yangboz / steganoImg2IPFS

verify chatgpt's proof-of-concept of stegano image to IPFS

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verify chatgpt's proof-of-concept of stegano image to IPFS



proof-of-concept of stegano image to IPFS


Steganography is the practice of hiding information within other, seemingly harmless information. One way to implement a proof-of-concept for a steganographic image on IPFS (InterPlanetary File System) would be to use a library or tool that allows you to embed a message or file within an image file and then upload the resulting image to IPFS.

Here is an example of how you might go about creating a proof-of-concept for a steganographic image on IPFS using the Python programming language and the PySteg library:

Install the PySteg library by running pip install pysteg in your terminal. Import the necessary modules in your Python script:

from pysteg.lsb import LSB
from pysteg.common import *

Load the image file that you want to use as the cover image for your steganographic image. You can do this using the imread function from the skimage library:

from skimage.io import imread
cover_image = imread("cover_image.png")

4.Encode the message or file that you want to hide within the cover image using the encode function from the LSB class:

lsb = LSB(cover_image)
encoded_image = lsb.encode("secret message")

5.Save the encoded image to a file using the imsave function from the skimage library:

from skimage.io import imsave
imsave("encoded_image.png", encoded_image)

6.Upload the encoded image to IPFS using the ipfsapi library:

import ipfsapi
api = ipfsapi.connect()
result = api.add("encoded_image.png")

This should give you the hash of the encoded image on IPFS, which you can use to retrieve the image and decode the hidden message or file. Note that this is just one way to implement a proof-of-concept for a steganographic image on IPFS, and there are many other tools and libraries that you can use to achieve the same result.


using fastapi to wrap this PoC as an API for SAAS.


also by chatgpt

Q: proof-of-concept of stegano image to IPFS and app in angularJS


To create a proof-of-concept for a steganographic image on IPFS using AngularJS, you will need to perform the following steps:

Install the necessary dependencies by running the following command in your terminal: Copy code npm install ipfs-api --save npm install file-saver --save npm install @angular/common --save In your AngularJS application, import the ipfs-api and file-saver libraries and inject them into your component or service as dependencies: Copy code import * as ipfsApi from 'ipfs-api'; import * as fileSaver from 'file-saver';

@Injectable() export class MyService { constructor(private ipfs: ipfsApi, private fileSaver: fileSaver) { } } Connect to the IPFS network using the ipfs-api library: Copy code const ipfs = ipfsApi('localhost', '5001'); Use a library or tool that allows you to embed a message or file within an image file, such as the PySteg library that I mentioned in my previous response. You can install PySteg by running pip install pysteg in your terminal. Encode the message or file within the image file using PySteg: Copy code from pysteg.lsb import LSB from pysteg.common import *

cover_image = imread("cover_image.png") lsb = LSB(cover_image) encoded_image = lsb.encode("secret message") Save the encoded image to a file using the imsave function from the skimage library: Copy code from skimage.io import imsave imsave("encoded_image.png", encoded_image) Upload the encoded image to IPFS using the ipfs-api library: Copy code const file = new File(["encoded_image.png"], "encoded_image.png", { type: 'image/png' }); const reader = new FileReader(); reader.onloadend = () => { const buffer = Buffer.from(reader.result as ArrayBuffer); ipfs.add(buffer) .then((response: any) => { console.log(response); }).catch((err: any) => { console.error(err); }); }; reader.readAsArrayBuffer(file);

This should upload the encoded image to IPFS and give you the hash of the image, which you can use to retrieve the image and decode the hidden message or file. You can then use this hash to display the image in your AngularJS app or perform other actions as needed.

Note that this is just one way to implement a proof-of-concept for a steganographic image on IPFS using AngularJS, and there are many other approaches that you can take depending on your specific needs and requirements.

final thoughts

during the verify some pip env issues happen as following:

 Using cached https://mirrors.cloud.tencent.com/pypi/packages/f0/63/c863636becd17a8863d2ad71be9a1a39c9f25901e66c2ae1614fbaa83770/encrypt-0.0.1.tar.gz (2.5 kB)
  Preparing metadata (setup.py) ... done
ERROR: Cannot install encrypt==0.0.1, encrypt==0.0.10, encrypt==0.0.11, encrypt==0.0.12, encrypt==0.0.2, encrypt==0.0.3, encrypt==0.0.4, encrypt==0.0.5, encrypt==0.0.6, encrypt==0.0.7, encrypt==0.0.8 and encrypt==0.0.9 because these package versions have conflicting dependencies.

The conflict is caused by:
    encrypt 0.0.12 depends on python>=2.7
    encrypt 0.0.11 depends on python>=2.7
    encrypt 0.0.10 depends on python>=2.7
    encrypt 0.0.9 depends on python>=2.7
    encrypt 0.0.8 depends on python>=2.7
    encrypt 0.0.7 depends on python>=2.7
    encrypt 0.0.6 depends on python>=2.7
    encrypt 0.0.5 depends on python>=2.7
    encrypt 0.0.4 depends on python>=2.7
    encrypt 0.0.3 depends on python>=2.7
    encrypt 0.0.2 depends on python>=2.7
    encrypt 0.0.1 depends on python>=2.7

To fix this you could try to:
1. loosen the range of package versions you've specified
2. remove package versions to allow pip attempt to solve the dependency conflict

the python env setup must prepared by human , and eat chatgpt's dog food also is human. or chatgpt finetune engineer?


verify chatgpt's proof-of-concept of stegano image to IPFS

License:MIT License