yashk2000 / android-codelabs

Android Fundamental Codelabs

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Android App Development

This repository contains solutions for the Android App Development course


Each of the samples in this repository is associated with a practical exercise from the Android App Development course. While each solution stands and runs all alone, they should be utilized along with the course.

This Android App Development course aims on providing basic knowledge about Android programming concepts and practical knowledge on developing a wide range of apps, using Java.

Getting Started

  1. Install Android Studio, if you don't already have it
  2. Download the samples/solutions
  3. Import the sample into Android Studio
  4. Build and run the sample


S. No Name
1 Building the first app
1.1 Hello World
1.2A Hello Toast
1.2B Layout Editing
1.3 Text and scrolling views
1.4 Helping Yourself
2 Activities, intents, lifecycle and states
2.1 Activities and intents
2.2 Activity lifecycle and state
2.3 Implicit intents
3 Testing, debugging, and using support libraries
3.1 The debugger
3.2 Unit Tests
3.3 Support Libraries
4 User interaction
4.1 Clickable Images
4.2 Input controls
4.3 Menus and Pickers
4.4 User navigation
4.5 RecyclerView
5 User experience improvisation
5.1 Drawables, styles, and themes
5.2 Cards and colors
5.3 Adaptive layouts
6 UI Testing
6.1 Espresso for UI Testing
7 Background tasks
7.1 AsyncTask
7.2 AsyncTask and AsyncTaskLoader
7.3 Broadcast receivers
8 Alarms and schedulers
8.1 Notifications
8.2 The alarm manager
8.3 JobScheduler
9 Preferences and settings
9.1 Shared Preferences
9.2 App Settings
10 Storing data with Room
10.1 Room, LiveData, and ViewModel
10.2 Deleting data from a Room database


Android Fundamental Codelabs


Language:Java 100.0%