yao8839836 / CEMRClass

Traditional Chinese Medicine Clinical Records Classification. In BIBM 2016

Repository from Github https://github.comyao8839836/CEMRClassRepository from Github https://github.comyao8839836/CEMRClass


The dataset and code of our paper:

Yao, L., Zhang, Y., Wei, B., Li, Z., & Huang, X. (2016, December). Traditional Chinese medicine clinical records classification using knowledge-powered document embedding. In Bioinformatics and Biomedicine (BIBM), 2016 IEEE International Conference on (pp. 1926-1928). IEEE.


The Copyright holder of the dataset is China Knowledge Centre for Engineering Sciences and Technology (CKCEST). The dataset is for research use only. Any commercial use, sale, or other monetization is prohibited.

Clinical records are in data/ClinicalCases/

data/train_or_test.txt : indicating each record belongs to training set or test set.

data/label.txt : indicating each record's category label.


Java 7 or above (I use Java 8); Eclipse


  1. Run src/test/RunESA.java to generate ESA file.
  2. Run src/test/Doc2VecKnowTest.java to generate TCM knowledge-based doc2vec features.
  3. Run src/test/Predict.java to use classifiers to predict clinical records' category.


Traditional Chinese Medicine Clinical Records Classification. In BIBM 2016


Language:Java 100.0%