yaoqingyuan / dstarlite

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* DSTAR Class  *
*   README     *
This software is an implementation of the D*-Lite algorithm as
explained in [Koenig, 2002]. This is the non-optimized version as
explained in Figure 5 of the paper. There are a few minor improvements
that were made to this algorithm explained in section 3 below. This source is
released under the GNU GENERAL PUBLIC LICENSE Version 3, 29 June
2007 available at: http://www.gnu.org/licenses/gpl.html. Please note
this is an early release and the software still has small bugs.

1. Compiling and Running
2. Integration
3. Modifications
4. References
5. Author Info

1. Running the dstar test program:
you will need to have the openGL/GLUT libraries installed for this to
work. But you do not need them to use the Dstar class in your own
$ tar -xzf dstar.tgz
$ cd dstar
$ make
$ ./dstar

[q/Q] - Quit
[r/R] - Replan
[a/A] - Toggle Auto Replan
[c/C] - Clear (restart)
left mouse click - make cell untraversable (cost -1)
middle mouse click - move goal to cell
right mouse click - move start to cell

The cell colors are as follows: 
Red - untraversable 
Green - traversable but with changed cost
Red/Green with small purple square - The cell is on the openList
Yellow - start cell
Purple - goal cell

2. Using in your own source: 
Here is a simple working test program that uses the Dstar class:

#include "Dstar.h"

int main() {
 Dstar *dstar = new Dstar();
 list<state> mypath;

 dstar->init(0,0,10,5);         // set start to (0,0) and goal to (10,5)
 dstar->updateCell(3,4,-1);     // set cell (3,4) to be non traversable
 dstar->updateCell(2,2,42.432); // set set (2,2) to have cost 42.432

 dstar->replan();               // plan a path
 mypath = dstar->getPath();     // retrieve path

 dstar->updateStart(10,2);      // move start to (10,2)
 dstar->replan();               // plan a path
 mypath = dstar->getPath();     // retrieve path

 dstar->updateGoal(0,1);        // move goal to (0,1)
 dstar->replan();               // plan a path
 mypath = dstar->getPath();     // retrieve path
 return 0;

3. Implementational Details:
 Here is a list of the more interesting tweaks that we applied to
improve the D* Lite algorithm explained in [Koenig, 2002].

3.1 The Open Hash and Lazy Remove: 
 In order to speed up the time it takes to add/remove/search on the
open list we used both a stl::priority_queue and a "stl"::hash_map to
store states. The queue keeps the states in sorted order so it is easy
to find the next best state while the hash is used to quickly
determine what states are in the queue. When a cell is inserted into
the openlist it is pushed onto the queue and put into the hash
table. In order to check if a cell is on the open list one can just
check if it is in the hash table. The hash table also stores a hash of
the cells key so cells that are outdated in the queue can still be
removed. Any time a cell is popped off the queue we check if it is in
the hash, if not it is discarded an a new one is chosen. 

3.2 Euclidean Path Optimization
 Obtaining a path from the D* generated cost map is generally done by
starting at the start node and doing a greedy search by expanding
successor nodes with the lowest cost to  goal. This approach can
generate a path that starts heading out 45 degrees toward the goal
instead of straight at it. This happens because the 8-way connected
distance is an approximation and there is no difference between taking
all of the angular moves first and taking all of the straight
moves. In order to generate a path that is closer to the true shortest
cost we added a simple modification to the greedy search. When we
compare the costs to all of the successor cells we choose the one that
(cellA.g != cellB.g) return (cellA.g <  cellB.g)
return ((euclidean_dist(cellA,start) + euclidean_dist(cellA,goal)) 
       < (euclidean_dist(cellB,start) + euclidean_dist(cellB,goal)))
This means we break ties by choosing the cell that lies closest to the
straight line between the start and goal states. 

3.3 Goal Changes
 The D* Lite algorithm explained in [Koenig, 2002] doesn't include
code to handle the goal changing locations. To do this we simply clear
the map, change the location of the goal, re-add all the obstacles,
and replan. There is probably a more efficient way of dealing with
this but this modification worked great for our purposes. 

3.4 Max Steps
 If there is no path to the goal D* can have a hard time detecting it
and will likely loop forever. In order to partially deal with this
issue the search will automatically return after a set number of node
expansions (set to 'maxsteps'). After the search returns it can start
again where it left off with another call to replan(). 

4. References:
Improved Fast Replanning for Robot Navigation in Unknown Terrain
Sven Koenig, Maxim Likhachev
Technical Report GIT-COGSCI-2002/3, 
Georgia Institute of Technology, 2002.

5. Author Info
Please report any bugs or comments to:
James Neufeld
University of Alberta, Canada

thanks, and I hope this code is helpful.


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Language:C++ 97.5%Language:Makefile 1.3%Language:C 1.1%