yangheng95 / yangheng95

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Hi there!

I am a PhD student at the University of Exeter. My research interests include biological sequence modeling, natural language processing, computer vision etc. Please find the details of my study in the following sections. Find me on GitHub or Google Scholar.

Research Topics

  • bio-RNA Sequence pretraining & modeling
  • Textual Adversarial Attack/Defense
  • Sentiment (Coherency) Analysis
  • Code language modeling
  • Diffusion models

First-author Publications

EACL 2024 Findings H Yang, K Li. Improving Implicit Sentiment Learning via Local Sentiment Aggregation

ACL 2023 Findings H Yang, K Li. Boosting Text Augmentation via Hybrid Instance Filtering Framework

EMNLP 2023 Findings H Yang, K Li. InstOptima: Evolutionary Multi-objective Instruction Optimization via Large Language Model-based Instruction Operators

CIKM 2023 H Yang, K Li. PyABSA: A Modularized Framework for Reproducible Aspect-based Sentiment Analysis

IEEE Trans. Softw. Eng. K Li, H Yang, W Visser. Evolutionary Multi-Task Injection Testing on Web Application Firewalls

J Supercomput B Zeng, H Yang, S Liu, M Xu. Learning for target-dependent sentiment based on local context-aware embedding

Neurocomputing H Yang, B Zeng, JH Yang, Y Song, R Xu. A multi-task learning model for Chinese-oriented aspect polarity classification and aspect term extraction

H Yang, K Li. Reactive Perturbation Defocusing for Textual Adversarial Defense (Preprint 2023)

B Zeng, H Yang, R Xu, W Zhou, X Han. LCF: A local context focus mechanism for aspect-based sentiment classification (Applied Sciences 2019).

K Li is my PhD's supervisor. B Zeng was my master's supervisor.

Co-authored Publications

Neurocomputing M Xu, B Zeng, H Yang, J Chi, J Chen, H Liu. Combining dynamic local context focus and dependency cluster attention for aspect-level sentiment classification

Contributions on Huggingface:

Online Demos on Huggingface Space

Pretrained Models on Huggingface Space

Open-source Repositories

Community Contribution


