yarogallo / frontend-nanodegree-feedreader

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Project Overview

This Project is a web-based application that reads RSS feeds. Having into account that testing is an important part of the development process and all organizations practice it in one way or another, it's an important skill to have. This document expouse the steps taken to successfuly complete this project.


Jasmine is a behavior-driven development framework for testing javascript code that was used to performmed all the tests, the code was written respecting Udacity Style Guide and Jasmine syntax. Tests are placed inside feedreader.js.

Suite Tests.

  1. Inside RSS Feeds suite test
  • Check Feeds are defined, ensuring that allFeeds array is defined and its length is not cero.
  • Check that feed objects in allFedds array has url defined and is not empty, ensuring that each feed object has defined a string property called url, its length is greater than cero and its a valid url.
  • Check that feed objects in allFedds array has name define and it is not empty, ensuring that each feed object has defined a string property called name and its length is greater than cero.
  1. Inside The menu suite test
  • Check that the menu is hidden by default, ensuring that when the page first loaded, the body element contain the hidden-menuclass.
  • Check that the menu change visibility when the menu icon is clicked, ensuring that when the menu icon in the top left corner is clicked the slide menu appear if the body element contain the hidden-menu class and hide if the body element doesn't contain the class.
  1. Inside Initial Entries suite test
  • Check that when the loadFeed function is called and complete its work there is at least one .entry element within the .feed container, ensuring that the amount of .entry elements inside the .feed container is greater than 0.
  1. Inside New Feed Selection suite test
  • Check that when it is loaded the content change, ensuring that the comparisson between the content in .feed container after one call to loadFeed function is different that the content in .feed container after a second call to loadFeed function.


Load index.html file in a browser of your preference. The site was successfully tested in:

  • Google Chrome: Version 62.0.3202.94 (Official Build) (64-bit)
  • Safari: Version 11.0.1 (12604.
  • Mozilla Firefox: Version 56.0.1 (64-bit)



Available for download here



Language:JavaScript 96.7%Language:CSS 1.7%Language:HTML 1.6%