Elie Duboux
Yann Trividic
This program is a Python implementation of the board game Quarto! with an artificial intelligence based on the minimax algorithm. This program is partly based on the work of Mohrmann et al. (2013) and on the video tutorial of the YouTube channel Tech with Tim. This project was developed in the context of Elise Bonzon's Artificial Intelligence course at the Université de Paris.
You need to have a Python3.x version installed on your computer with the pygame
module. You can install pygame
by running one of the following commands:
pip install pygame
pip3 install pygame
python3.x -m pip install pygame
You will need to replace the x
by your Python version number.
After filling this requirement, you can start the program by opening a terminal in the src
folder and run:
The last command is needed if your default version is not a 3.x version.
You will need to replace the x
by your Python version number.
A user manual, as weel as a project report, can be found in the project_report_fr.pdf
file (in french).
An artificial intelligence for the board game 'Quarto!' in Java., Mohrmann, Jochen & Neumann, Michael & Suendermann, David. (2013). 141-146. 10.1145/2500828.2500842.
Python/Pygame Checkers Tutorial, Tech with Tim (2020)
Découverte du langage Go pour ma deuxième semaine d'intégration : Go Go Quarto Ranger !, Julien Mattiussi (2018)
Quarto et intelligence artificielle, Marien Fressinaud (2013)