yaoyinnan / neonctl

Neon CLI tool

Home Page:https://neon.tech

Repository from Github https://github.comyaoyinnan/neonctlRepository from Github https://github.comyaoyinnan/neonctl

The Neon CLI supports numerous operations, such as authentication and management of Neon projects, branches, compute endpoints, databases, roles, and more.

The Neon CLI command name is neonctl. The GitHub repository for the Neon CLI is found here.

Install the Neon CLI

This section describes how to install the Neon CLI.


Before installing, ensure that you have met the following prerequisites:

  • Node.js 16.0 or higher. To check if you already have Node.js, run the following command:

    node -v
  • The npm package manager. To check if you already have npm, run the following command:

    npm -v

    If you need to install Node.js or npm, refer to instructions on the official nodejs page or use the Node version manager.


To install the Neon CLI, run the following command:

npm i -g neonctl


To upgrade to the latest version of the Neon CLI, run the npm i -g neonctl command again.


Run the following command to authenticate a connection to Neon:

neonctl auth

The auth command launches a browser window where you can authorize the Neon CLI to access your Neon account. Running a Neon CLI command without authenticating with neonctl auth automatically launches the browser authentication process.

Alternatively, you can authenticate a connection with a Neon API key using the --api-key option when running a Neon CLI command. For example, an API key is used with the following neonctl projects list command:

neonctl projects list --api-key <neon_api_key>

For information about obtaining an Neon API key, see Authentication, in the Neon API Reference.

Configure autocompletion

The Neon CLI supports autocompletion, which you can configure in a few easy steps. See Neon CLI commands — completion for instructions.


Command Subcommands Description
auth Authenticate
projects list, create, update, delete, get Manage projects
me Show current user
branches list, create, rename, add-compute, set-primary, delete, get Manage branches
databases list, create, delete Manage databases
roles list, create, delete Manage roles
operations list Manage operations
connection-string Get connection string
completion Generate a completion script

Global options

Global options are supported with any Neon CLI command.

Option Description Type Default
-o, --output Set the Neon CLI output format (json, yaml, or table) string table
--config-dir Path to the Neon CLI configuration directory string /home/<user>/.config/neonctl
--api-key Neon API key string ""
--analytics Manage analytics boolean true
-v, --version Show the Neon CLI version number boolean -
-h, --help Show the Neon CLI help boolean -
  • -o, --output

    Sets the output format. Supported options are json, yaml, and table. The default is table. Table output may be limited. The json and yaml output formats show all data.

    neonctl me --output json
  • --config-dir

    Specifies the path to the neonctl configuration directory. To view the default configuration directory containing you credentials.json file, run neonctl --help. The credentials file is created when you authenticate using the neonctl auth command. This option is only necessary if you move your neonctl configuration file to a location other than the default.

    neonctl projects list --config-dir /home/dtprice/.config/neonctl
  • --api-key

    Specifies your Neon API key. You can authenticate using a Neon API key when running a Neon CLI command instead of using neonctl auth. For information about obtaining an Neon API key, see Authentication, in the Neon API Reference.

    neonctl <command> --api-key <neon_api_key>
  • --analytics

    Analytics are enabled by default to gather information about the CLI commands and options that are used by our customers. This data collection assists in offering support, and allows for a better understanding of typical usage patterns so that we can improve user experience. Neon does not collect user-defined data, such as project IDs or command payloads. To opt-out of analytics data collection, specify --no-analytics or --analytics false.

  • -v, --version

    Shows the Neon CLI version number.

    $ neonctl --version
  • -h, --help

    Shows the neonctl command-line help. You can view help for neonctl, a neonctl command, or a neonctl subcommand, as shown in the following examples:

    neonctl --help
    neonctl branches --help
    neonctl branches create --help


Neon CLI tool


License:Apache License 2.0


Language:TypeScript 84.2%Language:HTML 8.6%Language:JavaScript 7.1%Language:Shell 0.2%