yangtze736 / westeros

middleware framwork wrap a restful API

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  • Middleware Framwork Wrap a Restful API

Directory info

Dirs Descriptions
include function declaration
lib dependent library
src function definitions
samples use middleware demo
package sourceCode for sqlite
docs middleware tutorial

Build and install(Briefly)

You'll need libcurl, libssl(and probably their dev packages) installed to build it.

From a base Debian or Ubuntu install, this should get you to a point you can build

and run it:

apt-get install libcurl4-openssl-dev libssl-dev

For CentOS or similar,

yum install gcc make curl-devel openssl-devel

Middleware is built and installed like any other open source code.


sudo make
sudo make install


  • There are some middleware custom options(build mode) you must know, type `sudo
  • make BUILD_OBJ=CloudPy` for python, specify build level use option BUILD_LEVEL,
  • type sudo make install BUILD_OBJ=CloudPy to install it. Please configure your
  • runtime environment use : export LD_LIBRARY_PATH=/usr/local/middleware/lib
  • At last, we put some demos in samples dir, maybe there are useful to you.

I'm no autoconf wizard, and there may be dragons lurking there.

Thanks, and I hope you find it useful.



middleware framwork wrap a restful API


Language:C++ 72.0%Language:C 26.7%Language:Shell 0.7%Language:Makefile 0.5%