yasiekz / payments-DDD-ES-tutorial

This is tutorial project to learn how to connect Symfony4 and docker compose with Domain Driven Design and Event Sourcing

Geek Repo:Geek Repo

Github PK Tool:Github PK Tool

Build Status codecov

DDD + CQRS + ES + Symfony 4 based API + docker + Codeception

This is tutorial project to learn how to connect Symfony4 and docker compose with Domain Driven Design and Event Sourcing

Project resolves real problem with bank accounts and payments. Under development

Event Souring is based on two most popular PHP libraries:

Key features:

  • fully dockerized project
  • payments and account balance build from events
  • around 90% code coverage with phpunit unit and functional tests
  • event store on mongoDB, fully separated from domain
  • travis automated tests
  • Data fixtures

Scheduled functionality

  • Load domain objects from snapshots
  • REST API calls with CQRS
  • API tests with Codeception

Local run

You need docker and docker-compose installed on your system. After cloning repo just run:

docker-compose up -d
docker exec -it payments-ddd-es-tutorial-php composer install

If you want to run your app with some predefined objects from fixtures just run:

docker exec -it payments-ddd-es-tutorial-php php bin/console doctrine:mongodb:fixtures:load

Then on localhost:8080 will be your site.

Run automated tests

docker-compose -f docker-compose.test.yml up -d
docker exec -it payments-ddd-es-tutorial-php-test vendor/bin/phpunit -c phpunit.xml.dist


This is tutorial project to learn how to connect Symfony4 and docker compose with Domain Driven Design and Event Sourcing

License:MIT License


Language:PHP 100.0%