yanisIk / ng2-clipboard

Angular2 clipboard service to programmaticaly copy any string

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ng2-clipboard is a simple Angular2 clipboard service that responds to one simple need :

  • Ability to copy any string into the clipboard

This package is compatible with Angular2 AoT compiler and can be bundle with RollupJS.


  1. Install the npm package.

    npm install --save @yanisIk/ng2-clipboard
  2. Import Ng2ClipboardModule in your application :

    import { NgModule }         from '@angular/core';
    import { BrowserModule }    from '@angular/platform-browser';
    import { AppComponent }     from './app.component';
    import { Ng2ClipboardModule } from '@yanisIk/ng2-clipboard';
        imports:      [ BrowserModule, Ng2ClipboardModule ],
        declarations: [ AppComponent ],
        bootstrap:    [ AppComponent ]
    export class AppModule { } 
  3. Tells your application how to load ng2-clipboard.

    • Like Angular2 modules
      • All the compiled JS use ES2015 module format. You cannot use them with SystemJS.
      • UMD bundles are available for SystemJS loading.
    • With SystemJS, it can look like :
          paths: {
              'npm:': 'node_modules/'
          map: {
              app: 'app',
              '@angular/core'   : 'npm:@angular/core/bundles/core.umd.js',
              '@angular/common' : 'npm:@angular/common/bundles/common.umd.js',
              // others angular bundles...
              '@yanisIk/ng2-clipboard': 'npm:@yanisIk/ng2-clipboard/bundles/ng2-clipboard.umd.js',
              rxjs: 'npm:rxjs',
          packages: {
              app : {defaultExtension: 'js', main: './main.js'},
              rxjs: {defaultExtension: 'js'}
    • With AoT compilation, you don't have to do anything, .metadata.json files are here for you.
    • With RollupJS, you don't have to do anything either, JS files use ES2015 module.


Inject the ClipboardService service anywhere you need it :

export class MyComponent(){

    constructor(private clipboard: ClipboardService){
        this.clipboard.copy("TEXT TO COPY");
        this.clipboard.onSuccess((e) => console.log("Copy to clipboard successful!"));
        this.clipboard.onError((e) => console.log("Copy to clipboard failed!"));


(c) 2017 Yanis Ikene MIT


Angular2 clipboard service to programmaticaly copy any string
