Ansible role for setting up msmtp mail transport agent
SMTP server that msmtp may use for sending emails
Role Variables
All emails sent via the sendmail
or mail
commands will be delivered to msmtp_default_recipient
. The sender address is msmtp_from
. SMTP credentials are configured using the msmtp_hub_*
TLS certificate checks are enabled using msmtp_tls_certcheck
and the trust file is configured via msmtp_tls_trust_file
This role may send a testmail unless msmtp_send_testmail
is set to false
msmtp_default_recipient: admin@example.org
msmtp_from: tester@example.org
msmtp_hub_pass: test
msmtp_hub_port: 587
msmtp_hub_server: smtp.gmail.com
msmtp_hub_user: test@gmail.com
msmtp_tls_certcheck: 'on'
msmtp_tls_trust_file: /etc/ssl/certs/ca-certificates.crt
msmtp_send_testmail: yes
Example Playbook
In order to specify the SMTP credentials it is advisable to either use a local variable file or possibly even Ansible vault.
``` `
- hosts: all
- roles:
- { role: yauh.msmtp, msmtp_send_testmail: false }
## License
## Author Information
Stephan Hochhaus stephan@yauh.de