yasmina85 / swcuration

This repository will have all the related data to UCB/UC3 Software Curation project

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UCB/UC3 Software Curation Project

Jan 2017 - Now


Research software is an important part of the scholarly ecosystem and open science. There are efforts underway to ensure that research software is sustainable and treated as a “first-class” research product that is regarded, assessed, and cited in a manner similar to that of a journal article However, such efforts have been hampered by a lack of knowledge about what researchers are doing with their software, how they share their software, and what they value about their software. This project will shape understanding of research software practices such as usage, sharing, and impact to inform services offered by research data management at and beyond the UC Berkeley library to open science.

Partners/Collaborators: UC Berkeley, California Digital Library


  • Yasmin AlNoamany
  • John Borghi


The goal of this project is to understand researhers needs and values around research software. This will help to shape understanding of research software practices such as usage, sharing, and impact to inform services offered by research data management at and beyond the UC Berkeley library to open science.

Project Timeline

This can be a table that contain dates, goals, outcome or status on each phase or quarter.

  • Jan - April, 2017: Survey instruments
  • May - June, 2017: Collecting data from researchers
  • July - October, 2017: Data analysis and Writing
  • October - Dec., 2017: Publication
  • Jan. - March, 2018: Applying for grants - Thinking about what is next



If you have any question about the project, please contact yasminal@berkeley.edu or John.Borghi@ucop.edu.


This repository will have all the related data to UCB/UC3 Software Curation project