yashk2000 / testing-release-tools

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Github PK Tool:Github PK Tool

GrimoireLab Release Tools

Set of tools to generate GrimoireLab releases.

With this package, GrimoireLab maintainers are able to automate many of the boring and time consuming tasks related with packages and releases.

These tools are based in the way GitLab project generates its releases. You have more information about their motivation here.

This software is licensed under GPL3 or later.


This package allows us to:

  • Automate the creation of release notes
  • Bump up the release version based on the release notes
  • Publish a release in a Git repository


  • Python >= 3.6
  • Poetry >= 1.0


To install the release tools from the source code you'll need to install poetry. We use poetry for dependency management and packaging. You can install it following its documentation.

Once you have installed it, you can download the source code with git:

# Get release-tools source code
$ git clone https://github.com/Bitergia/release-tools

Move to the directory and install the software and the dependencies:

$ cd release-tools
$ poetry install


Together with these tools, this package provides an opinionated way to generate the release of a Python package. In GrimoireLab, we think releases must be automated and provide useful information to end users so they can understand better the changes between versions. Our tools fulfill those requirements.

There are also some assumptions to take into account:

  • We use git repositories.
  • We use semantic versioning for numbering our packages.
    Version numbers are defined in the variable __version__ which is stored on a file called _version.py. This file must be tracked on the git repository.
  • We use poetry and the file pyproject.toml (see PEP518) to manage build system dependencies. If you don't have this file, you can use the command poetry init to create it from scratch. This file must be tracked on the git repository.

The workflow is defined by the next steps:

    changelog -> semverup -> notes -> publish
  • Developers use changelog script to generate changelog entry notes. They contain basic information about their changes in the code (e.g a new feature; a fixed bug). The notes should explain the change to a reader who has zero context about software details.
    We recommend to create one of these entries for each pull request or merge request.
    These notes are stored under the directory releases/unreleased.
  • Once we are ready to create a new release, we call semverup. It will increase the version according to semantic versioning and the type of changelog entries generated between releases.
  • When the version is increased, we run notes to generate the release notes using the unreleased changelog entries.
  • Finally, we publish the release in the Git repository creating a commit that will contain the new release notes and the new version files. A tag is also created with the new version number. To do it, we call to publish script. This script also removes the entries in released/unreleased directory.

This is an example of the basic usage:

# Create some changelog entries
$ changelog -t "Fix bug #666" -c fixed
Changelog entry 'fix-bug-#666.yml' created

$ changelog -t "Add support for deleting entries" -c added
Changelog entry 'add-support-for-deleting-entries.yml' created

# Increase the version number
$ semverup

# Generate the release notes
$ notes "WebApp" 0.2.0
Release notes file '0.2.0.md' created

# Publish the release in a public repository
$ publish 0.2.0 "John Smith <jsmith@example.com>" --push origin
Cleaning directories...done
Adding files to the release commit...done
Creating release commit...done
Publishing release in origin...done



This interactive tool creates note entries about the changes in the code. Developers can use this tool to create these notes that will be included in the changelog or in the release notes. You will need to run this script inside of the Git where you store the project.

It will guide you to create a new entry. You can select the title and the type of the change.

>> Please specify the title of your change: Fix bug #666
>> Please specify the category of your change

1. New feature
2. Bug fix
3. Feature change
4. New deprecation
5. Feature removal
6. Security fix
7. Performance improvement
8. Other

: 2

At the end of the process, a text editor will open to let you review the entry and make the final changes. The editor will be the default defined in your system.

title: 'Fix bug #666'
category: fixed
author: John Smith <jsmith@example.com>
issue: 666
notes: >
  The bug was making impossible to cast a spell on
  a magician.

New entries will be stored in "releases/unreleased" directory. This directory must be available under the Git root path.

Changelog entry 'fix-bug-#666.yml' created

If you don't want to create a new entry and see only the final result, please active '--dry-run' flag.

$ changelog --dry-run

You can skip some parts of the process providing information in advance such as the title (-t) or the category (-c) of the entry.

$ changelog -t "Fix bug #666" -c fixed


This script increments the version number following semver specification and using the note entries generated with changelog tool.

$ semverup


When you run this script, it will generate the release notes of the package tracked by the current Git repository.

You'll need to provide the name of the package and the version of the new release. The script will generate a Markdown document under the releases directory using the changelog entries stored on releases/unreleased. Take into account the argument name is only used as the title of the document.

$ notes "MyApp" 0.2.0
Release notes file '0.2.0.md' created

If you also want to add the content of these release notes to the NEWS file, use the flag --news.

$ notes "MyApp" 0.2.0 --news
Release notes file '0.2.0.md' created
News file updated to 0.2.0

If you just want to see the final result of the notes but not generate a new file, please activate --dry-run flag.

$ notes "MyApp" 0.2.0 --dry-run
## MyApp 0.2.0 - (2020-03-04)

**Bug fixes:**

 * Fix bug #666
   The bug was making impossible to cast a spell on
   a magician.


This script will generate a new release in the repository. This will consist on creating a commit and a tag with the new release notes and the updated version files.

To run it, you'll need to provide the version number and the author of the new release.

$ publish 0.2.0 "Jonh Smith <jsmith@example.com>"
Cleaning directories...done
Adding files to the release commit...done
Creating release commit...done

By default the command doesn't push the commit release to a remote repository. To force it, use the parameter --push including the name of the remote where commits will be pushed.

$ publish 0.2.0 "John Smith <jsmith@example.com>" --push origin
Cleaning directories...done
Adding files to the release commit...done
Creating release commit...done
Publishing release in origin...done

It is also possible to push only the commit release and its tag. To do so, set --only-push together with --push option.

$ publish 0.2.0 "John Smith <jsmith@example.com>" --push origin --only-push
Publishing release in origin...done


How can I change the default editor used by changelog?

By default, changelog will use the editor defined in the EDITOR environment variable. You can define your own editor updating this variable.

export EDITOR=/bin/nano

If this variable doesn't exist it will try with vim or nano in that order.

What's the format of the changelog entries?

Changelog entries use YAML format.

Remember you can write blocks of text using > character at the beginning of each block. See the next example:

title: 'Example of notes'
category: fixed
author: John Smith <jsmith@example.com>
issue: 1
notes: >
  Lorem ipsum dolor sit amet, consectetur adipiscing elit, sed do eiusmod
  tempor incididunt ut labore et dolore magna aliqua.
  Ut enim ad minim veniam, quis nostrud exercitation ullamco laboris nisi
  ut aliquip ex ea commodo consequat.

Error: version file not found

The tools did not found a _version.py file. This file must also be tracked on your repository. It must contain a variable named __version__. The value must be a string following semantic versioning format.

$ cat _version.py
__version__ = "3.6.5"

Error: version number '<version>' in '<filepath>' is not a valid semver string

The format of the version number is invalid. We use semantic versioning format to set version numbers. The value must be a str. Change the version number and check the semantic versioning rules in case of doubt.

Error: pyproject file not found

The tools did not found a pyproject.toml file. This file must also be tracked on your repository. It contains information needed by poetry to build the software package. If you don't have this file you can create a new one using poetry init.

$ poetry init

Error: pathspec <filepath> did not match any files; code error: 128

The file <filepath> must be tracked by your git repository. Add it to your repo. Usually you'll get this error if you forgot to add your changelog entry notes to the repository.


Licensed under GNU General Public License (GPL), version 3 or later.


License:GNU General Public License v3.0


Language:Python 100.0%