yas-sim / 77AVEMU

Yet another emulator for legendary Fujitsu FM-7 series computers.

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FM-7/FM77AV/FM77AV40 Emulator "Mutsu"

FM-7/FM77AV/FM77AV40 エミュレータ 「陸奥」




It is yet another emulator for legendary 8-bit computer, Fujitsu FM-7 series computers. Some of the features are:

  • Cross Platform (Windows/Linux/macOS).
  • Can choose Graphical and Command User Interface.
  • Powerful Debugger
  • Cooperation with 2D Retro Map Tool.

The goal is to emulate FM77AV40. I never owned FM77AV40EX and AV40SX, and practically more than 99.9% of FM-7 series software runs on FM77AV. Minimum goal is to support FM77AV.

In the future, I want to replicate copy-protection as is, rather than cracking it to run applications.

There are many excellent emulators for FM-7 series, so why another one? Mainly because I like programming. Well, I wanted to make one that is preservable. Cross-platform is a must for a program to be preservable. We never know if Windows exists 10 years from now. Unless the software is written portable and cross-platform, the software dies with the platform. When I wrote Tsugaru, I felt I should be able to write FM-7 series emulator, but I hesitated because there already were good emulators, but after talking with Game Preservation Society this (2022) summer that it would be nice to have an emulator that can replicate copy protection as is, I decided to go for it.

Let's look at the reality. You can find a pirated copy of Thexder for FM-7 on the internet. If you hear a beep on start up, it is most likely using an initial program loader written by a hacker called J.N. for evading the copy protection. We don't know who he or she was. But, real Thexder does not boot on start up. I rather want to run the original by replicating its copy protection as is.

Those pirated copies eventually would have a role in the preservation, but the copyright law is not ready to discuss what to do with preservation. Don't tell me 'abandonware'. Many game developers are still in business. There is no such thing called abandonware. The current copyright law protects the creators, but it is incapable of protecting what's created.

The chicken race between the hackers and copy-protectors was a piece of technological history that I want to preserve. The initial program loader by J.N. is part of this history. Therefore, I want to preserve both. How the original copy was working. How it was cracked.


  • クロスプラットフォーム(Windows/Linux/macOS)対応
  • グラフィカルユーザーインターフェース、コマンドユーザーインターフェース選択可能
  • 強力なデバッガ
  • 二次元マップツールとの連携機能


目標はFM77AV40を再現することです。FM77AV40EX, AV40SXは所有したことがないですし、現実的に99.9%以上のFM-7シリーズのゲームはFM77AVで実行できるので、FM77AVの再現が最低目標です。いや、FM77AVが再現できればいいかな、と思ったけど一応手元にAV40もあって実機で実験できるから。

FM-7シリーズには既にいくつかの非常に高い再現性を持つエミュレータが存在しますが、なぜあらためて作るのか、というと、僕はプログラミングが好きだからです。いや、ひとつは、長期保存可能なエミュレータを作りたかったというのがあります。あるソフトウェアが長い時間生き残るためには、クロスプラットフォームであることが絶対条件です。今から10年後、Windowsはあるのでしょうか?誰にもわかりません。ポータブル、クロスプラットフォームに書かれていないプログラムは、プラットフォームと共に死にます。もうひとつは、FM TOWNSエミュレータ「津軽」の開発に成功して、これならFM77AVも行けそうだ、と、思っていたものの、でも需要無さそうだし、と、思っていたところが、この夏(2022)帰省したとき、ゲーム保存協会のジョセフさんと話しているとき、コピープロテクトをそのまま再現できるエミュレータがあるといいのにね、という話になって、じゃあやるか、と、思って作りました。(なお、既に津軽はコピープロテクトをそのまま再現するようになっています、というか、現在までのところFM TOWNS用ソフトに使われていたコピープロテクトで津軽で再現不可能なものは確認されていません。)

現実に目を向けてみましょう。違法コピーされたレトロゲームはネットで簡単に見つけることができます。例えば、FM-7用のテグザー、もしも、起動時にビープ音がしたならば、それはまず間違いなく、謎のハッカーJ.N.氏によって書かれたコピープロテクトを回避するInitial Program Loaderが作動しています。誰なのか、彼なのか、彼女なのか、まったくわからないこの人物ですが、ThexderのそのIPLには本人の署名が残っています。陸奥では、クラックして実行するのではなく、もとのプログラムをそのままコピープロテクションごと再現して実行したい、と、思っています。



ROM Files

It is an emulator. I have another side-goal to write my own F-BASIC compatible ROM, but it's a long shot. Until then, you need ROM images extracted from an actual hardware. The ROMs are compatible with the best-known-to-the-day FM-7 series emulator XM7. Place ROM files in one directory, and give the directory name as the first-parameter to Mutsu_CUI.exe (or Mutsu_CUI in Linux and mac).


Building the program

It uses cmake and Visual Studio in Windows, clang in Linux (need X11, OpenGL, and ALSA), or XCode in macOS.

In the working directory, do:

  1. Open PowerShell with Visual Studio support in Windows, or Terminal in Linux or mac.
  2. git clone https://github.com/captainys/TOWNSEMU.git
  3. git clone https://github.com/captainys/77AVEMU.git
  4. cd 77AVEMU
  5. mkdir build
  6. cd build
  7. cmake ../src
  8. cmake --build . --config Release

Then, you get the executable in main_cui\Release\Mutsu_CUI.exe in Windows, main_cui/Mutsu_CUI in Linux, or main_cui/Mutsu_CUI.app/Contents/MacOS/Mutsu_CUI in macos.

Command Line Example

./Mutsu_CUI path_to_FM7ROM -TAPE tape/PlazmaLine.t77

./Mutsu_CUI path_to_FM7ROM -FD0 disk/Thexder.d77

About Keyboard Layout

FM-7/77AV was from Japan. Therefore its keyboard layout was Japanese. If you are using Japanese keyboard, it should work as is, but if you are using US keyboard, you can use the following keys for typing keys that existed on FM77AV keyboard but does not exist (or different) in the US keyboard.

US Keyboard In Mutsu VM
' :
Right Ctrl Double Quote
Left Alt Left Space
Right Alt Right Space

For typing a longer text like F-BASIC program, you can also use keyboard translation mode, which translates what you type into FM-7 key code. You can choose a translation mode from Virtual Machine -> Keyboard.


Mutsu_GUI let you use GUI environment. When you start Mutsu_GUI, you will see a pull-down menu and a dialog for configuring start-up condition.

In general, menu except File menu are while running the virtual machine. All initial-condition parameters are in the dialog.

Minimum you need to specify the directory where you store ROM files. If you have a set of ROM files extracted from the real FM-7, FM77AV, or FM77AV40, you will see F-BASIC prompt when you click on the "Start" button.

By default, you can come back to the GUI by pressing Scroll Lock key, or clicking on MENU icon at the lower right corner. And, Virtual Machine -> Resume or pressing Scroll Lock again to go back to the VM.

Most of the disk-based games automatically starts if you specify FD0 and FD1 disk images and start.

My guess is many people do not know how to start a tape-based game. In most cases, you need to type RUN"" or LOADM"",,R. But, which one? It depends on what file is stored at the beginning of the tape. Mutsu can identify what type file is at the beginning of the tape and type a command for you. Set a tape image, check "Auto Start Tape Program", do not specify disk images, and start.

In late 1980s, games came with many floppy disks. You had to change a disk frequently during the game play. You can do it by selecting a file from FD0->Image and FD1->Image. But, selecting a file from the file dialog every time you change a disk is annoying. To ease disk change, you can specify aliases for disk images. In the Aliases tab, you can give a name to disk-image files, which will show up in FD0->Image, FD1->Image, and Tape->Image.

OK. For those who are new to FM-7, I need to mention about the "Auto Stop" tab. FM-7 series until FM77AV could not sense key-release. You could start moving a character by pressing a key, but since FM-7 cannot sense key release, there is no way to stop a character by releasing a key. We usually used num keys to move a character around, and pressed num-5 to stop. Which was not too bad. When you had to move long distance in a game, I simply pressed a key, wait until the character reaches where it should be, and then pressed 5 to stop. I didn't have to press and hold the key. But, for some reason, it was not very intuitive for gamers of other platforms.

If you don't want to press num-5 to stop your character, Mutsu does it for you. Select when you want Mutsu to virtually press a key for stopping, and which key should be virtually pressed to stop a character in Auto-Stop tab.



バーチャルマシンからGUIに戻るには、(設定を変更していない限り)Scroll Lockキーを押すか、またはウィンドウ右下のMENUアイコンをクリックします。バーチャルマシンに戻るには、またScroll Lockを押すか、Virtual Machine->Resumeを選びます。


テープのゲームの始め方がわからない人が多いかもしれません。昔はみんな知ってたんですがね。ほとんどの場合、RUN""またはLOADM"",,Rというコマンドをタイプすればいいのですが、どちらのコマンドを使うのかはテープの先頭に入っているファイルの種類によります。陸奥はテープの先頭のファイルを識別して正しいコマンドを代わりにタイプする機能があります。"Auto Start Tape Program"をチェックして、テープイメージファイル名を指定するのを忘れずにバーチャルマシンを起動すると、その機能が自動的にテープのプログラムを読み込んで開始します。


FM-7を初めて使う人は、"Auto Stop"タブの説明が必要ですね。FM77AVよりも前のFM-7シリーズは、なんとキーリリースを検出できませんでした。例えば、ゲーム中でキーを押してキャラクターの移動を開始することはできたのですが、キーリリースを検出できないので、キーを放してもキャラクターは止まりませんでした。そんなわけで、我々は別のキーを押すことでキャラクターを止めるしかありませんでした。大体テンキーを使って移動だったので、真ん中の5キーを押して止めたもんでした。長い距離を移動するときなんかはキーを押しっぱなしにしなくても良かったので楽だったんですけどね。しかし、他の機種に慣れた人はなぜかこの便利な自動移動機能は不評でした。

もしも、わざわざテンキーの5を押してキャラクターを止めるのが嫌という人のために、陸奥が代わりにキーをリリースしたときに5キーを押す機能があります。"Auto Stop"メニューでどのタイミングで停止キーを押したことにするのか、どのキーを停止キーに使うのかを指定してください。



F-BASIC V3.3 L10 Started and tested a few commands.

F-BASIC V3.4 L20 for AV40 Started and tested a few commands.

Thexder Played first 3 stages.

Polar Star III Played first 2 stages.

Ys Played through all th eway.

Ys2 Played through all the way.

MAGUS Started and played a few times.

Xanadu Scenario 1 Played through all the way.

Laptick Started ok.

Pro Baseball Fan Started ok.

Laydock Started ok.

Death Force Started ok.

Valis Opening anime and game started ok.

Plazma Line (Tape) Started ok.

Delphis (Tape) Started ok.

Dragon Buster Played first 2 stages.

Space Harrier Played first stage.

Silpheed Opening demo.

Hydlide (Tape) Started ok.

Tritorn (Tape) Started ok.

Jelda (Tape) Started ok.

Jelda2 (Tape) Started ok.

Dig Dug (Tape) Started ok.


Yet another emulator for legendary Fujitsu FM-7 series computers.

License:BSD 3-Clause "New" or "Revised" License


Language:C++ 93.5%Language:CMake 4.6%Language:Assembly 1.2%Language:Python 0.6%Language:C 0.1%