yashrajbharti / Pokemon-Image-Downloader-Upgrade

All the Pokemon assets in high resolution with easy-to-search options and one click download and supports query string

Home Page:https://yashrajbharti.github.io/Pokemon-Image-Downloader-Upgrade

Repository from Github https://github.comyashrajbharti/Pokemon-Image-Downloader-UpgradeRepository from Github https://github.comyashrajbharti/Pokemon-Image-Downloader-Upgrade

Pokémon assets downloader Upgrade

pokmon logo

To update the assets

  • Change the [HOME] Pokémon Renders files to update the database.
  • Open the python file and run python3 pokemon.py
  • This will update the pokedexdata.json according to the new pokedb.net pokémon database, and also it will update the Images/normal.json and Images/shiny.json accroding to the newly uploaded images in [HOME] Pokémon Renders.
  • Pokedex json has reverse pairing too i.e. pokemonName : pokedexNumber and pokedexNumber : pokemonName


  • One can search by Pokémon name or 4 digit pokedex number.
  • After typing four characters of the Pokémon, search suggestions will show up.
  • Different forms of the Pokémon are categorised into the same name. For example - typing Charizard will list Charizard, X, Y, gigantamax etc forms and its shinies.
  • Clicking on the images is the simplest way to download it.
  • Search suggestions are clickable and show-up your pokémon.
  • Use query string by adding ?id=number and get results.


All the Pokemon assets in high resolution with easy-to-search options and one click download and supports query string



Language:JavaScript 54.8%Language:CSS 17.1%Language:HTML 15.7%Language:Python 12.4%