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cheatsheet for chatgpt prompting

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cheatsheet for chatgpt prompting for your reference , and welcome to contribute.

example Roles

1. Act as a Linux Terminal

2. Act as "position" Interviewer

3.Act as JavaScript Console

4.Act as an Excel Sheet

5.Act as an English Teacher

6.Act as a Plaglarism Checker

7.Act as an Advertiser

8.Act as a Relationship Coach

9.Act as a Recruiter

10.Act as Marketer

example Prompts for Designers

1. Generate examples of Ul design requirements for a [mobileappl.

2.How can I design a [law firm website] in a way that conveys trust and authority]?

3. What are some micro-interactions to consider when designing aFintech app?

4.Create a text-based Excel sheet to input your copy suggestionsAssume you have 3 members in your UX writing team.

example Prompts for Developers

1. Develop an architecture and code for a website with ]avaScript

2. Help me find mistakes in the following code

3.1 want to implement a sticky header on my websiteCan you provide an example using CSS and JavaScript?

4. Please continue writing this code for JavaScript

example Prompts for Marketers

1. Can you provide me with some ideas for blog posts about[topic]?

2. Write a product description for my [product or service orcompanyl.

3. Suggest inexpensive ways I can promote my [company]without using social media?

4. How can l obtain high-quality backlinks to improve the SEOof [wesite name]?

C.R.E.A.T.E Formula for Prompt Engineering

C: Character - Define the Al's role. E.g, "You are a seasoned copywriter with 20 years of experience in successful sales copy.

  1. R: Request - Be specific with what you need. Instead of "Write a sales email for a sports car", specify,"Write a compelling email for the Cougar Hyper Sport, an electric car with top-tier acceleration."

  2. E: Examples - Optionally, provide samples for more precise results. Headlines or tone examples can guide the Al's style

  3. A: Adjustments - Refine the prompt if it's not perfect. Use instructions like, "Avoid bullet points, use subheads.

  4. T: Type of Output - Describe the desired format. E.g, "Produce a 500-word article with a title and conclusion.

  5. E: Extras - Incorporate unique instructions. Ex: "lgnore previous conversations. Ex. "Ask questions before answering. Ex: "Explain your thinking." Ex: "Summarize what you know about me in the first person. Ex: "Use data up to 2023." Ex. "Only use reliable sources and cite them. Ex:"Use CAPS LOCK for emphasis." Using the C.R.E.A.T.E formula ensures better results, although it may require more time for prompt creation.

ChatGPT Ultimate Prompting Guide

1.Tone: Specify the desired tone (e.g., formal, casual, informative, persuasive).

2. Format: Define the format or structure (e.g., essay, bullet points, outline, dialogue).

3. Act as: Indicate a role or perspective to adopt (e.g., expert, critic, enthusiast)

4. Objective: State the goal or purpose of the response (e.g., inform, persuade, entertain).

  1. Context: Provide background information, data, or context for accurate content generation.
  2. Scope: Define the scope or range of the topic.
  3. Keywords: List important keywords or phrases to be included.
  4. Limitations: Specify constraints, such as word or character count.
  5. Examples: Provide examples of desired style, structure, or content.
  6. Deadline: Mention deadlines or time frames for time-sensitive responses.
  7. Audience: Specify the target audience for tailored content.
  8. Language: Indicate the language for the response, if different from the prompt.
  9. Citations: Request inclusion of citations or sources to support information.
  10. Points of view: Ask the Al to consider multiple perspectives or opinions.
  11. Counterarguments: Request addressing potential counterarguments.
  12. Terminology: Specify industry-specific or technical terms to use or avoid.
  13. Analogies: Ask the Al to use analogies or examples to clarify concepts.
  14. Quotes: Request inclusion of relevant quotes or statements from experts.
  15. Statistics: Encourage the use of statistics or data to support claims.
  16. Visual elements: Inquire about including charts, graphs, or images.
  17. Call to action: Request a clear call to action or next steps.
  18. Sensitivity: Mention sensitive topics or issues to be handled with care or avoided.


cheatsheet for chatgpt prompting