yashbodhe / Neev

Data Structure & Algorithm Roadmap Website

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An Awesome Roadmap to jumpstart your DSA Learning Journey!
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Table of Topics
  1. Time Complexity
  2. Maths
  3. Recursion
  4. Array
  5. Linked Lists
  6. Stacks and Queues
  7. Strings
  8. Hashing
  9. Binary Search
  10. Sorting Algorithm
  11. Trees
  12. Heap or Priority Queue
  13. Graph
  14. Dynamic Programming
  15. Greedy Algorithm
  16. Backtracking
  17. Bit Manipulation
  18. Test DSA skills

About The Project

Data structures and algorithms are the most pivotal topics for programmers, Computer Science students, to get a job & perform well in it.

The technology will only be going to become better at what it does as long as programming & coding continues to flourish. Therefore, the importance of data structures and algorithms will remain persistence for the functioning of technologies, navigating what they do & how they do it.

Ideally all Computer Science students must learn data structures and algorithms during the course of their graduation, but universities usually overlook these topics. So, the only source of learning these concepts is by enrolling in a technology upskill program and spend alot of money. But, If you want to improve your algorithms and data structures knowledge for FREE, you are on the right site.

Now, the efficient way of learning Data Structures and Algorithms depends on a several factors:

  • Your prior knowledge of programming languages and basic DS and Algos.
  • The purpose for which you want to learn it.
  • The resources available to you.
  • Most Important, A perfect guide!

Of course, Neev provide a Best Data Structures and Algorithms Guide with free of cost and provide all quality resourses present on net in one Website. Addition to that all related problems that have to solve while learning are attached below every Video.


  • EAT

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All Youtube Channels which is used in Tutorial Section.