yannicksuter / blender-ani-export

Blender addon to export keyframe information using a obj-like format.

Geek Repo:Geek Repo

Github PK Tool:Github PK Tool

Ani Export Addon for Blender

Blender addon to export keyframe information using a obj-like format.

*.ani File Format

The file format is a hirarchie of information. Information is encoded in line fragments, space delimited tokens and values. The first token indicates the command/content of the line fragment - pretty much like the wavefront OBJ format.

The following structure defines the different commands.


Lines beginning with a hash character (#) are comments.


The configuration at which rate frames are calculated per seconds is encoded with the starting keyword 'fps' followed by the value.

Starting Frame

'start' followed by the frame number, this defines the first frame in the global loop.

End Frame

'end' followed by the frame number defines which frame is the last frame in the global loop.

Mesh association

Very similar to the OBJ file format, the tag 'o [object name]' defines a new keyframing section and the [object name] refers to the object name in the mesh.


The tag 'fc TRANSFORMATION DIMENSION' defines the start of a new track. the TRANSFORMATION is either [location | rotation | scaling] and the DIMENSION defines [0=X | 1=Y | 2=Z].

Track modifier

The tag 'mod' provides track specific modifications. For now the only modifier supported is 'CYCLES' which defines that the track is looping.


The string 'kf' defines a keyframe belonging to the track. This tag is followed by frame and value information (this represents the control point itself). Then the interpolation type can be [CONSTANT | LINEAR | BEZIER].

In case of a bezier interpolation the coordinates of the left handle (before the control point) and the coordinates of the right handle (after the control point).


start 1
end 50
fps 24
o Cone
fc location 0
kf 0 0.000000 CONSTANT
kf 25 0.000000 CONSTANT
kf 50 0.000000 CONSTANT
fc location 1
kf 0 -1.100000 BEZIER -9.760287 -1.100000 9.760287 -1.100000
kf 25 -2.200000 BEZIER 15.239713 -2.200000 34.760288 -2.200000
kf 50 -1.100000 BEZIER 40.239712 -1.100000 59.760288 -1.100000
fc location 2
kf 0 1.000000 LINEAR
kf 25 2.200000 LINEAR
kf 50 1.000000 LINEAR

Version 0.1

  • initial release, basic export of object related keyframes and curve information


Blender addon to export keyframe information using a obj-like format.


Language:Python 100.0%