yannmazita / daw.ts

Web-based Digital Audio Workstation

Repository from Github https://github.comyannmazita/daw.tsRepository from Github https://github.comyannmazita/daw.ts


Work in progress! Very early stage and actively developed.

daw.ts is a Digital Audio Workstation (DAW) application built with TypeScript, React, Zustand, and leveraging the Web Audio browser API.

Designed for high-performance audio processing with live editing capabilities.

Screenshot of daw.ts showing the main view

Getting Started

  1. Clone the repository:

    git clone https://github.com/yannmazita/daw.ts.git
  2. Install dependencies:

    npm install
  3. Start the application (development server)

    npm run dev


Engine Layer Diagram
graph TD
    EM[Engine Manager] --> CE[Composition Engine]
    CE[Composition Engine] -- Updates --> ZS[Zustand Store]
    CE --> ME[Mix Engine]
    CE --> TE[Transport Engine]
    CE --> SE[Sampler Engine]
    CE --> CLE[Clip Engine]
    CE --> AE[Automation Engine]

    ME --> MRS[Mix Routing Service]
    ME --> MPS[Mix Parameter Service]
    ME --> MTS[Mix Track Service]

    SE --> SIS[Sampler Instrument Service]
    SE --> FLS[File Loader Service]
    SE --> SPS[SFZ Player Service]

    CLE --> CMS[Clip MIDI Service]
    CLE --> CAS[Clip Audio Service]

    TE --> TC[Transport Clock]

    EM --> AC[Audio Context]

    style EM fill:#808080,stroke:#333,stroke-dasharray: 5 5
    style CE fill:#6a89cc,stroke:#333
    style ZS fill:#4a69bd,stroke:#333
    style AC fill:#4a69bd,stroke:#333
    style ME fill:#6a89cc,stroke:#333
    style SE fill:#6a89cc,stroke:#333
    style CLE fill:#6a89cc,stroke:#333
    style TE fill:#6a89cc,stroke:#333
    style AE fill:#6a89cc,stroke:#333
State Management
    participant UI Component
    participant CompositionService
    participant Engine (e.g. MixEngine)
    participant Zustand Store

    UI Component->>CompositionService: Action (e.g. createTrack)
    CompositionService->>Engine: Engine method call
    Engine->>Engine: Modify audio nodes (Web Audio API)
    CompositionService->>Zustand Store: Immutable state update (via `useEngineStore.setState`)
    Zustand Store->>UI Component: Re-render components using state selectors
Conceptual Audio Graph Diagram

Each input/output node is a Gain node allowing to update gain.

graph LR
    subgraph MasterTrack
        MT_Input(Master Input) --> MT_Pan(Pan)
        MT_Pan --> MT_Gain(Gain)
        MT_Gain --> MT_Output(Destination)

    subgraph Track["Track (MIDI/Audio)"]
        Track_Input(Track Input) --> BypassCheck{SoundChain Active?}
        BypassCheck -- Yes --> SC_Input
        BypassCheck -- No --> Track_Pan(Pan)
        SC_Output --> Track_Pan
        Track_Pan --> Track_Output(Track Output)

        Track_InstrumentInput([Instrument Input - MIDI or Audio]) --> Track_Input
        Track_ClipOutput([Clip Output - Audio or MIDI]) --> Track_InstrumentInput


    subgraph SoundChain
        SC_Input(SoundChain Input) --> Chain1_Input
        subgraph Chain1["Chain 1"]
            Chain1_Input(Input) --> Chain1_Instrument["Instrument (SamplerEngine)"]
            Chain1_Instrument --> Chain1_Effects{Effects}
            Chain1_Effects --> Chain1_Pan(Pan)
            Chain1_Pan --> Chain1_Output(Output)
        Chain1_Output --> Chain2_Input

        subgraph Chain2["Chain 2"]
            Chain2_Input(Input) --> Chain2_Instrument["Instrument (SamplerEngine)"]
            Chain2_Instrument --> Chain2_Effects{Effects}
            Chain2_Effects --> Chain2_Pan(Pan)
            Chain2_Pan --> Chain2_Output(Output)
        Chain2_Output --> ChainN_Input

        subgraph ChainN["Chain n"]
            ChainN_Input(Input) --> ChainN_Instrument["Instrument (SamplerEngine)"]
            ChainN_Instrument --> ChainN_Effects{Effects}
            ChainN_Effects --> ChainN_Pan(Pan)
            ChainN_Pan --> ChainN_Output(Output)
        ChainN_Output --> SC_Output(SoundChain Output)

    subgraph ReturnTrack
        RT_Input(Return Input) --> RT_Pan(Pan)
        RT_Pan --> RT_Output(Return Output)

    subgraph Send
        Send_Output(Send Output)

    %% Main Mix Routing
    Track_Output --> MT_Input
    RT_Output --> MT_Input
    Send_Output --> RT_Input

    style MasterTrack fill:#8854d0,stroke:#333,stroke-width:2px
    style Track fill:#6a89cc,stroke:#333,stroke-width:2px
    style SoundChain fill:#38ada9,stroke:#333,stroke-width:2px
    style Chain1 fill:#78e08f,stroke:#333,stroke-width:2px
    style Chain2 fill:#78e08f,stroke:#333,stroke-width:2px
    style ChainN fill:#78e08f,stroke:#333,stroke-width:2px
    style ReturnTrack fill:#fa983a,stroke:#333,stroke-width:2px
    style Send fill:#eb2f06,stroke:#333,stroke-width:2px
    style Track_InstrumentInput dashed
    style Track_ClipOutput dashed
Detailed Engine description

Composition Engine

  • Orchestrates all engine interactions, provides unified API for the UI.
  • Dedicated services for engines.

Automation Engine

Not fully implemented yet. Responsibilites not yet defined, it should handle automation lanes.

Clip Engine

  • MIDI and audio clip management.
  • Clip scheduling.
  • Dedicated services for MIDI clips and Audio clips.

Mix Engine

  • Handles audio routing and signal processing
  • Track, send, and return management.
  • Complex instruments and effects with chains and sound chains.
  • Dedicated services for routing, parameter control and track lifecycle management.

Sampler Engine

  • SFZ instrument loading/parsing
  • Sample pooling with LRU caching
  • Dedicated services for sample loading/caching, SFZ region handling and instrument instance management.

Transport Engine

  • High-precision scheduling.
  • Tempo and time signature control.
  • Dedicated clock service.

Development Roadmap

Current Focus

  • MIDI event routing system
  • Clip transport synchronization
  • Sample-accurate scheduling
  • Clip visualisation


  • FileSystemDirectoryHandle fallback as only FileWithDirectoryAndFileHandle (Blink) is properly used.
  • Automation
  • UI enhancements


Contributions are welcome! Current priority areas:

  • MIDI scheduling
  • Automation
  • Performance optimization


Web-based Digital Audio Workstation

License:GNU General Public License v3.0


Language:TypeScript 97.8%Language:CSS 1.6%Language:JavaScript 0.4%Language:HTML 0.1%