you changes will be reflected sitewide.

Page by page settings

But let's imagine you have a website with two sliders. One is in the documentation and opens a very, very long piece of text. The other is a ridiculously small box of only one line. You may want to change certain settings page by page, the transition timing, in example. It's not really necessary since the transition is good in both cases but assume you really want to change some settings.

In order to do that, you must add a meta tag to the pages you want to change settings:

<meta data-TextShower="default 0.3s default linear true true" />

In this example, you can see almost the same structure as in .js file's function. The differences are that here, you don't need quotes or commas, you can simply put spaces between settings, and you can tell the script to use the default settings (those in the js file, you know) for certain parameters.

And now, your pages have different transitions and everyone is happy.

And if I want more?

The complete source of TextShower is annotated, so you can edit it to match your needs.

Browsers support

TextShower should support everything that jQuery supports. Everything should work fine with jQuery 1.8+, even in old IE. If you have jQuery 2.x embedded instead, you will miss all these poor Internet Explorer 8 and lower users.

So if you have any bug in one of these browsers:

  • Firefox 2.0+
  • Internet Explorer 6+
  • Safari 3+
  • Opera 10.6+
  • Chrome 8+

It is a real issue and should be reported along with the error you encountered.


A lightweight JavaScript text slider.

License:MIT License


Language:CoffeeScript 100.0%