yashwant / ServerLessS3ToFTPUpload

Geek Repo:Geek Repo

Github PK Tool:Github PK Tool


Setup Steps:

  1. Take a git pull of code
  2. Run npm install to install package dependencies
  3. Rename aws_params.template file to aws_params.yml
  4. Update parameter values
  5. Deploy the code using $ sls deploy
  6. on terminal you will get one deployed endpoint like https://{lambda stage id}.execute-api.{aws region}.amazonaws.com/{deployment stage}/gateway_ip/show call this GET endpoint to get public Elastic IP
  7. Whitelist thi IP in your FTP server
  8. Test by uploading files to $INPUT_S3_BUCKET S3 bucket
  9. check copied file in your FTP server inside $FTP_FOLDER folder